decrypting oledll

Office Multi-document Password Cracker

Office Multi-document Password Cracker

Logiciel Windows
Office Multi-document Password Cracker provides a simple solution to remove any password (excepting VBA password) from multiple MS Word and Excel documents.
[...]Office Multi-document Password Cracker presents a simple solution for problems with multiple password protected documents in MS Word and MS Excel. It instantly removes passwords and decrypts documents. Its amazing performance is grounded on the expert knowledge of protection specifics and the use of a powerful decrypting server. [...] Lire la suite
Advanced Encryption Package Professional

Advanced Encryption Package Professional

Logiciel Windows
The Windows 7 Compatible file encryption software with ability to encrypt/decrypt/securely delete your files.
[...]Secure file deletion is also supported: U.S. DoD 5200.28, GOST P50739-95 and others. USB Flash Drives can be used as the storage for strong encryption/decryption keys. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
UniView is a powerful image viewer, converter and manipulation tool.
[...]It supports 50+ popular raster, vector and animated image formats, as follows: *.AFI;*.ANI;*.AVI;*.BMP;*.BW;*.CEL;*.CIF;*.CUR;*.CUT;*.DCX;*.DIB;*.DXF;*.EMF;*.EPS;*.GIF(Including animated GIF);*.HG;*.HGL;*.HPG;*.ICO;*.IMG;*.JFIF;*.JPE;*.JPEG;*.JPG;*.MAC;*.PBM;*.PCC;*.PCD;*.PCX;*.PDD;*.PGM;*.PIC;*.PLO;*.PLT;*.PNG;*.PPM;*.PSD;*.PSP;*.PTF;*.RGB;*.RGBA;*.RLA;*.RLE;*.RPF;*.SCR;*.SGI;*.SLD;*.TGA;*.TIF;*.TIFF(Including Multipaged TIFF);*.UFO;*.VST;*.WBMP;*.WMF. Moreover, it provides many functions, including encrypting and decrypting your private images, batch converting and renaming image files with different rules, html album maker, slide show with 140+ special effects, full animation play controls, wallpaper setup, etc. to let you manipulate the image files easily and quickly. [...] Lire la suite
Folder Crypto Password

Folder Crypto Password

Logiciel Windows
Concerned the safety of your data? [...]
[...]It's encryption and password protection. With Folder Crypto Password, you select a folder or folders to be protected, choose one of ten encryption algorithms, enter a password, and press one button. That's it. [...] Lire la suite
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