ginger it software

MyUpdate Toolkit

MyUpdate Toolkit

Logiciel Windows
The powerful software update utility designed for IT administrators and software developers to easily and quickly integrate update functionality into new and existing products with minimal effort.
[...]Features: Custom logos and artwork, advanced versioning system, language independent, downgrade/reinstall/upgrade options, unique upsell option, update multiple products at once, massively deploy updates within large organizations, inexpensive. Lire la suite
Ginger Page

Ginger Page

Logiciel Mobile
Écrivez, corrigez et améliorez votre anglais avec Ginger Page & Grammar Keyboard, la meilleure appli Android au monde pour écrire en anglais,...
[...]Avec une note de 4,3 sur 5, Ginger Page fait du chemin sur la plateforme de Google. Le créateur de Ginger Page a fait du bon boulot de développement en offrant une application bien pensée pour les appareils android. Mise à jour souvent, le programme Ginger Page ne posera pas de problème de compatibilité avec votre terminal Android. [...] Lire la suite
Tethys Macro SDK

Tethys Macro SDK

Logiciel Windows
Add Macro Recorder to your software or create custom macro applications. [...]
[...]Leverage the power of SMART Macro Technology. Integrate it with your software in just minutes. Use API or pre-defined GUI components. [...] Lire la suite
Secure IT Encryption Software

Secure IT Encryption Software

Logiciel Windows
SecureIT- encrypt, compress and shred any file or folder on any Windows PC with its 448 Bit Blowfish encryption. [...]
[...]Il s'agit d'un programme efficace qui protège tous vos fichiers et dossiers en utilisant le cryptage 448bits Blowfish. Il s'intègre à Windows afin que toutes les fonctionnalités soient accessibles à partir de votre menu contextuel et en faisant un clic droit dans l'Explorateur Windows. Les dossiers et les fichiers peuvent être chiffrés, par un clic droit sur eux ou vous pouvez sélectionner le fichier, un dossier que vous souhaitez crypter à partir de Secure IT Encryption Software. [...] Lire la suite
Personal Antispy

Personal Antispy

Logiciel Windows
Personal Antispy can provide every computer with strong protection against most types of unauthorized activity monitoring software, both known and unknown.
[...]It effectively finds and removes keyloggers, trojans and other spy software. Personal Antispy doesn't use a signature-based detection, but it detects a suspicious software behaviour. You must remember - antivirus software cannot detect the newest or private released keyloggers! [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
BiblePromise is the modern equivalent of the promise box: it is a software program that gives you a new Bible verse each day you start your computer.
[...]Once BiblePromise is installed on your computer it is like a faithful friend, bringing you a message from God's Word as each day begins. It will start your day on an excellent note, and as you memorise it and meditate on it the whole day, you will find that you will increasingly become "strong in the Lord and in his mighty power." But that's not all: BiblePromise is also seamlessly integrated with MS Outlook, allowing you to share the word with others as you can add a daily-changing Scripture verse to your outgoing emails. Added to this is an attractive interface, and carefully-selected Bible verses that offer wisdom and comfort. [...] Lire la suite
Serial to Ethernet Connector

Serial to Ethernet Connector

Logiciel Windows
It is a software-based solution that allows you to share serial port devices over TCP/IP network turning your computer into low-cost terminal server.
[...]So, any serial port device connected to COM port could be accessed from anywhere as if it is attached to local PC. It provides the ability to create three different types of connection: Port-to-port, Port-to-TCP client and Port-to-TCP server. Serial to Ethernet Connector uses virtual port technology which emulates real serial ports. [...] Lire la suite
Ginger qui parle

Ginger qui parle

Logiciel Mobile
Le petit Ginger, le chat qui parle, a besoin de toi ! [...]
[...]Outfit7 est le créateur de cette application. La mise à jour la plus récente de Ginger qui parle a été faite le 25 mars 2014. La version téléchargeable aujourd'hui est la version Varie selon les appareils. [...] Lire la suite
We Heart It

We Heart It

Logiciel Mobile
Découvrez de nouvelles inspirations en image tout les jours!
[...]Avec plus de 10000000 personnes l'ayant téléchargées a propulsé We Heart It et son éditeur dans les meilleures applications de la plateforme de téléchargement de Google. Actualisée assez souvent, l'application We Heart It ne devrait poser aucun problème de compatibilité avec votre terminal Google. En conclusion, on ne compte plus le nombre d'applications qui ne vous coûteront rien, We Heart It en est le parfait exemple. [...] Lire la suite
Rooming'it (english)

Rooming'it (english)

Logiciel Windows
Rooming'it est un logiciel de gestion de salles de réunion, de salles de conférence.
[...]* Rooming'it vous aide à gérer et organiser la programmation ou l'agencement interne de vos salles (services, matériels, personnels, etc.) * Rooming'it permet un placement graphique à la souris des services et des participants dans une salle. * Rooming'it est disponible en version " réseau local " pour permettre de partager et de communiquer sur la tenue des réunions ou leur programmation. * Rooming'it distingue les utilisateurs n'ayant que des droits de lecture de ceux disposant de droits de création ou modification. [...] Lire la suite
Avex DVD and Video Converter Pack

Avex DVD and Video Converter Pack

Logiciel Windows
Avex DVD & Video Converter Pack combines DVD Ripper Platinum, Video Converter Platinum and all DVD to iPod, PSP, 3GP, Zune Video Suite into one at steep discount.
[...]The software features superb video/audio quality, the fastest conversion speed available on the market (Up to 3x faster), vast support for all kinds of devices. Easy to use and features fully loaded. It's a great software toolkit for video professionals as well as home users. [...] Lire la suite
Virtual Modem PRO

Virtual Modem PRO

Logiciel Windows
Virtual Modem PRO fully emulates standard hardware modems. [...]
[...]Virtual Modem PRO creates virtual com ports and attaches virtual modems to them, which work in the same way as real ones (support Hayes AT commands), however use TCP/IP protocol to connect to remote host. This gives better speed and reliability of transmitted data as well as up to 255 modems that can be created in any system. Lire la suite
Health Care Icons

Health Care Icons

Logiciel Windows
Health Care Icons is a set of wonderfully crafted icons associated with the sphere of health service. [...]
[...]Crafted with much inspiration by professional designers, these icons will play a crucial role in creating captivating appearance for your application or website. Icons come in such sizes as 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48. There is also 256x256 for Windows Vista. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
A free, time-saving tool for software developers. [...]
[...]It searches multiple software sites for any given program's name, and allows you to quickly and easily see where your program is listed, and where you need to submit or update. The software works by sending your search query to the sites that you select from a list, and opening up the results from each site in their own tabbed browser. Lire la suite
PC Activity Monitor (PC Acme)

PC Activity Monitor (PC Acme)

Logiciel Windows
PC Activity Monitor (PC Acme) is an ultimate invisible and undetectable easy-to-use monitoring and surveillance tool for both networked and personal PCs.
[...]It is professional software that captures all users activity on the PC. It is a powerful management tool for users and companies, which want to increase their productivity and profitability. Lire la suite
Classify It!

Classify It!

Logiciel Mobile
Pensez-vous savoir ce que l'herbe à puce et une luciole ont en commun?
[...]?Avant de la télécharger, quelques informations en plus : La mise à jour la plus récente de l'appli a été faite le 26 août 2014. Classify It! [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Word-It is a small utility which converts numbers to words, it is very handy when it is needed to write your bank check with ease, no more spelling or wrong writing.
[...]You can use it with your preferred word processing, accounting or any other program you like where you can add and edit text with it. What are the benefits of Word-It? More Security, more clarity and more personality [...] Lire la suite
Fling FTP Software

Fling FTP Software

Logiciel Windows
Fling is free ftp software to help you automate uploading or transferring files.
[...]It is typically used to maintain a web site on a remote hosted server or to automate backup of folders. The software supports both file transfer protocol (ftp) and network file transfer. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
The software INSTALLATEUR made by Jose MANICON can install softwares on remote PC.
[...]It can be launched on any network computer provided that the PC is on Windows XP or Windows 2000. In fact, even if you have no access to the domain server, you can install your security patches or others without through the server. Lire la suite
Ginger qui parle 2

Ginger qui parle 2

Logiciel Mobile
L'anniversaire de Ginger - C'est le moment de fêter un anniversaire !
[...]Il est important de savoir que pour pouvoir l'installer, il est nécessaire d'avoir la version du système d'exploitation Android 2.3 ou version ultérieure. Simple et sans contenu violent, l'application Ginger qui parle 2 est téléchargeable par tous. Cette application ne demande pas d'attention, ni de connaissances particulières. [...] Lire la suite
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