change password user windows 10

PDF password

PDF password

Logiciel Windows
Password recovery tool for Acrobat PDF (*.pdf) files. [...]
[...]PDF Password recovers user and permission passwords only. PDF Password does not allow to break DRM (Digital Right Management) system. If user password (also known as password to open) is either not set or known, it is possible to remove permission password instantly. [...] Lire la suite
Change Forgotten Password Lite

Change Forgotten Password Lite

Logiciel Windows
Recover and change forgotten passwords in multiple applications. [...]
[...]Did you upgrade your computer and lose your passwords? Have you visited web sites that require you to log in, and allow Microsoft Internet Explorer to cache those logins and passwords? Recover those forgotten passwords and see them in plain text with Change Forgotten Passwords! [...] Lire la suite
OneNote Password

OneNote Password

Logiciel Windows
OneNote Password is a password recovery tool for password-protected OneNote notebooks. [...]
[...]OneNote password protection is based on strong crypto algorithms, so password recovery is a complex task. OneNote Password uses various recovery methods: Plain Dictionary and Hybrid Dictionary attacks, Brute-Force attacks, and Smart-Force (TM) attacks (this dramatically speeds up Brute-Force attacks). An easy-to-use Automatic Mode is also available. [...] Lire la suite
C++ Code Library

C++ Code Library

Logiciel Windows
C++ Code Library is a powerful source code Library shipped with 50,000++ lines of code, quick and powerful search engine, powerful printing capability, password protection, user notes & attachments handeling, favorites & rating support and more!
[...]Built-in library with 50,000++ lines of code 2. Quick and powerful search engine 3. Powerful printing capability 4. [...] Lire la suite
C Code Library

C Code Library

Logiciel Windows
C Code Library is a powerful source code Library shipped with 1000+ lines of code, quick and powerful search engine, powerful printing capability, password protection, user notes & attachments handeling, favorites & rating support and more!
[...]Built-in library with 50,000++ lines of code 2. Quick and powerful search engine 3. Powerful printing capability 4. [...] Lire la suite
Windows 10 va également recevoir une refonte de ses icônes

Windows 10 va également recevoir une refonte de ses icônes

Microsoft a manifestement envie de changer quelques éléments esthétiques dans ses produits. La semaine dernière, nous vous parlions des changements d'icônes dans les produits Office et il semblerait que la firme de Redmond souhaite aller encore plus loin. En effet, des modifications d'icônes et de logos à l'intérieur même de Windows 10 seraient prévues. Des icônes plus modernes pour Windows 10 ? Le porte-parole de chez Microsoft, qui s'est exprimé sur le site Thurrott, a rappelé la difficulté de concevoir un système d'exploitation où tous les logos sont harmonieux : « C'est une entreprise énorme que de construire un système commun et de concevoir 10 icônes en même temps. » explique Jon Friedman, responsable de la conception Office chez Microsoft. [...] Lire la suite
VB.NET Code Library

VB.NET Code Library

Logiciel Windows
VB.NET Code Library is a powerful source code Library shipped with 1000+ lines of code, quick and powerful search engine, powerful printing capability, password protection, user notes & attachments handeling, favorites & rating support and more!
[...]Built-in library with 50,000++ lines of code 2. Quick and powerful search engine 3. Powerful printing capability 4. [...] Lire la suite
DotNet Code Library

DotNet Code Library

Logiciel Windows
DotNet Code Library is a powerful source code Library shipped with 50,000+ lines of code, quick and powerful search engine, powerful printing capability, password protection, user notes & attachments handeling, favorites & rating support and more!
[...]Built-in library with 50,000++ lines of code 2. Quick and powerful search engine 3. Powerful printing capability 4. [...] Lire la suite
PHP Code Library

PHP Code Library

Logiciel Windows
PHP Code Library is a powerful source code Library shipped with 50,000+ lines of code, quick and powerful search engine, powerful printing capability, password protection, user notes & attachments handeling, favorites & rating support and more!
[...]Built-in library with 50,000+ lines of code 2. Quick and powerful search engine 3. Powerful printing capability 4. [...] Lire la suite
CSharp Code Library

CSharp Code Library

Logiciel Windows
CSharp Code Library is a powerful source code Library shipped with 50,000+ lines of code, quick and powerful search engine, powerful printing capability, password protection, user notes & attachments handeling, favorites & rating support and more!
[...]Built-in library with 50,000++ lines of code 2. Quick and powerful search engine 3. Powerful printing capability 4. [...] Lire la suite
Delphi Code Library

Delphi Code Library

Logiciel Windows
Delphi Code Library is a powerful source code Library shipped with 1000+ lines of code, quick and powerful search engine, powerful printing capability, password protection, user notes & attachments handeling, favorites & rating support and more!
[...]Built-in library with 50,000++ lines of code 2. Quick and powerful search engine 3. Powerful printing capability 4. [...] Lire la suite
VB Code Library

VB Code Library

Logiciel Windows
VB Code Library is a powerful source code Library shipped with 1000+ lines of code, quick and powerful search engine, powerful printing capability, password protection, user notes & attachments handeling, favorites & rating support and more!
[...]Built-in library with 50,000++ lines of code 2. Quick and powerful search engine 3. Powerful printing capability 4. [...] Lire la suite
SQL Code Library

SQL Code Library

Logiciel Windows
SQL Code Library is a powerful source code Library shipped with 50,000+ lines of code, quick and powerful search engine, powerful printing capability, password protection, user notes & attachments handeling, favorites & rating support and more!
[...]Built-in library with 50,000+ lines of code 2. Quick and powerful search engine 3. Powerful printing capability 4. [...] Lire la suite
ASP.NET Code Library

ASP.NET Code Library

Logiciel Windows
ASP.NET Code Library is a powerful source code Library shipped with 50,000+ lines of code, quick and powerful search engine, powerful printing capability, password protection, user notes & attachments handeling, favorites & rating support and more!
[...]Built-in library with 50,000++ lines of code 2. Quick and powerful search engine 3. Powerful printing capability 4. [...] Lire la suite
ASP Code Library

ASP Code Library

Logiciel Windows
ASP Code Library is a powerful source code Library shipped with 1000+ lines of code, quick and powerful search engine, powerful printing capability, password protection, user notes & attachments handeling, favorites & rating support and more!
[...]Built-in library with 50,000++ lines of code 2. Quick and powerful search engine 3. Powerful printing capability 4. [...] Lire la suite
Python Code Library

Python Code Library

Logiciel Windows
Python Code Library is a powerful source code Library shipped with 1000+ lines of code, quick and powerful search engine, powerful printing capability, password protection, user notes & attachments handeling, favorites & rating support and more!
[...]Built-in library with 50,000++ lines of code 2. Quick and powerful search engine 3. Powerful printing capability 4. [...] Lire la suite
PowerPoint Password

PowerPoint Password

Logiciel Windows
PowerPoint Password is a recovery tool for password-protected PowerPoint presentations. [...]
[...]PowerPoint password protection is based on strong crypto algorithms, so password recovery is a complex task. PowerPoint Password uses various recovery methods: Plain Dictionary and Hybrid Dictionary attacks, Brute-Force attacks, and Smart-Force (TM) attacks (this dramatically speeds up Brute-Force attacks). An easy-to-use Automatic Mode is also available. [...] Lire la suite
Membership Manager Control

Membership Manager Control

Logiciel Windows
Drag and drop Asp.Net server control provides user interface for managing Asp.Net 2.0 Membership Users. [...]
[...]Use it to locate member records, reset passwords, change user names, enter comments and manage roles. Customize it by setting properties or by using custom templates. Easy to use and works instantly. [...] Lire la suite
Microsoft va enfin séparer les processus de l'explorateur de fichiers dans Windows 10

Microsoft va enfin séparer les processus de l'explorateur de fichiers dans Windows 10

À chaque jour sa dose d'informations sur Windows 10 ! La prochaine mise à jour majeure du système devrait arriver prochainement (si Microsoft respecte son calendrier habituel) et nous continuons à glaner quelques informations sur ce qu'elle va apporter. Aujourd'hui, nous apprenons que Microsoft compte modifier le fonctionnement des processus dans l'explorateur Windows et c'est une sacrée bonne nouvelle ! Pour rappel, l'explorateur Windows est le gestionnaire de fichiers qui permet de naviguer dans les dossiers mais aussi de manipuler les documents. C'est aussi lui qui affiche le bureau, le menu démarrer ainsi que la barre des tâches. [...] Lire la suite
Oups !

Oups !

Ce n'est pas un secret : il devrait normalement y avoir deux mises à jour majeures pour Windows 10 cette année comme c'est le cas chaque année. Et si la firme de Redmond a pour habitude de les dévoiler au printemps et à l'automne, il n'est pas rare que l'entreprise ait des retards au moment du déploiement pour le grand public. Aujourd'hui, nous apprenons, un peu par hasard, que Microsoft aurait légèrement changé ses projets... Windows 10 21H1 arriverait un peu plus tard que prévu... Pour rappel, Windows 10 21H1 devrait être la première grosse mise à jour de l'année pour le système d'exploitation. [...] Lire la suite
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