converter gcode to excel

MDB (Access) to XLS (Excel) Converter

MDB (Access) to XLS (Excel) Converter

Logiciel Windows
"MDB (Access) to XLS (Excel)" vous permet de convertir vos fichiers MDB vers le format XLS (Excel). [...]
[...]Il est très simple à utiliser. Vous pouvez sélectionner les tables à exporter et régler les différentes options. Lire la suite
DBF to XLS (Excel)

DBF to XLS (Excel)

Logiciel Windows
The DBF to XLS (Excel) program allows you to convert your dbf files to XLS (Microsoft Excel) format.
[...]XLS is a wide-used format, many programs allow saving information in XLS format. It is very convenient and MS Excel provides many possibilities for information management. But MS Excel does not understand some types of dbf files, it does not understand memo fields, it does not understand long character fields. [...] Lire la suite
PDF To Excel Converter

PDF To Excel Converter

Logiciel Windows
Une application Windows pour convertir un document PDF vers Excel XLS rapidement et facilement.
[...]Avec PDF Converter Pour Excel, les utilisateurs seront en mesure d'éditer leurs formulaires PDF dans MS Excel en quelques clics. Lire la suite
Office Converter (Word, Excel)

Office Converter (Word, Excel)

Logiciel Mobile
Convertit Word (DOC, DOCX, ODF, ODT, OTT) au format PDF, RTF et TXT.
[...]Avec ses 5 installations, on ne peut pas nier que Office Converter (Word, Excel) n'a pas encore eu énormément de succès auprès des utilisateurs. Malgré cela, si vous disposez d'un appareil qui tourne sous Android, vous ne devriez pas hésiter à tester cette application. Elle mérite peut-être a être plus connue. [...] Lire la suite
MagicScore MIDI to WAV

MagicScore MIDI to WAV

Logiciel Windows
MagicScore MIDI to WAV is easy to use MIDI to WAV and MusicXML to WAV converter with compresion option and userfriendly interface.
[...]Score to WAV; MIDI to WAV converter; MusicXML to WAV converter; Karaoke to WAV converter; MagicScore to WAV converter; Compression supported. Lire la suite
Zilla PDF to TXT Converter

Zilla PDF to TXT Converter

Logiciel Windows
Zilla PDF to TXT Converter is a freeware to convert pdf files to plain text format files in batch mode.
[...]Zilla PDF to TXT Converter also support convert specific pages range to txt files. Lire la suite
Alldj PSP Video Converter

Alldj PSP Video Converter

Logiciel Windows
Alldj PSP Video Converter converts movies to your PSP video formats.
[...]It helps you play your movies on PSP anywhere and anytime. avi to psp, rm rmvb to psp, divx to psp, wmv to psp, mov to psp, mpeg to psp, vob to psp, mpeg1/2 to psp Lire la suite
AnyBizSoft PDF to Excel Converter

AnyBizSoft PDF to Excel Converter

Logiciel Windows
Un outil de conversion pratique pour vous aider à convertir des fichiers PDF en feuilles de calcul Microsoft Excel.
[...]Il conserve après conversion toutes les données ainsi que la mise en page et le formatage des fichiers PDF. Lire la suite
CSV to XLS (Excel)

CSV to XLS (Excel)

Logiciel Windows
Ce logiciel CSV vers XLS vous permet de convertir un fichier CSV (comma-separated value) au format Excel.
[...]Généralement, vous pouvez utiliser n'importe quel délimiteur, comme TAB, virgule etc. Le programme prend en charge les fichiers XLS et XLSX. Lire la suite
Word Converter to PDF

Word Converter to PDF

Logiciel Windows
Pour convertir des documents Word en PDF en préservant la présentation des fichiers d'origine.
[...]Vous pouvez convertir plusieurs fichiers Word ou des dossiers en utilisant l'option de conversion en lots. Total Word Converter fonctionne via l'interface graphique ou la ligne de commande. Lire la suite
Word Converter to PDF

Word Converter to PDF

Logiciel Windows
Pour convertir des documents Word en PDF en préservant la présentation des fichiers d'origine.
[...]Vous pouvez convertir plusieurs fichiers Word ou des dossiers en utilisant l'option de conversion en lots. Total Word Converter fonctionne via l'interface graphique ou la ligne de commande. Lire la suite
ReaJPEG - Image converter to JPEG

ReaJPEG - Image converter to JPEG

Logiciel Windows
ReaJPEG is our popular image converter, allowing you to both convert and edit images from most commonly used graphic formats to JPEG.
[...]You can convert you images to JPEG either one by one or all at once as a batch job. Built-in image editor provides several popular image manipulation functions, including resize, crop, rotate, mirror, brightness, contrast, border, watermark, red eye correction and a dozen of various artistic effects. Batch job automation features include Windows Explorer right-click menu integration and command-line usage capabilities. [...] Lire la suite
ReaTIFF - Image converter to TIFF

ReaTIFF - Image converter to TIFF

Logiciel Windows
ReaTIFF is our popular image converter, allowing you to both convert and edit images from most commonly used graphic formats to TIFF.
[...]You can convert you images to TIFF either one by one or all at once as a batch job. Built-in image editor provides several popular image manipulation functions, including resize, crop, rotate, mirror, brightness, contrast, border, watermark, red eye correction and a dozen of various artistic effects. Batch job automation features include Windows Explorer right-click menu integration and command-line usage capabilities. [...] Lire la suite
Eviosoft iPod Video Suite

Eviosoft iPod Video Suite

Logiciel Windows
Ceci est un ensemble de deux puissants outils : "Video to iPod Converter" et "DVD to iPod Converter".
[...]Il peut convertir toutes les vidéos et films DVD sur iPod, iPod nano, iPod nano 4, iPod touch, iPod touch 2, iPod classic, iPod shuffle au format vidéo MP4. Ce logiciel ne permet pas seulement de convertir des films est mais aussi divers formats audio et les pistes audio de DVD en iPod AAC, MP3, WAV, AIFF, M4A. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Link your Microsoft PowerPoint presentations to Excel sheets, databases and text files in order to display an online presentation or generate a new presentation.
[...]Displays text, pictures, graphs and other OLE objects. Lire la suite
Presentation to Video Converter

Presentation to Video Converter

Logiciel Windows
Presentations to Video Converter allows you to convert PowerPoint presentations into Video, Flash, GIF, DVD without using PowerPoint! [...]
[...]The converting process allows human interaction on PowerPoint content during conversion. Anybody can convert a PowerPoint to Video! Moreover Its a complete DVD burner! [...] Lire la suite
DB Elephant MSSQL to Postgre Converter(1)

DB Elephant MSSQL to Postgre Converter(1)

Logiciel Windows
MSSQL to Postgre Converter is a most accurate MSSQL to Postgre Converter to convert the whole database or any of its parts. [...]
[...]It supports different data types and attributes. MSSQL to Postgre Converter is also good at converting foreign keys. You can exclude any objects (tables, indexes, or fields) to tune your conversion. [...] Lire la suite
Currency Converter

Currency Converter

Logiciel Windows
Free Currencuy converter allow to convert from and to euro, yen, usd, gbp and many other currencies with a real time exchange value. [...]
[...]Easy usage. For example: enter eur to usd or uds to eur or yen euro or gbp eur to obtain the initial ammount converted for free in realtime. Lire la suite
Total Excel Converter

Total Excel Converter

Logiciel Windows
This is the right choice to convert Excel or other spreadsheets to PDF, Word, Text, CSV or Lotus files. [...]
[...]Excel Converter has the widest list of supported formats (including OpenOffice ODT and ODS). Total Excel Converter converts files right from your desktop or can be used via the command line. Always keeps your folder structure in perfect order. [...] Lire la suite
DB Elephant MSSQL to MySQL Converter

DB Elephant MSSQL to MySQL Converter

Logiciel Windows
MSSQL to MySQL Converter is a most accurate MSSQL to MySQL Converter to convert the whole database or any of its parts. [...]
[...]It supports different data types and attributes. MSSQL to MySQL Converter is also good at converting foreign keys. You can exclude any objects (tables, indexes, or fields) to tune your conversion. [...] Lire la suite
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