bluestack closing alone



Logiciel Mobile
ALONE est un parcours artisanal intense de survie à travers l'espace.
[...]Découvrez ALONE... ! Téléchargeable depuis la catégorie "Jeux", elle est téléchargeable sur le Google Play dans la version 1.0.9. Faites attention à ce que vous avez le bon âge avant de l'installer. [...] Lire la suite
free matrix trilogy screensaver

free matrix trilogy screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Have you chosen your pill already? [...]
[...]If you cannot make a choice, do not think you are alone. Dive into fascination of green code and everything becomes evident. Lire la suite
Order of War: Challenge

Order of War: Challenge

Logiciel Windows
ORDER OF WAR: CHALLENGE is a multiplayer stand-alone game in the world of ORDER OF WAR(TM), published by
[...]With 6 extended modes, 12 unique maps, and hundreds of units under player control ORDER OF WAR: CHALLENGE gives players a battlefield experience of epic scale. Lire la suite
RealtyJuggler Real Estate Software

RealtyJuggler Real Estate Software

Logiciel Windows
Organizational Real Estate Software for Realtors and other real estate professionals. [...]
[...]90 day FREE Trial. Track closings, listings, buyers, sellers, prospects, lockboxes and more. Automatic tasks and reminders create a punch-list of common agent activities such as putting up riders, taking pictures, and contacting clients. [...] Lire la suite
Ultimate Tank

Ultimate Tank

Logiciel Windows
Engage in insane tank combat situations. [...]
[...]You are in control of one of latest engineered tank. Your mission is to defend your base. Stand alone against many ground and air enemies and win. [...] Lire la suite
Help Development Studio

Help Development Studio

Logiciel Windows
Help Development Studio is a popular, full-featured, stand-alone help authoring tool, which is designed to create WinHelp, HTML Help, and Web Help files from the same source.
[...]The integrated environment, with its easy-to-use interface, includes all that's necessary for the quick and easy creation of high quality help files. Download your copy now and get a FREE 30-day trial! Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Create secured stand-alone applications from BAT, VBS, JS or WSH scripts. [...]
[...]Ever want to run a BAT file, Visual Basic or JavaScript without needing to open it in a Web browser? Need automated, silent execution? Must create an executable file, but don't want to install a monstrous and expensive development environment? [...] Lire la suite
Personal Mail Server Pro

Personal Mail Server Pro

Logiciel Windows
Fully-featured SMTP/POP3 mail server program with a range of security features and options to use along with any mail client as a personal local SMTP server or as a stand-alone mail server.
[...]You can use the product along with any mail clients that are complaint with the standard SMTP/POP3 protocols. It offers a range of security features and options that allow you to protect the server from DDoS attacks, stop SPAM and spammers. It works in the logoff mode; SMTP gateways and parameterized mailing lists are supported. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Convert your torrents into stand-alone exe files. [...]
[...]Just enter a link or a path to a torrent file and obtain an executable file that will automatically download your torrent. No BitTorrent client is needed. You can publish exe files on your site or blog to make the downloads easy for visitors, send exe files to your friends who don't want to be bothered with installing the client, or else, add extra functionality to your torrent-related site. [...] Lire la suite
4821 album

4821 album

Logiciel Windows
Un freeware inattendu puisqu'il s'agit d'un album de musique. [...]
[...]Après l'album "béta" (la démo), voici l'album presque complet (9 titres) qui se révèle être un régal! Mention spéciale pour "Alone Again" et "ThxU": génial! On oscille entre la musique du film "La leçon de Piano", Moby et des ambiances électro-accoustique. [...] Lire la suite
Work Time Tracker

Work Time Tracker

Logiciel Windows
A time sheet / time tracking software that makes it easy for business managers to keep track of how employees spend time on computer, whether they are working alone, part of an office workgroup, or distributed in virtual offices around the globe.
[...]When used for personal purposes, Work Time Tracker offers durable and comprehensive parental control and self-control. Now you know which sites does your child visit. Lire la suite
Vilongu HTTP SOCKS tunneler

Vilongu HTTP SOCKS tunneler

Logiciel Windows
Vilongu HTTP SOCKS tunneler is a transparent proxy server client for SOCKS/HTTP proxy servers.
[...]It is easy to configure as it can intelligently tunnel the internet traffic alone bypassing the LAN traffic.It is able to run in Windows XP/2003/Vista. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
High-quality, industry-strength PDF library meeting requirements of the most demanding and diverse applications.
[...]VersyPDF is a high-quality, industry-strength PDF library meeting requirements of the most demanding and diverse applications. Using VersyPDF you can write stand-alone, cross-platform and reliable commercial applications that can read, write, and edit PDF documents. Lire la suite
IPSearchLight GeoLocator for ASP.NET

IPSearchLight GeoLocator for ASP.NET

Logiciel Windows
This ASP.Net component tracks users' geographic location including country, state, city or even zip code. [...]
[...]The technology is unintrusive and undetectable - it uses IP address alone. IPSearchLight is beneficial for localization, statistics, security and fraud prevention. Lire la suite
T-RackS CS

T-RackS CS

Logiciel Windows
Home Studiste, voici une application destinée au mixage et au mastering de vos morceaux
[...]Il propose de nombreux processeurs numériques au sein desquels vous trouverez des limiteurs, des compresseurs, des traitements de-esser ainsi que des modules pour optimiser la stereo. T-Racks compile également des versions numériques (émulations) de tranches de consoles analogiques avec des égaliseurs et différents types de filtres. T-Racks est l'outil idéal pour le mastering. [...] Lire la suite
Polystyle Source Code Beautifier

Polystyle Source Code Beautifier

Logiciel Windows
- Free Trial - Automatically reformat other's code in your own style!
[...]Polystyle beautifies C/C++, JSP, Perl, Java, Pascal/Delphi, C#, CSS, Cmac, Javascript, HTML, XML, PHP, and Python. Polystyle can learn practically any style, making configuration easy. You may also use the new Graphical Styler to define your style using simple mouse clicks alone. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Mac
Recevez en temps réel les notifications de votre smartphone Android sur votre Mac grâce à cette application Open Source
[...]Un développeur a donc mis au point Noti, un petit programme open source rendant possible l'affichage des notifications Android sur votre Mac. Contrairement à Push Bullet qui fonctionne avec une extension pour les navigateurs, il s'agit d'une application stand alone qui affiche les SMS et autres notifications reçues sur son Androphone. Son développeur prévoit déjà d'y intégrer l'interface des conversations ainsi que la fonctionnalité d'envoi de fichiers. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
PhotoEchoes is a digital Kaleidoscope that generates awesome images based on photographs stored in your computer. [...]
[...]It can run as a stand alone program (windowed or full screen) or as a screensaver. With the ability to capture and save at high resolution the images and tileable patterns it creates either to a file or directly as the Desktop Wallpaper. Lire la suite
Metadefender Endpoint (OPSWAT GEARS)

Metadefender Endpoint (OPSWAT GEARS)

Logiciel Windows
Une solution gratuite pour évaluer la sécurité de sa machine et supprimer efficacement ses logiciels de sécurité
[...]Cette fonctionnalité baptisée "App Remover " était à l'origine un logiciel stand alone qui a finalement été intégré à Metadefender. Il est en mesure de supprimer des logiciels potentiellement indésirables, mais également les logiciels en lien avec la sécurité de votre machine (programmes de désinfection, antivirus, pares-feu , sauvegarde..). App Remover prend aussi en charge la désinstallation complète des navigateurs web et des logiciels de messagerie instantanée et garantit la suppression des fichiers résiduels. [...] Lire la suite
Advanced GIF Animator

Advanced GIF Animator

Logiciel Windows
A powerful tool for creating animated GIF images, banners, buttons, and even movies.
[...]With this outstanding software, you can create pictures, banners, buttons, and even movies. You can use the built-in image editor or any stand-alone graphics editor to create image files that will be assembled into a GIF animation. Key features: built-in image editor, palette optimization, image size reduction, and multi-language support. [...] Lire la suite
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    Antidote 12, l'allié ultime de vos textes Vous rêvez d'écrire sans fautes, de trouver le mot juste ou de reformuler vos phrases pour les rendre plus percutantes ? [...]
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  • Nouveau Adobe Elements 2025 : la création simplifiée Nouveau Adobe Elements 2025 : la création simplifiée

    Présentation générale La gamme Adobe Elements 2025 est conçue pour ceux qui recherchent une solution créative puissante mais simple d'utilisation. [...]
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  • Parallels Desktop 20 Parallels Desktop 20

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