degit component delphi

TMStringGrid component for Delphi

TMStringGrid component for Delphi

Logiciel Windows
TMStringGrid est un composant standard entièrement fonctionnel permet : 1. [...]
[...]La fusion de cellules 2. L'alignement du texte dans une cellule. 3. [...] Lire la suite
TsiLang Components Suite

TsiLang Components Suite

Logiciel Windows
TsiLang is a software localization component suite for Delphi, C++Builder and Kylix developers. [...]
[...]The suite supports all languages and can do both internal (inside executable file) and external (separate file or library) localization. Access to the Global Public Translation Database (GPTD) allows you to localize your software interface to most European languages without paying a translator. Delphi Informant Magazine's Best Globalization Tool 2004 [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
DAC for MySQL (also known as MySQLDAC) is the most powerful component suite for Delphi/C++Builder/ MySQL. [...]
[...]Cette suite de composants vous permet de créer des applications Delphi/C++Builder avec un accès direct à la base de données MySQL sans BDE ni ODBC. Les champs BLOB sont pris en charge. MySQLDAC a été développé pour faciliter la migration des projets existants du schéma BDE/ODBC vers le schéma natif. [...] Lire la suite
Delphi ZIP Component ZipForge

Delphi ZIP Component ZipForge

Logiciel Windows
ZipForge is an advanced Delphi ZIP component, written completely in Delphi. [...]
[...]ZipForge features include SFX archives support, repair, strong encryption, unicode filenames support, Zip64, splitting and multi-spanning support. Full source code is available. No external depenancies. [...] Lire la suite
Yahoo Contacts Delphi Component

Yahoo Contacts Delphi Component

Logiciel Windows
Composant Delphi qui permet l'accès aux contacts Yahoo en utilisant l'API Yahoo. [...]
[...]Supporte Delphi 7 et plus et travaille directement avec l'API officielle Yahoo! Contacts. Lire la suite
SyncML Delphi Component

SyncML Delphi Component

Logiciel Windows
Un composant Delphi qui vous permet de travailler avec les serveurs SyncML utilisant Delphi.
[...]Vous serez en mesure d'accéder et travailler avec le calendrier, contacts, tâches et notes. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
FastCube vous permet d'analyser des données et de construire des tables récapitulatives aussi bien que de créer divers rapports et graphiques facilement et instantanément.
[...]Il supporte Delphi 5, Delphi 6, Delphi 7, Delphi 2005, Delphi 2006/Turbo Delphi, Delphi 2007, Delphi 2009, C Builder 6, C Builder 2007, C Builder 2009, CodeGear RAD Studio 2009, Lazarus. # Vous pouvez construire des composants FastCube dans l'interface des applications crées. Lire la suite
CalDAV Calendar Delphi Component

CalDAV Calendar Delphi Component

Logiciel Windows
Composant Delphi qui permet d'accéder et de travailler avec Calendriers CalDAV.
[...]Supporte Delphi 7 et plus. Lire la suite
Google Calendar and Contacts Component

Google Calendar and Contacts Component

Logiciel Windows
Un composant Delphi qui vous permet de travailler avec des calendriers Google et contacts.
[...]Le composant soutient Delphi 7 et plus et travaille directement avec l'API officielle de Google Calendar et Contacts . Lire la suite
Serial Port Monitoring Control

Serial Port Monitoring Control

Logiciel Windows
Serial Port Monitoring Control ActiveX Component (SPMC) - RS232 Data Acquisition and Com Port Control Component Library, Modem Access Component.
[...]Connection Sniffer and Port Test Software Library. The library lets you enumerate all installed serial devices, including, but not limited to serial ports and modems. All kind of PnP serial devices as well as virtual devices are also supported. [...] Lire la suite
RichView (Delphi version)

RichView (Delphi version)

Logiciel Windows
Suite de composant natifs pour Delphi/C++Builder pour l'affichage, l'édition, et l'impression de documents hypertextes.
[...]Les documents peuvent contenir des textes avec des caractères aux attributs variés, tableaux, images, contrôles C++Builder. Alignement à gauche, droite, centrage, justification des paragraphes, marges personnalisées, listes, images de fond, aperçu avant impression, export HTML, import export au format RFT et plus... Lire la suite
VisioForge Video Info SDK (Delphi Version)

VisioForge Video Info SDK (Delphi Version)

Logiciel Windows
VisioForge Video Info is a Delphi control that allows programmers to easily get information from any video file.
[...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Un obfuscateur de code source pour Delphi. [...]
[...]Cinq scripts qui obscurcissent le code source Delphi. Un bon moyen de dissuasion contre l'ingénierie inverse. Lire la suite
Devrace FIBPlus for Borland InterBase and Firebird

Devrace FIBPlus for Borland InterBase and Firebird

Logiciel Windows
The simplest and most flexible suite of direct access components to InterBase and Firebird.
[...]FIBPlus combines simplicity of architecture with development convenience that enables to create powerful and effective applications. FIBPlus allows use of all Interbase features and benefits: array-fields, blob-fields, generators and full control of transactions, support of all standard and third-party visual data-aware components, special features for optimization of InterBase network traffic and a set of special design-time experts. For more information on FIBPlus, visit [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
The aaxRegistry ActiveX Control is a component that gives you an easy access to the Windows Registry.
[...]With this component, you can: - Open / Create / Delete keys and subkeys; - Read / Write / Delete values of any type; - Enumerate keys, subkeys and value. This component comes with full documentation and many Visual Basic samples. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
The aaxIniFile ActiveX Control is a component that gives you an easy access to any standard .ini initialization file.
[...]With this component, you can: - Open standard .ini files; - Read / Write string and numeric values; - Enumerate sections and keys This component comes with full documentation and many Visual Basic samples. Lire la suite
CAD Import VCL

CAD Import VCL

Logiciel Windows
DXF DWG PLT HPGL SVG CGM importation des instruments pour Delphi et C++ Builder les developpeurs d'Entrepreneur. [...]
[...]Descendants de TGraphic pour chaque format. Le telespectateur de TGraphic a fourni. Code source de Delphi. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
The aaxDriveManager ActiveX Control is a component that gives you an easy access to manage disk and CDROM drives.
[...]With this component, you can: - Eject CD and media; - Query for drive types and availability; - Get drive capacity and free space; - Get/Set volume label This component can be used with disk drives, CD-ROM drives, floppy drives, etc. This component comes with full documentation and many Visual Basic samples. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
The aaxBattery ActiveX Control is a component that gives you the state of the battery on your laptop/notebook computer.
[...]With this component, you can: - Get the battery life in percent and time; - Get the charging status of the battery; - Get the AC Line state; This component comes with full documentation and many Visual Basic samples. Lire la suite
DAC for EnterpriseDB

DAC for EnterpriseDB

Logiciel Windows
DAC for EnterpriseDB is a BDE replacement for Delphi and BCB. [...]
[...]It allows you to create Delphi/BCB5 applications with direct access to EnterpriseDB without BDE and ODBC. The migration-friendly interface of DAC for EnterpriseDB is BDE-like and TDataSet compatible. Royalty free. [...] Lire la suite
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