capture data from serial port to database

Advanced COM Port Redirector

Advanced COM Port Redirector

Logiciel Windows
Redirect all data sent from one serial port to any other serial port with Advanced COM Port Redirector. [...]
[...]Second port, created by this program, is an absolute copy of the first communication port, except its name, and is located on the same computer. COM Port Redirector is helpful when some conventional serial port device is not easily modified. Lire la suite
Serial Port ActiveX Control

Serial Port ActiveX Control

Logiciel Windows
Use Serial Port component to easily communicate with external devices on RS232 connection - as modems, bar code readers, PBX etc.
[...]Use Serial Port component to easily communicate with external devices on RS232 connection, such as modems, bar code readers, PBX and so on. Serial Port introduces several extremely useful properties for detailed setting of serial port, numerous methods to write and read from port and events to control serial port state changes. This professional Serial Port component is compatible with Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000 [...] Lire la suite
Serial Port Splitter

Serial Port Splitter

Logiciel Windows
Serial Port Splitter allows to share dataflow of one COM port between several applications or vice versa to join dataflow of several COM port devices to one application.
[...]Such program universality is achieved by means of virtual serial ports technologies. Moreover Serial Port Splitter allows to setup READ/WRITE or READ ONLY mode for splitted ports and READ/WRITE or WRITE ONLY mode for joined serial ports. Lire la suite
RS232 Data Logger

RS232 Data Logger

Logiciel Windows
RS232 Data Logger redirects data from any available real or virtual serial port and saves it into a text file that can be analyzed later.
[...]RS232 Data Logger redirects data from any available real or virtual serial port and fully works under Virtual Machine (VMWare). This freeware utility performs data gather from multiple serial ports simultaneously. Lire la suite
Serial Port Mapper

Serial Port Mapper

Logiciel Windows
It allows you to map any serial ports to any other ports. [...]
[...]For example you install additional serial port expansion card to computer as COM7 serial port but your favorite software can work with COM1...COM4 ports only. To resolve this problem you can use Serial Port Mapper to map new COM7 port either to COM1 or to COM2...COM4. Now your software can open COM1 port (or COM2...COM4) but actually work with new COM7 port. [...] Lire la suite
Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control

Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control

Logiciel Windows
Create virtual serial port directly from your application and work with it. [...]
[...]You can view parameters information of a virtual serial port, set by other application. From your application you can view and control data sent to virtual serial port by other applications and respond to them by sending your own serial data to virtual COM port, which will be received by all Windows applications like from real port. Features: Flexible set of control functions, Virtual serial port can have any name, Full software serial port emulation, Control lines support (DTR, RTS), High speed data exchange from/to virtual serial port, Virtual serial port could be created and deleted dynamically during runtime, Sample applications for Borland C++ Builder and Delphi and Microsoft Visual C++ and Visual Basic. [...] Lire la suite
Advanced Modem Data Logger

Advanced Modem Data Logger

Logiciel Windows
Advanced Modem Data Logger utilizes RS232,PCI,USB modems to dial and aquisite a data from data sources to file or to Excel.
[...]The program can use AT/TAPI access methods and write the data from several devices together. Advanced Mode Data Logger: an all-in-one software for modem data collection and watching at an affordable price! Lire la suite
Serial Splitter

Serial Splitter

Logiciel Windows
Use Serial Splitter to split serial ports at one side into multiple virtual and real serial ports at the other one, as well as join multiple serial ports into one.
[...]It allows you to share real serial port between several applications in a way that all applications will receive same data from one serial port simultaneously. It is achieved by creating virtual serial ports, which are same copies of real ones. Each application will think that it is working with serial port in exclusive mode. [...] Lire la suite
Virtual Serial Port ActiveX

Virtual Serial Port ActiveX

Logiciel Windows
Create virtual serial port directly from your application and work with it. [...]
[...]Created virtual port looks like real serial port for other Windows applications. From your application you can control data sent to virtual com port by other applications and respond to them by sending your own data to virtual port, which will be received by other applications like from a real one. Lire la suite
Shared Serial Ports

Shared Serial Ports

Logiciel Windows
Shared Serial Ports allows you to share real serial ports between multiple applications. [...]
[...]Shared Serial Ports can be used for serial port emulation, as it connects real serial ports by creating virtual serial ports, which are same copies as real ones. Each application will think that it is working with serial port in exclusive mode. All virtual serial ports will be able to send data to real serial port. [...] Lire la suite
Serial Port Terminal

Serial Port Terminal

Logiciel Windows
Use Serial Port Terminal to connect to remote computer using null-modem, send or receive various types of data over serial line, redirect data into specified file, monitor data exchange between serial devices, troubleshoot modem settings and more.
[...]The application lets you open as many serial ports as you like; dynamically change serial port settings without closing and reopening current port; adjust baudrate, databits, stop bits, flow control parameters; save all received bytes into a file and do lots more. Lire la suite
Serial to Ethernet Connector

Serial to Ethernet Connector

Logiciel Windows
It is a software-based solution that allows you to share serial port devices over TCP/IP network turning your computer into low-cost terminal server.
[...]So, any serial port device connected to COM port could be accessed from anywhere as if it is attached to local PC. It provides the ability to create three different types of connection: Port-to-port, Port-to-TCP client and Port-to-TCP server. Serial to Ethernet Connector uses virtual port technology which emulates real serial ports. [...] Lire la suite
Serial Port Redirector

Serial Port Redirector

Logiciel Windows
Connect a serial application to a remote TCP socket.
[...]This allows you to utilize modern hardware COM servers without changing your software or exchange data between a TCP/IP application and an old-fashioned program that can only connect to a serial port. This is done by creating virtual COM ports. Virtual COM ports accept connections from serial applications and redirect the data to a specified IP address/port. [...] Lire la suite
Serial Port Sniffer ActiveX Control

Serial Port Sniffer ActiveX Control

Logiciel Windows
Serial Port Sniffer is a powerful advanced ActiveX Control that allows your application to sniff (fully monitor and edit data flows) serial port in your system.
[...]Serial Port Sniffer ActiveX Control detects all serial port activity in your system, all applications that work with serial port and all the data that is being sent and received can be easily monitored with Serial Port Sniffer ActiveX Control within your own application. Some of the features are: Allows to monitor and edit serial data streams directly from your application; Unique ActiveX Control - no need to use additional software for monitoring; Wide selection of supported events, methods and properties; Control lines support (DTR, RTS, CTS, RTS); No reboot required during installation and implementation; Usage examples for Microsoft VC++ and Microsoft Visual Basic included. Lire la suite
FlySpeed DB Migrate to SQL Server

FlySpeed DB Migrate to SQL Server

Logiciel Windows
FlySpeed DB Migrate to SQL Server enables rapid migration of MS SQL db structure and data to another database server, or transfer the data to the structure that already exists.
[...]FlySpeed DB Migrate to SQL Server expedites the migration from your current engine into MS SQL. Migrate your entire database complete with structure and data, or transfer data from the source database into an existing structure. Get access your source database via ADO or ODBC, extracting maximum information about the database structures and data. [...] Lire la suite
Eltima Serial Port ActiveX Control

Eltima Serial Port ActiveX Control

Logiciel Windows
Serial Port AX Control d'Eltima est un composant ActiveX puissant qui peut faciliter la communication avec les dispositifs à la connexion rs232.
[...]Il rend la communication avec les dispositifs externes à la connexion rs232 rapide et fiable. Serial Port AX Control permet de commander par port séri tels dispositifs que modems, lecteurs de code barre, dispositifs de navigation et d'autres. Exemples pour Microsoft VC++ et Microsoft Visual Basic inclus. [...] Lire la suite
datAxe TCP IP serial data converter

datAxe TCP IP serial data converter

Logiciel Windows
datAxe is a flexible converter to solve all needs between serial data and TCP/IP on Windows computers.
[...]While running on your PC, datAxe can receive serial data from a COM port of your PC and then send them out to a TCP/IP network through a TCP/IP socket connection on your PC. datAxe can also receive serial data from a TCP/IP network through a TCP/IP socket connection and send them to a serial port on your PC. Lire la suite
FlySpeed DB Migrate to MySQL

FlySpeed DB Migrate to MySQL

Logiciel Windows
FlySpeed DB Migrate to MySQL enables rapid migration of MySQL structure and data to another database server, or transfer the data to the structure that already exists.
[...]It supports ADO, ODBC, Unicode strings and offers unprecedented speed, flexibility of configuration and control over the entire process of migration. The program will benefit any admin who wants to automate routine database operations and make work more hassle-free and productive. Lire la suite
MS SQL Migrate

MS SQL Migrate

Logiciel Windows
MS SQL Migrate will automatically do most operations (Groups, Jobs, Users, Replications, Backups, Grants) when transferring to a new server. [...]
[...]Besides, it can withdraw the data from a database when it has broken. The tool is indispensable when DBCC CHECKDB finds errors that it fails to fix. MS SQL Migrate will do that for you. [...] Lire la suite
Serail Port Monitor ActiveX

Serail Port Monitor ActiveX

Logiciel Windows
Serial Port Monitor ActiveX Control is the component that allows your application to monitor any serial port in your system.
[...]Stability and speed of ActiveX component was greatly improved in this version, new methods and properties were added. This component can be easily extended with your own functionality, delivering new creative opportunities to serial port application development. Lire la suite
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