friend search tool for whatsapp

Sweet Wallpaper for Whatsapp

Sweet Wallpaper for Whatsapp

Logiciel Mobile
Doux Wallpaper demande encore une belle collection de papier peint pour WhatsApp discussion fond.
[...]La version téléchargeable actuellement est la version 1.0 de Sweet Wallpaper for Whatsapp. Sweet Wallpaper for Whatsapp est édité par Daily Apps Bazaar. N'ayer pas peur de l'espace pris par Sweet Wallpaper for Whatsapp, il ne vous faudra que 9,5M d'espace. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Mac
HoudahSpot is Houdah Software's bestselling file search tool for the Mac. [...]
[...]Unleash the full power of Spotlight to find, manage and clean up your files. Don't search! Find! [...] Lire la suite
Emoji Quizzes for WhatsApp

Emoji Quizzes for WhatsApp

Logiciel Mobile
Défiez vos amis sur WhatsApp Messenger ou en connaître le titre des films exprimées par emojis.
[...]Faites attention à ce que vous avez le bon âge avant de l'installer. La version 4.0 ou version ultérieure d'Android est nécessaire pour utiliser Emoji Quizzes for WhatsApp. Téléchargé 50 fois, Emoji Quizzes for WhatsApp est loin d'être l'application du Google Play la plus téléchargée par les possesseurs de terminaux Android. [...] Lire la suite
Hotkey Search Tool

Hotkey Search Tool

Logiciel Windows
Run an Internet search on a phrase selected in any application. [...]
[...]The program will open a browser window with search results for this phrase using the selected search engine. Search encyclopedias, dictionaries, translators and more. The program also supports searching with the Google Desktop. [...] Lire la suite
Sound Search for Google Play

Sound Search for Google Play

Logiciel Mobile
La Lecture sonore widget Recherche Google peut vous aider à reconnaître la musique et jouer des chansons autour de vous.
[...]et a été installée 50000000 fois par les possesseurs d'appareils Android. Cette application a été plutôt bien reçue par les personnes qui l'ont téléchargée et qui lui ont octroyé une note plus qu'honorable. Une performance qui n'est pas prête de s'arrêter. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Small tool for displaying the CPU clock, CPU usage, RAM usage!
[...]Small tool for displaying the CPU clock, CPU usage, RAM usage! Lire la suite
Search GT

Search GT

Logiciel Windows
Search GT is a file search add-on for Windows - based on an extremely fast and light search engine.
[...]Completely integrated into the Windows Explorer, Search GT looks like the standard search tool, but is up to 100 times faster. Search GT does not use background indexing - so it has no footprint on the system performance and the search results are always up to date Lire la suite
Instant File Name Search

Instant File Name Search

Logiciel Windows
Instant File Name Search is a freeware tool for instant searches. [...]
[...]Instantly find files by name, part of name or mask (*.xls, pic??.jpg, *shrek*.avi etc.) on your PC or LAN. You can use AND/OR/NOT operators to perform advanced searches. It is possible to manage several search zones: my files, shared docs, shared music etc. [...] Lire la suite
Domain Quester

Domain Quester

Logiciel Windows
Search for domains by unlimited number of keywords.
[...]Input unlimited number of words that relate to your business interests and these exact terms will be used as "root words" in an extensive search for available domain names. Choosing ".net without hyphen" or ".com with hyphen" options will often produce quality sounding names if you dont mind that syntax. Lire la suite
Search for Russian legal entities

Search for Russian legal entities

Logiciel Windows
Le logiciel est destiné à obtenir des informations sur les personnes morales, établie et enregistrée conformément à la législation de la Fédération de Russie, et qui exercent leurs activités sur le territoire de la Fédération de Russie.
[...] Lire la suite
Search For Meaning screensaver

Search For Meaning screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Un écran de veille avec une collection de citations centrée autour du sens de la vie.
[...]Certaines de ces citations pourraient vous faire sourire, comme celle-ci: «Peut-être le seul sens de ma vie est de servir comme un avertissement" Lire la suite
Search for Duplicate Files

Search for Duplicate Files

Logiciel Windows
Recherche des fichiers dupliqués, trouver les fichiers dupliqués et supprimer les fichiers en double
[...]Ce programme peut trouver les fichiers dupliqués, supprimer les fichiers en double et supprimer les fichiers en double partout. Recherche des fichiers dupliqués - Téléchargez le logiciel dès maintenant! Lire la suite
WordPipe Search and Replace for Word

WordPipe Search and Replace for Word

Logiciel Windows
Rechercher et remplacer dans plusieurs documents Microsoft Word.
[...]Modifier des hyperliens et des chemins UNC lorsque les serveurs sont renommés, mise à jour des noms, adresses et numéros de téléphone ; traduire des documents avec des listes et trouver/remplacer. Gère automatiquement les fichiers en lecture seule et avec mots de passe. Aucune intervention de l'utilisateur. [...] Lire la suite
Domain Quester Pro

Domain Quester Pro

Logiciel Windows
Search for domains by unlimited number of keywords.
[...]Input unlimited number of words that relate to your business interests and these exact terms will be used as "root words" in an extensive search for available domain names. Choosing ".net without hyphen" or ".com with hyphen" options will often produce quality sounding names if you dont mind that syntax. Lire la suite
SBMAV Disk Cleaner

SBMAV Disk Cleaner

Logiciel Windows
A powerful tool for cleaning cobwebs of useless information clogging your system and reducing its performance.
[...]It also searches for invalid links to deleted documents. Lire la suite
MyPlayCity Toolbar

MyPlayCity Toolbar

Logiciel Windows
Toolbar is a powerful instrument for making the right choice in your search for games.
[...]It helps in selection and gives you reference to the reviews of games so that you can help you to make a selection matching your interests and expectations. Lire la suite
Facebook Friend Blaster

Facebook Friend Blaster

Logiciel Windows
FB Adder is a new Facebook Friend Adder tool to help you manage your growing Facebook profile.
[...]It can help you stay in contact with your friends and finding new friends has never been easier. FB Adder lets you easily locate friends using a name search, college search, business search and more. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
vTest is an automated functional and regression testing tool for web applications.
[...]It incorporates record, verify, playback and reporting capabilities. vTest does not require a programming background. For those users who wish to use scripting, it uses JavaScript as the scripting language. [...] Lire la suite
Elcomsoft eXplorer for WhatsApp 2.70.31755

Elcomsoft eXplorer for WhatsApp 2.70.31755

Logiciel Windows
Download, view and decrypt WhatsApp histories from Android and iOS phones.
[...]The tool automatically acquires a WhatsApp database from physical devices, local and cloud backups, decrypts information and displays contacts, messages, call history and pictures sent and received.Elcomsoft Explorer for WhatsApp comes with a host of acquisition options. The product can use all available sources for extracting WhatsApp history. WhatsApp conversations can be extracted from various sources:- Android smartphones with and without root access- Plain and encrypted iTunes backups (providing that you know the password)- iOS cloud backups from Apple iCloud (if you have the original Apple ID and password of that account)- WhatsApp proprietary cloud backups stored in iCloud DriveWhen acquiring iOS cloud backups, Elcomsoft Explorer for WhatsApp can automatically extract WhatsApp databases from multiple devices registered to the same Apple ID.Elcomsoft Explorer for WhatsApp comes with the ability to download proprietary WhatsApp backups maintained in iCloud Drive. [...] Lire la suite
Repair Tool for Outlook Express

Repair Tool for Outlook Express

Logiciel Windows
Repair Tool is a precision-engineered yet simple utility to heal corrupted emails in Outlook Express.
[...]It'll allow you to repair Outlook Express messages from corrupted DBX files, recover Outlook Express folders if they were damaged (if your PC hangs, for example), repair DBX files placed on removable media such as CD/DVD, repair DBX files in batch mode. Lire la suite
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