18 wheels of steel pc xp

18 Wheels of Steel Extreme Trucker 2

18 Wheels of Steel Extreme Trucker 2

Logiciel Windows
A bord de poids lourd, voyagez à travers la Bolivie, l'Australie ou le Bangladesh pour livrer votre cargaison à temps. [...]
[...]Avec plus de 35 plateformes différentes et plus de 70 types de charges, le jeu propose au joueur une expérience de simulation unique. Il pourra tester ses compétences de conduite dans des circonstances extrêmes. Des forêts dangereuses au désert brûlant, en passant par des montagnes escarpées, des routes de glace ou des routes sinueuses de la forêt tropicale, le joueur n'aura pas le temps de souffler. [...] Lire la suite
18 Wheels of Steel Haulin'

18 Wheels of Steel Haulin'

Logiciel Windows
Avez-vous assez de jus pour aller travailler dans une entreprise de camionnage? [...]
[...]Grimpez dans la boîte pour le savoir ! C'est vous qui dirigez les opérations, de la sélection des camions et remorques à l'embauche des camionneurs de votre flotte. La vie sur la route est semée d'obstacles. [...] Lire la suite
18 Wheels of Steel Convoy

18 Wheels of Steel Convoy

Logiciel Windows
Heed the call of the open road, throw the gears in motion and take off in a tractor trailer.
[...]Be your own boss behind the wheel of your big rig. Over 40 cities, over 30 trucks, and much larger variety of cargo compared to the previous titles in the 18 Wheels of Steel franchise. Huge driving distances. [...] Lire la suite
18 Wheels of Steel Pedal to the Metal

18 Wheels of Steel Pedal to the Metal

Logiciel Windows
Take your show on the road. [...]
[...]Drive your rig to make it big and build your business. Money talks when you're in charge, so get the peons to do the driving while you count your cash. You're not only a trucker, you're a tycoon. [...] Lire la suite
Winds of Steel

Winds of Steel

Logiciel Mobile
Experience World War II's most epic and legendary air battles in Asia and Pacific theaters on your Android mobile phone.
[...]Téléchargez celle-là :Pour en savoir plus, que connaitre sur Winds of Steel : Cette application ne pèse que Varie selon les appareils., elle ne nécessitera que peu de place sur votre mobile. Winds of Steel a été mis à jour le 05 septembre 2012. [...] Lire la suite
Epson Print and Scan

Epson Print and Scan

Logiciel Windows

[...]Modèles compatibles: XP-820, XP-821, XP-620, XP-621,XP-625, XP-720, XP-721, XP-520, XP-860, XP-760, XP-220 XP-320, XP-324, XP-420, XP-424, XP-225, XP-322, XP-323, XP-325, XP-422, XP-423, XP-425 WF-100, WF-2660, WF-2661, WF-2650, WF-2651, WF-2630, WF-2631 WF-R5690, WF-R5691, WF-R4640, WF-R5190, WF-M5690, WF-M5190, WF-M5191, WF-6530, WF-6510 WF-6010, WF-6090 Lire la suite
Business Software Icons

Business Software Icons

Logiciel Windows
Business Software Icons presents an impressive collection of XP-style icons for bookkeeping software and alike. [...]
[...]The collection includes enough icons to encompass the whole world of finance. The icons are well-rounded, sleek and crafted in a XP-style. The set is available in different formats and all standard sizes from 16x16 up to 256x256. [...] Lire la suite
The Family Tree of Family

The Family Tree of Family

Logiciel Windows
The program is intended for the preservation of a history and construction of a genealogical tree of families.
[...]Create a detailed list of family members, add biographies, photos and video materials. The program is easy-to-use and features a clear and beautiful interface. Lire la suite
MAPILab Explorer for SharePoint

MAPILab Explorer for SharePoint

Logiciel Windows
Browser of SharePoint object model with support of C# context scripts. [...]
[...]Research of real object structure (.NET Reflection), change of object properties from browser window, prompt testing of code segments of your product, usage of any properties and object fields (including hidden), support of any type libraries (for example, Windows Forms). For Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and SharePoint Portal Server 2007. Freeware. [...] Lire la suite
WINner Tweak

WINner Tweak

Logiciel Windows
WINner Tweak is a tools suite for tweaking, optimizing and tuning of Windows XP/2003/2000.
[...]It helps you increase performance and manage your system using various tweaks and utilities for settings including Windows, Hardware, Security, Network and Software. In addition to the tweaks, the program also offers several additional tools (Power Utilities) that include a Disk Cleaner, Registry Cleaner, Shortcut Cleaner, Uninstall manager, File Shredder, Start-up Manager, Popup Blocker, Password Generator, Internet Cache Analyzer, Process Explorer,Translucenter, Access Limiter and a Folder Protector to prevent access to selected folders. The import and export feature enables to create an export file, that contains specifically selected settings and tweaks.This export file can later be imported into WINner Tweak on the same computer, or to another computer with WINner Tweak. [...] Lire la suite
Free Da Vinci Code Screensaver

Free Da Vinci Code Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Mysteries of centuries!Mysteries of centuries!Mysteries of centuries!Mysteries of centuries!Mysteries of centuries!
[...]One of the most interesting interpretation of messages for the descendants left by Leonardo cannot leave us indifferent. Lire la suite
Call of Duty: Heroes

Call of Duty: Heroes

Logiciel Windows
La version Windows 8 de Call of Duty: Heroes, un mélange subtil de Clash of Clans et Call of Duty...Mais plutôt Clash of Clans.
[...]Rien de bien original à l'horizon, mais toujours de bons moments en perspective si vous aimez les deux licences, leur univers et leur richesse. Lire la suite
XP Artistic Icons

XP Artistic Icons

Logiciel Windows
Enhance software and Web sites with professional XP-style icons.
[...]XP Artistic Icons allow software and Web designers create professional-looking applications with minimum effort. Designed by highly skilled designers, the XP Artistic Icons set contains hundreds of matching images made in strict accordance with Windows XP style guidelines. Lire la suite
Land of Runes

Land of Runes

Logiciel Windows
Remove stacks of colored blocks from ancient memorials located at the base of a fiery volcano.
[...]Bursting with strategy and suspense, Land of Runes can be played for hours on end or for just a few minutes between real life tasks. Lire la suite
Order of War: Challenge

Order of War: Challenge

Logiciel Windows
ORDER OF WAR: CHALLENGE is a multiplayer stand-alone game in the world of ORDER OF WAR(TM), published by Wargaming.net.
[...]With 6 extended modes, 12 unique maps, and hundreds of units under player control ORDER OF WAR: CHALLENGE gives players a battlefield experience of epic scale. Lire la suite
Champions of League of Legends

Champions of League of Legends

Logiciel Mobile
[...]Installable depuis la partie "Loisir et Famille", il est nécessaire d'avoir la version 2.3 ou version ultérieure d'Android pour tourner de la meilleure des manières. Si elle fait partie du peloton de queue, avec pas plus de 5 installations, cette application pourrait devenir un incontournable demain. Si on veut installer une application de qualité, Champions of League of Legends est certainement l'application adaptée à votre demande! [...] Lire la suite
Advanced Bill of Materials

Advanced Bill of Materials

Logiciel Windows
Advanced Bill of Materials is designed to create and maintain bill of materials of products.
[...]For every product Bill of Material can contain purchased and in-house manufactured parts as well as sub-assemblies. Advanced Bill of Materials provides effective control over production costs. User interface makes it easy to create and edit BOMs by selecting parts directly from "Parts", "Assemblies" and "Sub Assemblies" boxes. [...] Lire la suite
Video Wallpaper

Video Wallpaper

Logiciel Windows
Add life to your desktop wallpaper! [...]
[...]With Video Wallpaper you can greatly enhance your desktop by playing videos as background wallpaper. It's similar to the DreamScene feature of Windows Vista Ultimate. But with Video Wallpaper, you can have the Dreamscene effect for any version of Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. [...] Lire la suite
Call Of Duty Legends of War iOS

Call Of Duty Legends of War iOS

Logiciel Mobile
Un véritable jeu de tir à la première personne issu de la franchise Call Of Duty d'Activision.
[...]ici on ne vous parle pas d'un énième service de streaming de jeux, mais bien d'un authentique FPS Call Of Duty développé pour les mobiles. Il s'agit donc d'un jeu Call Of Duty complet, avec sa propre map, de nombreuses fonctionnalités de personnalisation pour les armes et accessoires. Graphiquement, on peut dire que le jeu est une réussite. [...] Lire la suite
ZNsoft Optimizer XP

ZNsoft Optimizer XP

Logiciel Windows
ZNsoft Optimizer XP, vous fait gagner plus 86% des performances de votre Pc, en optimisant votre Windows selon le type de votre utlisation, il fait une éstimation de votre travail, et la performance maximale de votre Pc..
[...]C'est un vrai bijou il permet aussi de vous informez sur votre mémoire vivre et sur vos disques logiques. Dans cette nouvelle version ZNsoft Optimizer Xp vous permet de personnaliser Windows avec Tweak Xp. Lire la suite
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