hdd needs to be formatted

To Be Or Not To Be

To Be Or Not To Be

Logiciel Mobile
Hamlet de William Shakespeare a finalement été restauré à la non-linéaire son format original seconde personne ramification récit. [...]
[...]N'ayer pas peur de l'espace que va prendre To Be Or Not To Be, il est juste nécessaire de bénéficier 82M d'espace. La version téléchargeable en ce moment est la version .3356 de To Be Or Not To Be. Avec 8 jugements, To Be Or Not To Be est notée 5,0 sur 5 (pas besoin de faire un dessin, cela est une très bonne application!). [...] Lire la suite
Our Planet Screensaver

Our Planet Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
People say that our planet is not as large as it seems to be at first sight, and still it is wonderful. [...]
[...]Our Planet Screensaver will help you to be sure in this. You have to see it from outer space! Lire la suite
E-List Distributor

E-List Distributor

Logiciel Windows
E-List Distributor is intended for distributing email to large mailing lists. [...]
[...]It helps you deliver your message to large mailing lists and have full control over who gets it and when. It is an indispensable utility for any business that needs to be in contact with it's clients. You can manipulate your mailing lists and create unlimited number of groups and recepients in each group. [...] Lire la suite
Born to be Big

Born to be Big

Logiciel Windows
Un petit poisson est né dans les étendues immenses de l'océan. [...]
[...]Il est rempli de poissons affamés prêts à manger les créatures sous-marines. Prenez le contrôle du petit poisson, qui doit réussir à se défendre. Plus ce poisson mange, plus il devient grand et expérimenté. [...] Lire la suite
Born to be Big Multiplayer

Born to be Big Multiplayer

Logiciel Windows
Avalez votre ami ou votre collègue! [...]
[...]C"est une chance de participer à un combat virtuel et de savoir ce que cela veut dire d"être poisson assassin! C"est un jeu fantastique à plusieurs joueurs. Chaque joueur est représenté comme un petit poisson dans l"espace immense de l"océan. [...] Lire la suite
Youtube utilisé pour diffuser un malware Android ciblant les fans d’Apex Legends

Youtube utilisé pour diffuser un malware Android ciblant les fans d’Apex Legends

Lukas Stefanko, un chercheur en sécurité d'ESET a découvert une nouvelle campagne de malware Android ciblant les fans d'Apex Legends.  Contrairement aux précédentes vagues découvertes par Check Point, cette campagne malveillante s'opère via Youtube et non dans Google Play. Un APK Apex Legends diffusé sur Youtube Une fausse application Apex Legends pour Android est actuellement diffusée via plusieurs chaines Youtube sous la forme d'un lien de téléchargement. Stefanko rapporte que le lien aurait été cliqué environ 100 000 fois « au cours des 5 derniers jours ».  Quant à la vidéo, elle a été vue plus de 600 000 fois. [...] Lire la suite
Aston Secure Desktop

Aston Secure Desktop

Logiciel Windows
Aston Secure Desktop is a security build of Aston 1.x branch. [...]
[...]It possesses all the features of regular Aston shell, but constrains the ability to alter the admin-defined settings. This restricted version is highly recommended to Internet-cafes and kiosks administrators, colleges and companies authorities, and parents who feel that their kids' ability to customize their working area needs to be limited. Lire la suite
Better File Attributes

Better File Attributes

Logiciel Windows
Better File Attributes is Windows Explorer enhancement that allows file dates to be changed at will.
[...]It can manipulate entire file hierarchies. Lire la suite
Picture of Earth Screensaver

Picture of Earth Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
It seems to be just the third planet from the Sun but it is the inhabitation of numerous biological species, including human.
[...]The most original space shots of our Planet are on your desktop. Lire la suite
Outlook Split Personality

Outlook Split Personality

Logiciel Windows
Have a home business email, work email, personal email? [...]
[...]Split Personality allows you to manage ALL of your emails in Outlook, but allows you to choose the FROM, REPLYTO and SIGNATURE of any email that is to be sent at the time of sending it for each email. Yes, that's right. You create 'personalities' and select which one you want the outgoing email to be sent as. [...] Lire la suite
Pearl Bay

Pearl Bay

Logiciel Windows
Your island is going to be destroyed unless you are brave enough to summon the sea spirits! [...]
[...]This sea adventure takes you to the depths of the ocean. Swim and collect sunken treasures. Satisfy the spirits and they will save the tiny island! [...] Lire la suite
Amazing Moscow Screensaver

Amazing Moscow Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Moscow is considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
[...]Moscow is considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Russian capital was especially renovated and changed over the last years. The absolute symbol of Russia and Moscow is the Kremlin, a majestic centre of a huge country's capital. [...] Lire la suite
Miraplacid Text Driver Terminal Edition

Miraplacid Text Driver Terminal Edition

Logiciel Windows
Miraplacid Text Driver extracts text from documents. [...]
[...]Text Output can be formatted as plain text or text with layout, previewed and saved to file in Unicode or specified code page. When auto-save mode is on, the software works with no user interaction Lire la suite
Stackz (Standard Edition)

Stackz (Standard Edition)

Logiciel Windows
The Stackz flashcard visualization concept helps to keep the overview over a large amount of words to be learned.
[...]The cards are graphically distributed according to the two characteristics 'mastery level' and 'date of the last mastery'. The Stackz system allows to learn any language or other items. With the PDA version of this program the words can be learned at any place, and synchronized with the PC later on. [...] Lire la suite
Temperature Scan

Temperature Scan

Logiciel Windows
"Temperature Scan is an affordable Temperature monitoring system that allows you to be notified of changes in temperature as they happen.
[...]This tool can be used to monitor server room and data center temperatures to prevent disaster. A plug and play solution to bring important ambient temperature monitoring where you need it. Simply find a location to place the probe, plug the other end into a USB slot on a computer and load the software." [...] Lire la suite
Billiard Masters

Billiard Masters

Logiciel Windows
Enjoy pool night at home! [...]
[...]This 3D billiard game is going to be your favorite! Feel the pressure of playing a great pool game in the comfort of your own home. Don't wait, grab a stick, and avoid the eight ball! [...] Lire la suite
Pos-Soft Premium

Pos-Soft Premium

Logiciel Windows
The most flexible and easy to use point of sales software for Bars, Pubs, restaurants, hotels and small shops It simply does all that's needs to be done or taken care of.
[...]Record your sales. . Create and manage your menus with unlimitated numbers of items. . Print out daily ledgers and customers receipts. [...] Lire la suite
DBSync for SQLite & MySQL

DBSync for SQLite & MySQL

Logiciel Windows
DBSync for SQLite & MySQL converter and synchronizer provides SQLite to MySQL and MySQL to SQLite data migration and synchronization with the ability to choose particular tables to be converted by configuring options in a wizard-like application.
[...]Insert sync, Update sync and Drop sync features enable you to accomplish overall synchronization and to keep distributed databases in agreement. Lire la suite
Free Palm Island Screensaver

Free Palm Island Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Do you think summer always seems to be too short? [...]
[...]Do you want to prolong it? Then this Free Palm Island Screensaver is a useful finding for you. It will carry you away to a little island where you can enjoy the summer beauty and warmth sitting in shade under a palm tree. [...] Lire la suite
Matching Gems

Matching Gems

Logiciel Windows
In a land of darkness and mystery, an ancient wizard needs you to solve the riddles of the Middle Ages. [...]
[...]Unravel the puzzles with your quick wit! Match the runes and destroy the surrounding crystals. Join the medieval merriment now! [...] Lire la suite
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