how to import image into calendar vista

How to Draw - Leçons faciles

How to Draw - Leçons faciles

Logiciel Mobile
Apprenez à dessiner avec How to Draw!
[...]Vous allez certainement apprécier How to Draw - Leçons faciles. Il existe plusieurs styles d'apps classifiées selon plusieurs critères (jeux d'argent, contenu pornographique...), How to Draw - Leçons faciles est classé PEGI 3. Il y a eu 115020 votes d'utilisateurs pour How to Draw - Leçons faciles, lui donnant la note 4,1. [...] Lire la suite
How to Tie a Tie

How to Tie a Tie

Logiciel Mobile
Le numéro 1 pour le nombre de nœuds de cravate : maintenant avec 20 nœuds ! [...]
[...]How to Tie a Tie a réussi à creuser son trou avec plus de 10000000 téléchargements. Il n'y a pas de restriction (pas de contenus violents ou érotique) à How to Tie a Tie qui conviendra pour l'ensemble des membres de la famille. Pour conclure, entièrement gratuite, How to Tie a Tie mérite facilement quelques mega octects sur votre smartphone android. [...] Lire la suite
Card Tricks - How to do Magic Android

Card Tricks - How to do Magic Android

Logiciel Mobile
Card Tricks - How to do Magic est une application disponible sur Android qui vous propose d'apprendre des tours de magie très facilement.
[...]Plus précisément, elle s'attarde sur les tours de carte et propose un grand nombre de vidéos. Card Tricks How to do Magic offre un catalogue de vidéos explicatives avec une illustration du tour, des conseils pour le réaliser ainsi que quelques astuces sur comment agir devant un public. La plupart des vidéos sont en anglais aussi vous faudra-t-il avoir les bases pour pouvoir saisir tous les détails. [...] Lire la suite
IM Lock Home Edition

IM Lock Home Edition

Logiciel Windows
IM Lock is a powerful Instant Message Blocking software for home, education, and business. [...]
[...]Fast setup in under a minute. block messenger, block im, block MSN Messenger, block Yahoo Messenger, block chat, block AOL Instant Messenger, block ICQ, Block eMule, Block iTunes, Block AIM, Block AIM Express, How to block MSN Messenger, How to block Yahoo Messenger, How to block AIM Messenger, How to Block Instant Message, How to Block IM Lire la suite
MS Access Scheduler

MS Access Scheduler

Logiciel Windows
You have to develop a Microsoft Access Database that runs resources (Doctor, customers, equipments ...) and manage a schedule. [...]
[...]? Here's the tool for you ! A Microsoft Access Scheduler Database Template designed to save you time and help you learn. A Microsoft Access Scheduler database that you can use as a template. [...] Lire la suite
MS Access Customer Template

MS Access Customer Template

Logiciel Windows
You have to develop a Microsoft Access Database that runs customers, suppliers, products, inventories, invoices, orders ... [...]
[...]? Here's the tool for you ! A Microsoft Access Scheduler Database Template designed to save you time and help you learn. A Microsoft Access Scheduler database that you can use as a template. [...] Lire la suite
Free Stereogram Screensaver

Free Stereogram Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Many people already know how to use the technology of reproducing three-dimensional image on plane surface.
[...]Free Stereogram Screensaver lets you try and feel the three-dimensionality on flat images of your monitor. As many manuals for viewing such images say "you need to look into nowhere", just download it and try. Lire la suite
EMS Data Import 2005 for Oracle

EMS Data Import 2005 for Oracle

Logiciel Windows
EMS Data Import for Oracle is a powerful tool to import your data quickly from MS Access, MS Excel, DBF, XML, TXT and CSV files to Oracle database tables.
[...]Data Import for Oracle includes a wizard, which allows you to set all the import options for different files visually, and a command-line utility to execute import in one-touch. Lire la suite
Transform XP to Vista

Transform XP to Vista

Logiciel Windows
Bring innovation into your work without buying a new PC or a system. [...]
[...]The best freeware safely installed. The package contains time-tested developments of Microsoft and Yahoo, as well as a convenient substitute - Vista Start Menu. The items of the package complement each other, and do not disrupt your work. [...] Lire la suite
EMS Data Import 2005 for InterBase/Firebird

EMS Data Import 2005 for InterBase/Firebird

Logiciel Windows
EMS Data Import for InterBase/Firebird is a powerful tool to import your data quickly from MS Excel, MS Access, DBF, TXT, CSV and XML files to InterBase/FireBird tables.
[...]IB/FB Data Import includes a wizard, which allows you to set all the import options for different files visually, and a command-line utility to execute import in one-touch. Lire la suite
EMS Data Import 2005 for SQL Server

EMS Data Import 2005 for SQL Server

Logiciel Windows
EMS Data Import for SQL Server is a powerful tool to import your data quickly from MS Access, MS Excel, DBF, XML, TXT and CSV files to Microsoft SQL Server or MSDE tables.
[...]Data Import for SQL Server includes a wizard, which allows you to set all the import options for different files visually, and a command-line utility to execute import in one-touch. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Tool to encode string destinate to HTML browser into Ascii form - Zip archive with executable file, HowTo guide and project source code
[...] Lire la suite
EMS Data Import 2005 for DB2

EMS Data Import 2005 for DB2

Logiciel Windows
EMS Data Import for DB2 is a powerful tool to import your data quickly from MS Excel, MS Access, DBF, TXT and CSV files to DB2 tables.
[...]It provides adjustable import parameters, including: source data formats for all the fields and destination data formats for the selected fields, etc. The tool includes a wizard, which allows you to set all the import options for different files visually, and a command-line utility to execute import in one-touch. Lire la suite
How to Delete Duplicate Files

How to Delete Duplicate Files

Logiciel Windows
Comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? [...]
[...]Supprimer les doublons - facilement avec le logiciel, Recommandé par Microsoft (R) Corporation comme le meilleur logiciel pour supprimer les fichiers en double sur les ordinateurs Windows. Supprimer les fichiers en double, trouver les fichiers dupliqués et suppression des doublons de fichiers avec le logiciel de fichiers en double élimination. Comment faire pour supprimer les fichiers en double? [...] Lire la suite
Football Championship Screensaver

Football Championship Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
The best moments of unforgettable football battles only in Football Championship Screensaver will give you a perfect chance to dive into the atmosphere of gods the Game.
[...]The best moments of unforgettable football battles only in Football Championship Screensaver will give you a perfect chance to dive into the atmosphere of gods the Game. Lire la suite
EMS Data Import 2005 for PostgreSQL

EMS Data Import 2005 for PostgreSQL

Logiciel Windows
EMS Data Import for PostgreSQL is a powerful tool to import your data quickly from MS Excel, MS Access, DBF, XML, TXT and CSV files to PostgreSQL tables.
[...]It provides adjustable import parameters, including source data formats for all the fields and destination data formats for the selected fields, commit options, number of records to skip, etc. Lire la suite
PhotoPDF Photo to PDF Convertor

PhotoPDF Photo to PDF Convertor

Logiciel Windows
PhotoPDF is a batch processing tool to convert photos into PDF file with two working mode.
[...]PhotoPDF provides two mode of conversion: Batch Convert and Photos Merge. "Batch Convert" convert each photo into individual PDF files in batch and "Photos Merge" merge multiple photos into a single PDF file. The customized settings allow specifying paper size, orientation, and resolution. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
No need to wait for twenty years to see how you or your friends are going to look! [...]
[...]No need to wait for twenty years to see how you or your friends are going to look! A single photo is all you need to peek into the future. Just put your picture into ProphecyMaster, and see your face aged instantly. [...] Lire la suite
WebSite Auditor (SEO Software)

WebSite Auditor (SEO Software)

Logiciel Windows
WebSite Auditor: simple and effective SEO tool for optimization of websites content.
[...]The tool thoroughly analyzes your top 10 competition, reveals the onpage optimization techniques they used and supplies with easy-to-follow instructions on how to use their success at your advantage. Lire la suite
Outlook Transfer

Outlook Transfer

Logiciel Windows
Outlook Transfer is a simple to use utility which allows to import the high amount of .eml and .msg files into Microsodt Outlook.
[...]Outlook Transfer Converter can move separate EML and MSG files to the Outlook Personal Folder, converter provides an easy way to browse and choose files to be moved to Outlook Personal Folder (PST). If you have Outlook installed and wish to import a bunch of emails saved by another email software, then it is just what you need. Lire la suite
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