driver chipset and msi ms 482 m4

DBSync for Firebird and MS SQL

DBSync for Firebird and MS SQL

Logiciel Windows
DBSync pour Firebird et MS SQL est un outil de synchronisation et de conversion rapide de base de données Firebird pour serveur MS SQL. [...]
[...]Support de l'Unicode, clés primaires et la conversion des indexes. Insert, Update and Drop synchronisation. Lire la suite
DBConvert for Firebird and MS SQL

DBConvert for Firebird and MS SQL

Logiciel Windows
Outil de conversion bi-directionnel de bases de données Firebird et MS SQL. [...]
[...]Convertir de Firebird db vers MS SQL Dump afin surmonter les restrictions serveur. Support de l'Unicode, des clés primaires dt les index de conversion. Lire la suite
DBSync for Oracle and MS SQL

DBSync for Oracle and MS SQL

Logiciel Windows
Un outil rapide et précis de conversion et de synchronisation de base de données Oracle à MS SQL Server. [...]
[...]Support de l'Unicode, des clés primaires et conversion des index, support des sessions. Insert, Update et Drop sync. Lire la suite
DBConvert for Oracle and MS SQL

DBConvert for Oracle and MS SQL

Logiciel Windows
Un outil de conversion rapide et précis de base de données Oracle vers MSSQL. [...]
[...]La migration Oracle db à MSSQL surmonte les restrictions serveur. Support de l'Unicode, des clés primaires et conversion des Index. Lire la suite
Advanced Office Repair

Advanced Office Repair

Logiciel Windows
Advanced Office Repair(AOFR) is a Microsoft Office data recovery suite.
[...]It includes recovery tools for corrupt or damaged MS Access databases (MS Access 95, 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007), MS Excel worksheets (MS Excel 3, 4, 5, 95, 97, 2000, XP and 2003), MS Word documents (MS Word 6.0, 95, 97, 2000, XP and 2003), MS Outlook data files (MS Outlook 97, 98, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007), and MS Outlook Express dbx and mbx files (MS Outlook Express 4, 5 Lire la suite
DBConvert for SQLite and MSSQL

DBConvert for SQLite and MSSQL

Logiciel Windows
DBConvert for SQLite and MS SQL is a tool for a quick and accurate database conversion from SQLite database to MS SQL server. [...]
[...]DBConvert features: Unicode Support, Primary keys and Indexes conversion, Interactive multilingual (GUI) mode/command line mode, preverification of possible conversion errors, the ability to use MS SQL Dump if you don't have a direct access to MS SQL server, etc. Lire la suite
DBSync for MS SQL & MySQL

DBSync for MS SQL & MySQL

Logiciel Windows
DBSync for MS SQL & MySQL with scheduler performs MS SQL to MySQL and MySQL to MS SQL database conversion with synchronization and ability to choose particular tables for synching simply by configuring options in wizard-like application.
[...]Ability to organize application work using command line parameters is supplemented with scheduler so you can run the program without user input after having scheduled it once. Lire la suite
DBSync for SQLite and MSSQL

DBSync for SQLite and MSSQL

Logiciel Windows
DBSync for SQLite and MSSQL converter and synchronizer provides SQLite to MS SQL and MS SQL to SQLite data migration and synchronization with the ability to choose particular tables to be converted by configuring options in a wizard-like application.
[...]Insert sync, Update sync and Drop sync features enable you to accomplish overall synchronization and to keep distributed databases in agreement. Lire la suite
Parallels Workstation for Windows

Parallels Workstation for Windows

Logiciel Windows
Parallels Workstation enables users to run multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OS/2, eComStation, Sun Solaris and MS-DOS, simultaneously on one physical machine without partitioning or rebooting.
[...]It empowers any user to create completely networked, totally secure independent, maximally stable virtual machines on a single physical machine. Virtual machines can run nearly any OS, including Windows XP/2003/Vista, Linux, FreeBSD, OS/2, eComStation, Sun Solaris and MS-DOS. The product is available at the low price of $49.99. [...] Lire la suite
Parallels Workstation for Linux

Parallels Workstation for Linux

Logiciel Linux
Parallels Workstation enables users to run multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OS/2, eComStation, Sun Solaris and MS-DOS, simultaneously on one physical machine without partitioning or rebooting.
[...]It empowers any user to create completely networked, totally secure independent, maximally stable virtual machines on a single physical machine. Virtual machines can run nearly any OS, including Windows XP/2003/Vista, Linux, FreeBSD, OS/2, eComStation, Sun Solaris and MS-DOS. The product is available at the low price of $49.99. [...] Lire la suite
InstallAware Express MSI Installer

InstallAware Express MSI Installer

Logiciel Windows
The InstallAware MSI Builder builds sophisticated, visually appealing setups with support for the latest technologies, including IIS, Microsoft/Oracle/MySQL database servers, Web Updates, Partial Web Deployment, DIFx Driver installs, and Windows 8.
[...]Setups are compressed up to 67% smaller than their MSI installer counterparts. Lire la suite
DOVICO Track-IT Suite

DOVICO Track-IT Suite

Logiciel Windows
DOVICO Track-IT Suite is an award winning software solution that monitors project costs, employee timesheets, and expenses. [...]
[...]Timesheets and Expenses are gathered through the use of advanced technologies including Windows, Web, Palm PDA's, and most web-enabled Cell Phones. Includes Automated job tasking, reporting, backup, and employee notifications. CMMI, SOX, DCAA Compliancy [...] Lire la suite
VOIP Quick Guide

VOIP Quick Guide

Logiciel Windows
This VOIP technology quick guide covers all related technologies: SIP, H.323 and xGCP signaling architecture and technologies, VOIP transport and QoS technologies, and video and audio codecs.
[...] Lire la suite
ASPNet Spell

ASPNet Spell

Logiciel Windows
The AspNetSpell component provides an international spellcheck for your ASP.Net web forms. [...]
[...]It can be installed and integrated into most applications in a few minutes. AspNetSpell behaves very similarly to MS Word's own spellchecker, making it familiar to users. The software includes familiar features such as Grammar Checking and Personal Dictionaries. [...] Lire la suite
Add-in Express 2008 for Outlook Express

Add-in Express 2008 for Outlook Express

Logiciel Windows
Visual RAD toolkit for developing secure, managed, isolated, version-neutral plugins for Outlook Express and Windows Mail.
[...]Add-in Express provides you with unified extensibility model based on familiar interfaces and objects of MS Office and Outlook, visual designers for customizing Outlook Express menus and toolbars, advanced view and form regions and more. It directly supports VB .NET, C#, C++ and RO Chrome. Lire la suite
Office Multi-document Password Cracker

Office Multi-document Password Cracker

Logiciel Windows
Office Multi-document Password Cracker provides a simple solution to remove any password (excepting VBA password) from multiple MS Word and Excel documents.
[...]Office Multi-document Password Cracker presents a simple solution for problems with multiple password protected documents in MS Word and MS Excel. It instantly removes passwords and decrypts documents. Its amazing performance is grounded on the expert knowledge of protection specifics and the use of a powerful decrypting server. [...] Lire la suite
DBSync for MS FoxPro & MS SQL

DBSync for MS FoxPro & MS SQL

Logiciel Windows
DBSync for MS FoxPro & MS SQL with scheduler performs MS FoxPro to MS SQL and SQL to FoxPro database conversion with synchronization and ability to choose Insert, Update or/and Drop types of synchronization.
[...]The ability to organize application work using command line parameters is supplemented with a scheduler so you can run the program without user control having scheduled task once. Lire la suite
Driver Updater

Driver Updater

Logiciel Windows
Automatically update and install all your drivers. [...]
[...]Driver Updater will scan your computer for outdated or missing drivers and provide you with an easy way to download and install the latest driver versions, which effectively resolves driver-related system errors and device malfunctions. With access to a comprehensive database of over 200,000 drivers, you can be sure you will always have the latest updates and enjoy uninterrupted device operation. SAVES TIME and ensures efficiency [...] Lire la suite
DBConvert for MS FoxPro & MS SQL

DBConvert for MS FoxPro & MS SQL

Logiciel Windows
DBConvert for MS FoxPro
[...]Features: Unicode Support, Primary keys and Indexes conversion, Interactive multilinqual (GUI) mode / command line mode, data filters, renaming of tables, fields and indexes before conversion. You can also save data to dump file that allows you to get over any restrictions on access to MS SQL server. Lire la suite
HTMLPad 2011

HTMLPad 2011

Logiciel Windows
Quick and powerful HTML, XHTML, CSS and web script editor. [...]
[...]Clean and convenient interface, quick startup, true flexibility and powerful features allow you to create and edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and ASP code faster and easier than ever, while integrated tools enable you to validate, reuse, navigate and deploy your code in an efficient and sophisticated manner. Lire la suite
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