how to fix corrupted dll files

How to Draw - Leçons faciles

How to Draw - Leçons faciles

Logiciel Mobile
Apprenez à dessiner avec How to Draw!
[...]Vous allez certainement apprécier How to Draw - Leçons faciles. Il existe plusieurs styles d'apps classifiées selon plusieurs critères (jeux d'argent, contenu pornographique...), How to Draw - Leçons faciles est classé PEGI 3. Il y a eu 115020 votes d'utilisateurs pour How to Draw - Leçons faciles, lui donnant la note 4,1. [...] Lire la suite
How to Tie a Tie

How to Tie a Tie

Logiciel Mobile
Le numéro 1 pour le nombre de nœuds de cravate : maintenant avec 20 nœuds ! [...]
[...]How to Tie a Tie a réussi à creuser son trou avec plus de 10000000 téléchargements. Il n'y a pas de restriction (pas de contenus violents ou érotique) à How to Tie a Tie qui conviendra pour l'ensemble des membres de la famille. Pour conclure, entièrement gratuite, How to Tie a Tie mérite facilement quelques mega octects sur votre smartphone android. [...] Lire la suite
MPEG Joiner

MPEG Joiner

Logiciel Windows
MPEG Joiner is an easy-to-use tool to join multiple MPEG files into one larger MPEG file. [...]
[...]MPEG Joiner designed to join MPEG files without recompression that allows you to join MPEG files quickly and without reducing quality. But only files with identical parameters (such as frame size, frame rate) can be joined. Lire la suite
How to Delete Duplicate Files

How to Delete Duplicate Files

Logiciel Windows
Comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? [...]
[...]Supprimer les doublons - facilement avec le logiciel, Recommandé par Microsoft (R) Corporation comme le meilleur logiciel pour supprimer les fichiers en double sur les ordinateurs Windows. Supprimer les fichiers en double, trouver les fichiers dupliqués et suppression des doublons de fichiers avec le logiciel de fichiers en double élimination. Comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? [...] Lire la suite
Card Tricks - How to do Magic Android

Card Tricks - How to do Magic Android

Logiciel Mobile
Card Tricks - How to do Magic est une application disponible sur Android qui vous propose d'apprendre des tours de magie très facilement.
[...]Plus précisément, elle s'attarde sur les tours de carte et propose un grand nombre de vidéos. Card Tricks How to do Magic offre un catalogue de vidéos explicatives avec une illustration du tour, des conseils pour le réaliser ainsi que quelques astuces sur comment agir devant un public. La plupart des vidéos sont en anglais aussi vous faudra-t-il avoir les bases pour pouvoir saisir tous les détails. [...] Lire la suite
Zilla PDF to TXT Converter

Zilla PDF to TXT Converter

Logiciel Windows
Zilla PDF to TXT Converter is a freeware to convert pdf files to plain text format files in batch mode.
[...]Zilla PDF to TXT Converter also support convert specific pages range to txt files. Lire la suite
Registry Cleaner Pro

Registry Cleaner Pro

Logiciel Windows
Optimize system performance, repair registry and fix common errors today and tomorrow!
[...]Registry Cleaner Pro knows about issues already discovered and learns how to fix emerging problems by updating its database periodically. With Registry Cleaner Pro, you can optimize system performance, repair registry and fix common errors today and tomorrow! Lire la suite
Advanced Zip Repair

Advanced Zip Repair

Logiciel Windows
Advanced Zip Repair (AZR) is a powerful tool to repair corrupted Zip files and Self Extracting(SFX) files.
[...]It can scan the Zip archives and recover your data in them as much as possible, so to minimize the loss in file corruption. Currently AZR can fix all sub-types of Zip files and all kinds of self-extracting files, also it will provide a tiny exe stub when repairing SFX files. Lire la suite
MPEG Joiner

MPEG Joiner

Logiciel Windows
MPEG Joiner is an easy-to-use tool to join multiple MPEG files into one larger MPEG file.
[...]MPEG Joiner designed to join MPEG files without recompression that allows you to join MPEG files quickly and without reducing quality. But only files with identical parameters (such as frame size, frame rate) can be joined. Lire la suite
AVI Joiner

AVI Joiner

Logiciel Windows
Easy-to-use tool to join multiple AVI files into one larger AVI file.
[...]AVI Joiner is designed to join AVI files quickly, without reducing quality and without re-compression. You can also select any installed video or audio codec and recompress the desired file to any format that you prefer. Lire la suite
AVI Splitter

AVI Splitter

Logiciel Windows
AVI Splitter is an easy-to-use tool to split AVI files. [...]
[...]AVI Splitter allows you to split a large AVI file into smaller AVI files, or to extract manually selected segments of an AVI file to new AVI files. The program can quickly split larger AVI files without recompression or use any installed VFW codec including MPEG-4 or DivX to compress or decompress video streams. Lire la suite
Limagito FileMover

Limagito FileMover

Logiciel Windows
Use the Limagito FileMover to move your files from anywhere to anywhere. [...]
[...]This file mover automation tool can copy, move or delete files that are added to a specific folder. You can set file and directory filters based on the file name, date and size. Also rename, encrypt or decrypt files and rename directories (using regular expressions) when moving them to the new destination. [...] Lire la suite
Installer Windows 10 sur la Nintendo Switch : un projet en bonne voie

Installer Windows 10 sur la Nintendo Switch : un projet en bonne voie

Le développement de solutions autour du hack de la Switch s'intensifie. Récemment, des développeurs ont mis en place des projets qui permettraient à terme de faire tourner des jeux Switch sur un appareil Android et, inversement, d'installer des applications Android sur la console de Nintendo. Bingxing Wang, un autre spécialiste, souhaite aller plus loin. Le développeur espère installer Windows 10 sur la Switch.  Pour l'aspect technique, il faut savoir que la Switch fonctionne avec un chipset ARM. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Crypt4Free (freeware) is files encryption software with ability to encrypt files and text messages. [...]
[...]Support for ZIP files and ability to secure delete sensitive files. Skinnable user friendly interface. Lire la suite
PDF Manager

PDF Manager

Logiciel Windows
PDF Manager allows you to quickly search text in PDF files by performing a speedy full-text search, and enables you to convert PDF files to TXT files.
[...]With PDF Manager, you will easily find the information you want in all documents on your hard disk or local network. Another feature of PDF Manager is the universal conversion, which is able to convert PDF to TXT, convert RTF to TXT, convert DOC to TXT, convert HTM to TXT, convert XLS to TXT etc Lire la suite
IM Lock Home Edition

IM Lock Home Edition

Logiciel Windows
IM Lock is a powerful Instant Message Blocking software for home, education, and business. [...]
[...]Fast setup in under a minute. block messenger, block im, block MSN Messenger, block Yahoo Messenger, block chat, block AOL Instant Messenger, block ICQ, Block eMule, Block iTunes, Block AIM, Block AIM Express, How to block MSN Messenger, How to block Yahoo Messenger, How to block AIM Messenger, How to Block Instant Message, How to Block IM Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
FileDupeLess is an easy to learn and use tool that helps the user to find files with the same content. [...]
[...]The program uses file names, sizes and checksums to find identical files or files with the same content. The "include" and "exclude" filters make the file search process more flexible. The program shows search results as a list or creates an HTML report that can be saved for future analysis. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Have you been asking yourself how to make your computer faster? [...]
[...]Have you been trying to fix computer slow downs with frequent rebooting, or even by completely reinstalling Windows? Instead of reinstalling, consider the CachemanXP software to make your computer faster in few minutes. CachemanXP is easy enough for novices to use, yet powerful enough for advanced users. [...] Lire la suite
Recovery for Outlook Express

Recovery for Outlook Express

Logiciel Windows
Recovery for Outlook Express is a standalone utility that is used to recover the corrupted mail files from Microsoft Outlook Express versions 4, 5, 5.5 and 6. [...]
[...]This simple program is easy to set up and easy to access. Supports corrupted folders recovery from Microsoft Outlook Express versions 4, 5, 5.5 and 6. Recovers messages in both plain text and HTML-format. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Crypt4Free (freeware) is files encryption software with ability to encrypt files and text messages. [...]
[...]Support for ZIP files and ability to secure delete sensitive files. Skinnable user friendly interface.The latest version includes "Privacy Master" tool to erase all personal traces on computer. Lire la suite
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