graph traffic of each lan ip

SI Lookup

SI Lookup

Logiciel Windows
Determine owner of an IP address or domain hosting provider with a free Windows tool. [...]
[...]Quite often it is possible to determine the owner of an IP address. It is possible to unveil details about a person or organization that uses a particular IP address or a block of IP addresses including their contact information such as email, mailing address, and telephone number. Lire la suite
Popup Facile

Popup Facile

Logiciel Windows
Vous voulez envoyer des messages a des utilisateurs Internet ou Lan a partir de leur IP ou du Nom de leur ordinateur sans utiliser de programme client ?
[...]Rien n'est plus facile ! Lire la suite
TimeChimes Automated Audio Player

TimeChimes Automated Audio Player

Logiciel Windows
TimeChimes will play a sound or sounds at pre-scheduled times of day on each day of the week.
[...]Typically, TimeChimes can used to play school bells or shift-time sounds in factories, churches or businesses. It can also be used for other applications where you want a sound to play at preset times. Includes 9 pre-recorded bell type sounds. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Utility for saving the priority of applications and interface enhancements for the standard Task Manager.Saving the priority of each process.Detecting the full path to the executable file.Quick access to system services.
[...] Lire la suite
Advanced Stealth Email Redirector

Advanced Stealth Email Redirector

Logiciel Windows
Advanced SER monitors outgoing traffic of the target PC's email client and intercepts all the messages sent from it.
[...]This program monitors outgoing traffic of the target PC's email client and intercepts all the messages sent from it. Intercepted emails are forwarded to a pre-specified email address. Advanced Stealth Email Redirector (Advanced SER) does not intercept emails sent from web-based email services like, etc. [...] Lire la suite
PL Table

PL Table

Logiciel Windows
This Periodic Table is an excellent tool for both students and serious researchers. [...]
[...]It has over 20 types of data on each element and all known isotopes in customizable, user-expandable tables. All sixteen numeric data types (plus any user-added data) can be corelated in particle or line graphs. Includes a powerful chemical equation balancer that can solve the most complex organic reactions and calculate molecular weights and amounts of reagents [...] Lire la suite
Liquid Crystals Puzzle

Liquid Crystals Puzzle

Logiciel Windows
Put Together Pieces of Smashed Crystals. [...]
[...]Each of the 37 crystals was smashed to 7 pieces. Your objective is to put together the crystals by moving and rotating the pieces and attaching them to each other. You have sketches that may help you to restore the crystals. [...] Lire la suite
SplitBar XT

SplitBar XT

Logiciel Windows
SplitBar XT adds horizontal / vertical split bars and multiple window panes into your application without any code. [...]
[...]Individually adjust the size and position of each control based on rules you set. SplitBar XT handles hosting, form resizing and splitting in a smart and effective way thus providing full customization using advanced properties and events. Fast to implement with WYSIWYG concept. [...] Lire la suite
Excel Join (Merge, Match) Two Tables Software

Excel Join (Merge, Match) Two Tables Software

Logiciel Windows
Combine two MS Excel tables into one based on a common column of data from each table. [...]
[...]The two tables can be located in the same Excel file or two different Excel files. Rows from the two unequal tables will line up perfectly without copying and pasting. A wizard makes the join process fast and easy. [...] Lire la suite
CompareFacile portable

CompareFacile portable

Logiciel Windows
Logiciel portable qui permet de comparer facilement deux listes d'élément est vous donne les communs, les distincts..
[...]Il vous permet donc de comparer deux listes d'éléments et de connaitre le nombre et les éléments communs, le nombre et la liste pour chaque liste des éléments distincts, de supprimer les doublons dans chaque liste. L'export des résultats dans un fichier Excel, Word, XML ou presse papier pour mieux le coller dans un autre logiciel Comparefacile can easily compare the list of items, it gives you the distinct elements of each list the common, you can remove duplicates of each list, giving the total of each list. [...] Lire la suite
IP Traffic Monitor

IP Traffic Monitor

Logiciel Windows
A network traffic monitor and logger. [...]
[...]The program shows extensive information about each connection: remote host IP, remote host name (if available), amounts of incoming and outgoing traffic, name of the process that initiated or accepted this connection, etc. It also draws pie chart diagrams showing where your traffic flows. In addition, it includes a built-in TCP packet sniffer. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
IP-EX est un utilitaire qui, une fois toutes les trois minutes, vérifie votre adresse IP externe (IP de connexion - IP WAN connexion internet).
[...]Cette utilitaire fonctionne au travers d'un réseau LAN, Routeurs, Modems. Au changement d'adresse IP, vous pouvez : - faire apparaître une fenêtre avec la nouvelle IP. - envoyer un mail - indiquer une URL (communiquer avec un serveur - http://). [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
IPexFixe est un utilitaire qui, une fois toutes les trois minutes, vérifie votre adresse IP externe (IP de connexion - IP WAN connexion internet).
[...]Cette utilitaire fonctionne au travers d'un réseau LAN, Routeurs, Modems. Au changement d'adresse IP, vous pouvez : - faire apparaître une fenêtre avec la nouvelle IP. - envoyer un mail - indiquer une URL (communiquer avec un serveur - http://). [...] Lire la suite
IP Changer

IP Changer

Logiciel Windows
IP Changer est un utilitaire pratique qui permet de changer de configuration IP (adresse IP, masque de sous-réseaux, passerelle par défaut, DNS ...) d'un simple clic.
[...]2 adresses IP peuvent être installées par interfaces. IP Changer permet la sauvegarde de plusieurs profils. Lire la suite
SolarWinds IP Address Tracker

SolarWinds IP Address Tracker

Logiciel Windows
Our new IP Address Tracker frees you from the evils of spreadsheets, delivering powerful and simple-to-use features that give you a unified view of your IP address space and that enable you to manage it, all for free!
[...]Necessary, but usually painful? As if keeping the network running in tip-top condition wasn't enough, you have to spend precious time wading through home-grown IP address tools to track down conflicting addresses and to see which ones are free. Well, no more - you can finally ditch your spreadsheet (and even start to enjoy IP address management)! [...] Lire la suite
LAN Spider

LAN Spider

Logiciel Windows
LAN Spider is a full-featured network file searching utility. [...]
[...]LANSpider is designed as multitask application that accelerates network operations. With even involved network infrastructure LANSpider can help you locate critical files dramatically fast. LAN Spider allows organizing more detailed scan using a great amount of patterns. [...] Lire la suite
Hardware Icon Library

Hardware Icon Library

Logiciel Windows
The Icon Empire Hardware Icon Library is a comprehensive set of icons that covers most of the possible hardware-related application's needs in amazing detail. [...]
[...]The level of detail and the exquisite look of each icon reflect the desire of the developers to provide their customers with a single option of immediately integrating the icons into the application. Designed by the team of professionals who do not simply design icons, but do it the way you want! Lire la suite
Etherscan Analyzer

Etherscan Analyzer

Logiciel Windows
Etherscan Analyzer is an advanced network sniffer and protocol analyzer for Windows.
[...]With Etherscan, you can capture and analyze all packets over the local network. Etherscan decodes all major protocols, including Ethernet, NetBEUI, TCP/IP,and TCP/IP utilities and it is capable of reconstructing TCP/IP sessions. What's more, Etherscan is able to filter and search for specific traffic easily. [...] Lire la suite
Visual IP Locator

Visual IP Locator

Logiciel Windows
Visual IP Locator vous permettra de connaître le propriétaire d'une adresse IP, de la localiser graphiquement sur le globe selon deux niveaux de zoom (planétaire et continentale), et de savoir si elle appartient aux rangs des IPs interdites ou pas.
[...]Si l'IP appartient à une société, son nom et la tranche d'IP s'affichera, si c'est un particulier connecté par l'intermédiaire d'un FAI, c'est le nom du FAI qui sera identifié. En outre, grâce à l'outil WarningIP, vous pourrez facilement savoir si l'IP appartient aux rangs des IP dites "interdites". Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
If you are using a notebook and are tired of bearing in mind and typing in dozens of IP addresses and network masks for all the different locations you are visiting choose a professional way - Switch your settings with just one Click!
[...]If you are using a notebook and are tired of bearing in mind and typing in dozens of IP addresses and network masks for all the different locations you are visiting you may want to choose a professional solution for changing your network settings. Switch between network profiles with just one click from Windows System Tray. Save the complete network configuration without copying the values manually. [...] Lire la suite
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