excel to hyper file

Excel to PDF .Net

Excel to PDF .Net

Logiciel Windows
Excel to PDF. [...]
[...]NET est un composant qui vous permet de convertir efficacement les fichiers XLS en PDF, Word, RTF. Il peut être utilisé pour intégrer des capacités XLS et PDF dans une application Web, un serveur d'applications ou une application de bureau. Lire la suite
MPEG Joiner

MPEG Joiner

Logiciel Windows
MPEG Joiner is an easy-to-use tool to join multiple MPEG files into one larger MPEG file. [...]
[...]MPEG Joiner designed to join MPEG files without recompression that allows you to join MPEG files quickly and without reducing quality. But only files with identical parameters (such as frame size, frame rate) can be joined. Lire la suite
Excel To PDF

Excel To PDF

Logiciel Mobile
Convertir .xls, .xlsx simples, .xlt, .csv, .ods, .ots, .sxc, .stc et .odf au format PDF Nécessite une connexion Internet pour conversion au format PDF....
[...]Excel To PDF fait partie des programmes de la catégorie "Utilitaires" et a déjà été installée plus de 500 fois sur des mobiles Android. Les 2050 votes des utilisateurs pour Excel To PDF, lui donnant la note 3,7. Si on veut télécharger une application de qualité, Excel To PDF est sans aucun doute l'application qu'il vous faut! [...] Lire la suite
Zilla PDF to TXT Converter

Zilla PDF to TXT Converter

Logiciel Windows
Zilla PDF to TXT Converter is a freeware to convert pdf files to plain text format files in batch mode.
[...]Zilla PDF to TXT Converter also support convert specific pages range to txt files. Lire la suite
Excel to PDF no Adds Version

Excel to PDF no Adds Version

Logiciel Mobile
Autre. [...]
[...]Elle peut être installée sur mobile Android directement depuis la boutique d'application de Google.Tout d'abord, quelques informations complémentaires à connaitre : Excel to PDF no Adds Version a été programmé par ThinkTI.com.br. Cette application a reçu plus de 3,3 notes. [...] Lire la suite
MPEG Joiner

MPEG Joiner

Logiciel Windows
MPEG Joiner is an easy-to-use tool to join multiple MPEG files into one larger MPEG file.
[...]MPEG Joiner designed to join MPEG files without recompression that allows you to join MPEG files quickly and without reducing quality. But only files with identical parameters (such as frame size, frame rate) can be joined. Lire la suite
4TOPS Compare Excel Files

4TOPS Compare Excel Files

Logiciel Windows
This easy to use program that clearly reports where and what the differences are.
[...] Lire la suite
AVI Joiner

AVI Joiner

Logiciel Windows
Easy-to-use tool to join multiple AVI files into one larger AVI file.
[...]AVI Joiner is designed to join AVI files quickly, without reducing quality and without re-compression. You can also select any installed video or audio codec and recompress the desired file to any format that you prefer. Lire la suite
AVI Splitter

AVI Splitter

Logiciel Windows
AVI Splitter is an easy-to-use tool to split AVI files. [...]
[...]AVI Splitter allows you to split a large AVI file into smaller AVI files, or to extract manually selected segments of an AVI file to new AVI files. The program can quickly split larger AVI files without recompression or use any installed VFW codec including MPEG-4 or DivX to compress or decompress video streams. Lire la suite
XLS (Excel) to DBF

XLS (Excel) to DBF

Logiciel Windows
XLS (Excel) to DBF allows you to convert your XLS files to DBF format. [...]
[...]It is very simple to use. You can select tables for export and set necessary options. The program supports dBase III, dBase IV, FoxPro, VFP and dBase Level 7 formats. [...] Lire la suite
Limagito FileMover

Limagito FileMover

Logiciel Windows
Use the Limagito FileMover to move your files from anywhere to anywhere. [...]
[...]This file mover automation tool can copy, move or delete files that are added to a specific folder. You can set file and directory filters based on the file name, date and size. Also rename, encrypt or decrypt files and rename directories (using regular expressions) when moving them to the new destination. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Crypt4Free (freeware) is files encryption software with ability to encrypt files and text messages. [...]
[...]Support for ZIP files and ability to secure delete sensitive files. Skinnable user friendly interface. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Export data from Access tables, queries, Excel or text files into a blank or existing Excel file at specified sheets and locations.
[...]Data is placed into one or more worksheet locations as specified the user. Able to find last available row to start writing data to, if requested. Options include, run Excel macro, insert sheet if Excel row limit is exceeded, and insert headers with choice of font and cell color. [...] Lire la suite
PDF Manager

PDF Manager

Logiciel Windows
PDF Manager allows you to quickly search text in PDF files by performing a speedy full-text search, and enables you to convert PDF files to TXT files.
[...]With PDF Manager, you will easily find the information you want in all documents on your hard disk or local network. Another feature of PDF Manager is the universal conversion, which is able to convert PDF to TXT, convert RTF to TXT, convert DOC to TXT, convert HTM to TXT, convert XLS to TXT etc Lire la suite
Excel Join (Merge, Match) Two Tables Software

Excel Join (Merge, Match) Two Tables Software

Logiciel Windows
Combine two MS Excel tables into one based on a common column of data from each table. [...]
[...]The two tables can be located in the same Excel file or two different Excel files. Rows from the two unequal tables will line up perfectly without copying and pasting. A wizard makes the join process fast and easy. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
FileDupeLess is an easy to learn and use tool that helps the user to find files with the same content. [...]
[...]The program uses file names, sizes and checksums to find identical files or files with the same content. The "include" and "exclude" filters make the file search process more flexible. The program shows search results as a list or creates an HTML report that can be saved for future analysis. [...] Lire la suite
Fix Broken Links for Excel

Fix Broken Links for Excel

Logiciel Windows
Microsoft Excel 2000-2007 add-on helps you to find and fix broken links in Excel linked files.
[...]Program key functions: search for documents with the broken links, fixing broken links, work with files stored on web-sites and SharePoint servers. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Crypt4Free (freeware) is files encryption software with ability to encrypt files and text messages. [...]
[...]Support for ZIP files and ability to secure delete sensitive files. Skinnable user friendly interface.The latest version includes "Privacy Master" tool to erase all personal traces on computer. Lire la suite
Print File List Pro

Print File List Pro

Logiciel Windows
Print File List Pro allows you to print file lists from Windows ExplorerPrint file list of directory Window Print directory tree of any Window
[...]Easy to install and configure, Print File List Pro allows you to: Print file list of directory Window Print directory tree of any Window Print directory Window or save as HTML Modifiy appearance of output Lire la suite
Excel Macro Processor

Excel Macro Processor

Logiciel Windows
Excel Macro Processor allows you to apply Excel macros to a lot of MS Excel files (.xls) at a time. [...]
[...]EMP requires MS Excel 97/2000/XP/2003. With Excel Macro Processor you can apply your macro to a lot of MS Excel files (.xls) at a time. You can use macros from our library, add your own macros and create new libraries. [...] Lire la suite
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