
Defend and Defeat: Kingdoms

Defend and Defeat: Kingdoms

Logiciel Windows
"Defend and Defeat: Kingdoms" est un jeu médiéval de stratégie.
[...]Construisez une cité médiévale unique défendez la contre les hordes du mal du Lord Griffenwald. Lire la suite
The Enchanting Islands

The Enchanting Islands

Logiciel Windows
Collect elements, cast spells and defeat ferocious guardians in your quest to return life to a fairy-tale realm!
[...]Collect elements, cast spells and defeat ferocious guardians in your quest to return life to a fairy-tale realm! Lire la suite
Absolute Survival

Absolute Survival

Logiciel Windows
In a not so distant future the Earth is under attack. [...]
[...]You are an elite soldier. Your mission is to defeat the evil alien monsters. Over two dozen action-packed levels await you. [...] Lire la suite
Arctic Quest

Arctic Quest

Logiciel Windows
Setting up a palace on the edge of the arctic wasteland, the Snow King's chilly spirit took pleasure in expanding his kingdom beyond the North Pole. [...]
[...]You have the strong mind and passionate heart needed to defeat him. Will you accept the quest? Lire la suite
Rikki and Mikki: To The Rescue

Rikki and Mikki: To The Rescue

Logiciel Windows
Choose your hero and then set out to blast monsters and collect gold in Rikki
[...]Features three beautiful game worlds and an assortment of wacky enemies to defeat! Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Travel the pyramids of the Mayawaka to bring joy back to your people, brave hero.
[...]The journey will be treacherous, but you must defeat the lords of the underworld and their dark plans for humanity. Lire la suite
CN Superstar Soccer

CN Superstar Soccer

Logiciel Mobile
Join all your favorite cartoons and defeat your competition to take home the biggest prize in the soccer world: The Superstar Soccer Championship Cup!...
[...]Le créateur de CN Superstar Soccer peut être content de sa création puisqu'elle a obtenu la belle note de 4.0 étoiles par les personnes l'ayant téléchargée. Avec cette belle moyenne, CN Superstar Soccer se positionne avec les meilleures applications de la catégorie Jeux." N'hésitez pas à faire découvrir cette application à vos amis ou à vos enfants. Nous sommes certains que cette application leur plaira !" Au terme de l'analyse," ce qui est bien avec android, c'est que l'on compte énormément d'applications qui sont gratuites, CN Superstar Soccer ne déroge pas à cette règle et offre ses fonctionnalités gratuitement." [...] Lire la suite
Alien Sky

Alien Sky

Logiciel Windows
Faites un raid contre les forces aliens pour éliminer toute menace pour votre propre planete.
[...]Vous rencontrerez beaucoup de vaisseaux aliens différents, vous pourrez améliorer votre armement avec des armes en bonus, afin de détruire les barrières ennemies et renverser leurs puissants chefs. Plein d'effets spéciaux, une technique unique pour chaque niveau, une musique et des effets sonors sympas, un classement mondial sur internet, et plus encore. Take a raid deep into alien force positions to eliminate the threat for your homeworld. [...] Lire la suite
Island Wars 2

Island Wars 2

Logiciel Windows
Deep in the South Pacific, two islands battle over their palm trees! [...]
[...]warm sun, clear skies, crystal waters, and... two islands obsessed with destroying each other's palm trees! Hop in your biplane and bomb the enemy island, or use your cannon to protect your own. [...] Lire la suite
The Last Sorceror

The Last Sorceror

Logiciel Windows
An action game in which you use your arsenal of spells to defeat enemy hordes.
[...]Hordes of ugly, violent creatures swarm towards you. You're in luck. This isn't the rush hour on the London Underground, it's Gauntlet-like game "The Last Sorceror". [...] Lire la suite
Island Wars 2 Christmas Edition

Island Wars 2 Christmas Edition

Logiciel Windows
Deep in the South Pacific, two islands battle over their Christmas trees! [...]
[...]although it's Christmas time, those two little islands are still fighting over their Christmas trees! Hop in your sled and bomb the enemy island, or use your cannon to protect your own. Engage in aerial dogfights while collecting bonuses to defeat 10 opposing islands and 50 invasion waves. [...] Lire la suite
Coin World

Coin World

Logiciel Windows
Coin World is a platform game that combines arcade action, excellent 3D pre-rendered graphics and addictive gameplay.
[...]Take control of "Colin the Coin" in his battle to defeat the evil bank note Flash and to retrieve the lost coins. Flash has scattered the coins throughout England, Scotland, the USA, Egypt and Japan and has left some "friends" to guard them. Take too long on a level though, and Flash will make an appearance himself! [...] Lire la suite
Coin Planets

Coin Planets

Logiciel Windows
Colin the Coin is back in his latest adventure featuring 45 exciting levels of pure platform fun with excellent 3D rendered graphics and animation.
[...]Colin the Coin is back in his latest adventure. Colin's arch-enemy Flash the Cash is up to his old tricks again and has stolen a large amount of priceless coins and scattered them throughout the solar system! Run, jump, bounce, teleport and surf your way through the 45 exciting levels featuring 9 different planets. [...] Lire la suite
Zapya for Android 4.1.5

Zapya for Android 4.1.5

Logiciel Mobile
Zapya, the fastest way to share files wirelessly!
[...]Using Zapya will allow you to transfer files from Androids, iPhones, iPads, Windows Phones, Tizen, PCs, and Mac computers in an instant. It's not only about the speed, but it is also that there is no cost to the user. Zapya is super easy to use and supports multiple languages! [...] Lire la suite
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