email software télécharger for pc

Emailing pro

Emailing pro

Logiciel Windows
Emailing Pro is a free email software for emailing your messages and documents.
[...]Extremely advanced management of incorrect email addresses.Benefit from a professional solution. New integrated HTML editor: give free rein to your creativity and put computer capabilities at work with your marketing strategy, not the other way around! The software is available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, and Portuguese. [...] Lire la suite
Email for Exchange

Email for Exchange

Logiciel Mobile
Courrier Wise - il suffit de lire ce que vous devez. [...]
[...]Avec Email for Exchange , Mail Wise nous offre une application vraiment complète ! Les votants qui ont installé cette application lui ont attribué une note de 4,5 sur 5. Si on veut installer une application de bonne facture, Email for Exchange est sans aucun doute l'application qu'il vous faut! [...] Lire la suite
1st Mail Bomber-Pro

1st Mail Bomber-Pro

Logiciel Windows
Professional mass mailer, bulk mailer, email software for fast sending personalized emails and mailing list management, email-based subscription on web site.
[...]It allows you to organize email-based subscription on your web site and to send newsletters, information and notifications to a large number of recipients. You can create and manage thematic mailing lists, import recipients from any files, and to generate personalized messages from predefined templa Lire la suite
Email Recovery for MS Outlook

Email Recovery for MS Outlook

Logiciel Windows
En cas de suppression accidentelle ou corruption de fichiers PST d'Outlook, "Email Recovery for MS Outlook " est exactement ce dont vous avez besoin pour récupérer vos données Outlook.
[...]Il peut réparer les fichiers PST, après suppression, formatage du disque ou réinstallation de Windows. C'est le programme de récupération capable d'effectuer une telle opération complexe ! En outre, il traite également avec les fichiers PST protégées par mot de passe, pour rendre leurs contenus accessibles. [...] Lire la suite
Vemail Voice Email Software for Windows

Vemail Voice Email Software for Windows

Logiciel Windows
Vemail is software that lets you record and send voice messages instead of text using ordinary email from you PC or Pocket PC.
[...]To send a voice message with Vemail simply enter an email address and then press and hold down F6 while speaking. When you have finished recording, the message will be compressed and sent as an email automatically. Vemail can be played with the standard player installed in most PCs. [...] Lire la suite
IEmailer - Bulk Email Marketing Software

IEmailer - Bulk Email Marketing Software

Logiciel Windows
Bulk Email Marketing Software, Auto Build Your Email List (On The Fly) Send Millions of Customized Bulk Emails Today.
[...]Our program is the ONLY product available online that can build and create a mailing list out from scratch and sending emails to each email address at the same time on the fly! Lire la suite
MailCOPA Email Software

MailCOPA Email Software

Logiciel Windows
MailCOPA, simply the best email software available. [...]
[...]It is the most powerful out-of-the-box email software you can purchase to date. Not only is MailCOPA easy to use but it is pre-configured to aggressively combat SPAM and viruses and is fully multi-user and multi-machine capable allowing you to share email between users. In addition to being a great help to small and medium sized businesses, MailCOPA also has some great features for home users. [...] Lire la suite
Recover My Email - Mail Recovery Software

Recover My Email - Mail Recovery Software

Logiciel Windows
Recover My Email is mail recovery software for Microsoft Outlook (PST) and Outlook Express (DBX) files.
[...]Recover My Email examines your Microsot Outlook PST file. The download version allows you to preview the deleted messages. If you locate the deleted messages, register the program to activate the "save messages" feature. [...] Lire la suite
QPack - Application Lifecycle Management

QPack - Application Lifecycle Management

Logiciel Windows
QPack by Orcanos - the leading solution for Application Lifecycle Management - ALM 2.0 - Requirements Software Solution - for software developement and for medical devices development, medical software testing, medical device software validation.
[...]Complete and structured solution or a software project, from requirements definition, through design and specs to customer delivery - the complete Application Lifecycle Management solution. Lire la suite
Billing Organizer Pro

Billing Organizer Pro

Logiciel Windows
Billing software for all kinds of professionals: lawyers, developers, consultants, artists, constructors, designers, architects, accountants, programmers, doctors...
[...]our software is for anyone who bills for service, labor, material. Easily manage customers data, billing items / expenses. Print invoices, mailing labels, summary reports. [...] Lire la suite
G-Lock EasyMail

G-Lock EasyMail

Logiciel Windows
G-Lock EasyMail is the most effective and economical way to do permission-based email marketing, create and send opt-in email newsletters in minutes!
[...]You can easily manage opt-in mailing lists for your subscribers, create personalized messages such as HTML newsletters, e-magazines, account statements, reports, statistics, bills to your customers and send them with G-Lock EasyMail in just minutes. Lire la suite
Email Marketing Courier for Mac

Email Marketing Courier for Mac

Logiciel Mac
Logiciel de marketing email ciblé et de publipostage personnalisés, utilisant plusieurs listes de diffusion avec modèles de message texte ou HTML.
[...]Il utilise plusieurs comptes SMTP, et un programmateur pour l'envoi des messages sans goulet d'étranglement. Lire la suite
Email Recovery for Outlook Express

Email Recovery for Outlook Express

Logiciel Windows
Solution de récupération d'Outlook Express, ce soft vous permet de restaurer des emails et pièces jointes des fichiers DBX corrompus ou supprimés en raison de problèmes de matériel, virus, de formatage, problèmes de compactage ou pour toute autre raison.
[...] Lire la suite
Email Recovery for Mozilla Thunderbird

Email Recovery for Mozilla Thunderbird

Logiciel Windows
De toutes les fonctions solution de récupération des e-mail pour Thunderbird, ce programme restaure même après un compactage.
[...]Le logiciel permet de récupérer des emails perdus à cause de crash disque dur, d'un formatage, d'une attaque de virus, ou toute autre raison. Lire la suite
Outgoing Email Checker for Outlook

Outgoing Email Checker for Outlook

Logiciel Windows
Un Add-in pour Microsoft Outlook qui permettra avant d'envoyer vos e-mails, de les vérifier avec des conditions spécifiées dans des règles.
[...]Vous pouvez créer une règle à l'aide d'un modèle ou la créer à partir zéro. Cet add-in de rappel vous aidera à éviter les erreurs les plus courantes comme d'oublier d'une pièce jointe ou de remplir le champ Objet. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
PrintMonitor is a perfect software tool for print devices management.
[...]It is used as a monitoring and statistics gathering software system for large organizations, printing businesses and internet cafes. PrintMonitor is a handy print monitoring and management tool. It is widely used as by large and small businesses, printing companies, and Internet cafes for printing administration, statistics gathering, and managing of print processes. [...] Lire la suite
Email Undelete for Mozilla Thunderbird

Email Undelete for Mozilla Thunderbird

Logiciel Windows
Récupérer d'important courriels de Thunderbird en quelques clics !
[...]Peu importe la raison de la perte, le logiciel vous permettra de revenir en arrière et de récupérer les messages sélectionnés ou même toute votre correspondance. Le logiciel supporte les protocoles POP3 et IMAP. Lire la suite
Invoice Organizer Pro

Invoice Organizer Pro

Logiciel Windows
Invoice Organizer Pro is a flexible invoicing and billing software for all kinds of professionals such as lawyers, artists, constructors, developers, consultants, field experts, designers, architects, accountants, programmers, ..
[...]our invoice software is for anyone who bills for labor and/or material. Lire la suite
Stockroom Organizer Pro

Stockroom Organizer Pro

Logiciel Windows
Stockroom Organizer Pro for Windows: easy to use stockroom inventory management software for a small warehouse or storage facility.
[...]Our software gives you an easy way to catalog, manage and track all your items and process incoming and outgoing transactions. Lire la suite
Chrysanth Mail Manager

Chrysanth Mail Manager

Logiciel Windows
Chrysanth Mail Manager is a very effective email management software to help users keep mailboxes from junk emails.
[...]This email management software identifies, filters and stops junk emails on email server without having to download the junk emails. This saves time and resources, conserves bandwidth and makes everyone more productive and email more useful. It's extremely intuitive and very easy to get started within 5 minutes upon installation. [...] Lire la suite
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