
LiveJournal Toolbar

LiveJournal Toolbar

Logiciel Windows
LiveJournal Toolbar - is a toolbar for Internet Explorer, which duplicates and extends functions of LiveJournal navigational panel.
[...]It provides access to all popular functions of LiveJournal: messages, administration, access to LJ Support Center (for more detailes see Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
WebExtenders provide design and runtime time support for programming against javascript functions such as Alert, Confirm, Status and DefaultStatus in ASP.NET pages from within Microsoft Visual Studio.
[...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
MagicCalc is a full functions 2D/3D Graphic Calculator. [...]
[...]It's composed by: - Console window for input/output, and calculus operations. - 2D graphic window for 2D functions and 2D parametric functions - 3D graphic window for 3D functions and 3D parametric functions - Full bitmap fonts based text editor to edit programs - Mathematical expression parser module - Full pascal interpreter module Lire la suite
Elements+ for PSE 7

Elements+ for PSE 7

Logiciel Windows
This patch reveals undocumented functions in Adobe Photoshop Elements 7. [...]
[...]The bundle includes up to 145 actions sorted by category. To apply a revealed command, you choose appropriate tab in your Effects palette and double-click action pictogram. Detailed info on each action available in Elements+ Help file. [...] Lire la suite
LotWin Lottery Line Builder

LotWin Lottery Line Builder

Logiciel Windows
LotWin is an award winning, feature rich professional lottery software program with an extensive and unmatched range of functions to give you that winning edge.
[...]Download an evaluation and experience the world of professional lottery playing. Only for serious players. Now available on a monthly subscription. [...] Lire la suite
Computer OS Map

Computer OS Map

Logiciel Windows
The computer operating systems (OS) map presents functions of Operating Systems and comparison of all major OS.
[...]It also provide compelete history of computer OS development since the inception of computers in 1950' till now. More details of timeline of UNIX and UNIX-lie OS, IBM OS, Microsoft and Apple OS are also displayed. Lire la suite
ExcelEverywhere for HTML

ExcelEverywhere for HTML

Logiciel Windows
Create WEB form that looks and functions the same as your Excel spreadsheet. [...]
[...]Create WEB form that looks and functions the same as your MS Excel spreadsheet. Solve your problem using Excel and convert it to HTML with JavaScript. No programming. [...] Lire la suite
MAST ClipPrinter

MAST ClipPrinter

Logiciel Windows
ClipPrinter is an easy to use, not overloaded with too much functions, ScreenCapture tool. [...]
[...]The capture process takes place with only one hotkey. It was designed to support screecapture with saving (PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP), printout or editing the shot with as low mouseclicks as possible. A color picker (i.e. [...] Lire la suite
AidAim Single File System

AidAim Single File System

Logiciel Windows
Stores files/folders in one OS file. [...]
[...]Flexible on-the-fly compression. Transparent strong Rijndael encryption. Huge files support: more than 4 GB even on FAT-32. [...] Lire la suite
ABCSpell for Outlook Express

ABCSpell for Outlook Express

Logiciel Windows
Add spell checking, thesaurus and dictionary/word lookup functions to Outlook Express! [...]
[...]ABCSpell installs in seconds and works like part of Outlook Express. ABCSpell will check spelling before sending mail and displays suggestions. So easy to use! [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
The special function calculator is a double interpreter specialized in the mathematical special functions : Gamma, Bessel, Airy, Exponential integral, Clausen, Rieman Zeta, Hurwitz zeta etc...
[...]The first interpreter is a command line interpreter which can handle simple mathematical formula in which you can include various special functions calls like the classical transcendal functions and the special functions. This interpreter (called SFL for Special Function Langage) can memorize variables and formulas. Coupled with this interpreter the graph drawing tool allows you to visualize a function. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
GraphSight is a convenient tool to plot and explore 2D math functions. [...]
[...]GraphSight has come as a realization of the idea: "A graph does not have to be dead". The program is based on the strong object-oriented concept by which every graphic object in GraphSight is a real interactive object and not a stark picture. GraphSight gives you a full control over a coordinate space, which can be shifted, and zoomed just with a help of mouse. [...] Lire la suite
TraderXL Pro

TraderXL Pro

Logiciel Windows
All-in-one investment solution for Microsoft Excel: 161 technical analysis functions, historical data downloads, real-time quotes, neural network-based prediction and classification, strategy backtesting, portfolio tracking, options chain downloads.
[...]You can automatically build charts, create macros. It downloads free historical end-of-day stocks, indexes, mutual funds and futures, delayed and real time quotes for stocks, options, indexes and other securities for more than 50 markets worldwide. Lire la suite
ExcelEverywhere for Java/JSP

ExcelEverywhere for Java/JSP

Logiciel Windows
Good-looking calculating JSP-page from Excel. [...]
[...]Separate JavaBean with full source. 165 Excel-functions supported. No Excel needed on server. [...] Lire la suite
SpreadsheetConverter to Java/JSP Std Ed

SpreadsheetConverter to Java/JSP Std Ed

Logiciel Windows
Good-looking calculating JSP-page from Excel. [...]
[...]Separate JavaBean with full source. 165 Excel-functions supported. No Excel needed on server. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Create perfect, professional looking web forms in minutes. [...]
[...]Handles validation, totals, conditions, math functions. Use it for order forms, contact forms, expense reports, surveys, reservation forms, application forms. Easy to learn since it uses Excel as an editor. [...] Lire la suite
Abacus Calculated Fields for ACT!

Abacus Calculated Fields for ACT!

Logiciel Windows
Make calculations in Contact, Group or Company fields based on data within other fields and over 80 supported functions. [...]
[...]now brings you the ability to calculate fields, copy fields, manipulate data and produce results dependent on data within other fields all within a simple, easy-to-use interface. Make calculations in Contact, Group or Company fields based on data within other fields and over 80 supported functions. Assign a formula to a field (make the field auto "calculated"). [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Wireless Presenter Mouse + Media Player RC on Mobile! [...]
[...]For Nokia/S60/Moto/SE Phones! UNIQUELY SIMPLE, EASY YOUR Increased Impressiveness + Productivity + Enjoyment! [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
TRIANGULATION, ISOLINES, VOLUME, le rendu d'un fichier XYZ, 3DINTERSECTION, des coupes et le profil longitudinal; 6 functions pour IntelliCAD versions qui permettent de charger des applications SDS (DLL).
[...]ISOLINES détermine les courbes d'intersection d'un ensemble de 3DFACE et des plans équidistances. VOLUME détermine le volume et le centre de gravité d'un corps limité par 3DMESH et 3DFACE. 3DINTERSECTION détermine les courbes d'intersection entre 2 ensembles comprenant 3DMESH et 3DFACE. [...] Lire la suite
Advanced Virtual COM Port

Advanced Virtual COM Port

Logiciel Windows
This is the first software of its kind which includes both local and network virtual COM port functions.
[...]It can share your real COM ports or create virtual COM ports and connect them with a virtual null-modem cable locally or through the network. You can connect to a shared port and use it just like it is on your machine. Virtual serial ports created by the program look and work the same way real ones look and work. [...] Lire la suite
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