jquery based

Likno Web/jQuery Accordion Builder

Likno Web/jQuery Accordion Builder

Logiciel Windows
Interface (GUI) pour créer tout type d'accordéons jQuery cross-browser, tels que : sliders, accordéon vertical, accordéon horizontal, curseur jquery, menu, accordéon ajax.
[...] Lire la suite
Elias The Mighty

Elias The Mighty

Logiciel Windows
Based on the legendary Russian folk hero, Elias the Mighty is a thrilling arcade puzzle game based on shape recognition.
[...]Add in colorful graphics and a storyline steeped in tradition, and you have a game that's the next best thing to fighting alongside Elias himself! Lire la suite
AllWebMenus Web/jQuery Tooltips Addin

AllWebMenus Web/jQuery Tooltips Addin

Logiciel Windows
Menus déroulants avec tout type de tooltip jQuery: encadré d'aide HTML, Ajax infobulle, tooltip ballon, tooltip javascript, css infobulle, tooltip dhtml, tooltip bulles, etc Utilisez du texte, HTML, images, vidéos et plus !
[...] Lire la suite
Likno Auto Popup Window Addin

Likno Auto Popup Window Addin

Logiciel Windows
Créez facilement tout type de fenêtre popup HTML jQuery / et boites dialogue.
[...]Fenêtre html, popup html, popup jQuery, popup modale, de dialogue modale, modale jQuery. Tous les navigateurs sont pris en charge, effets, diaporamas, vidéos, ouverture automatique sur chargement de la page et plus encore ! Lire la suite
Likno Web/HTML Tabs Builder

Likno Web/HTML Tabs Builder

Logiciel Windows
Interface (GUI) pour créer n'importe quel type d'onglet jQuery HTML, compatibles tous navigateurs tels que : l'onglet JavaScript, onglet css, onglet jquery, onglet Ajax, tabulation verticale, horizontale, onglet DHTML, menu avec onglets, etc.
[...]Utilise html, images, flash, vidéos et plus encore ! Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Gunrox is new turn-based tactical wargame! [...]
[...]Create your squad of soldiers and battle with live players around the world in head to head or coop battles in this massively multiplayer online tactical game. Lire la suite
Likno Web Scroller jQuery Slider Builder

Likno Web Scroller jQuery Slider Builder

Logiciel Windows
Une interface Windows (GUI) conviviale et puissante pour la création de sites Web élégants, de scrollers ou sliders qui fonctionnent avec tous les navigateurs.
[...]Défilement vertical, défilement horizontal, défilement html, javascript défilement, défilement css, jquery curseur, etc. Ajouter des sliders à vos pages avec de nombreux effets et un minimum d'effort / code. Utilisez un texte, HTML, images, vidéos (YouTube, etc), Flash, animations comme contenu. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Maintains a list of prescription names and numbers (up to 15), refill dates, refills remaining and other info. [...]
[...]Provides notice of scripts due for refill based on user-specified lead time. Provides one-click access to user's web-based refill sites. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
DotNetRemoting SDK for .NET allows to build Bidirectional network applications.Major features Bidirectional, Firewall transparency, Http, tpc, udp, GPRS.
[...]On mobile devices it supports GPRS based connection, Wi-Fi and any other socket based connection. Http based componets support http requests and responses. On PDA it is faster than standard webservices by times (depending on the object sent/received). [...] Lire la suite
SoftPerfect Network Search Engine

SoftPerfect Network Search Engine

Logiciel Windows
A self-contained index-based network search engine that indexes all shared files in your local area network and provides users with the ability to locate necessary files within a few seconds.
[...]The built-in web-server and database ensure trouble free deployment and configuration while the web-based user interface enables users to enter intuitive search queries on all file types using a simple wild-card based format via their favorite web browser. Lire la suite
tmWorks R-View

tmWorks R-View

Logiciel Windows
tmWorks R-View is a light and functional web-based front-end to any database you have JDBC drivers to
[...]Our tool allows any raw SQL code execution - it's limited only by SQL supported by the database you are using. Lire la suite
Chat Zone

Chat Zone

Logiciel Windows
ChatZone is a unique flash-based solution for on-site communication and entertainment.
[...]Incorporating all Flashcoms applications in one highly dynamic platform with desktop style interface, it brings all-sufficient solution to your website and delivers truly unmatched real-time communication and entertainment experience for site members. Lire la suite
Likno Web/HTML Tooltips Builder

Likno Web/HTML Tooltips Builder

Logiciel Windows
Une interface (GUI) pour créer tout type de contre-info-bulle jQuery pour tous navigateurs, comme : aide HTML, infobulle Ajax, tooltip ballon, tooltip javascript, css infobulle, tooltip dhtml, tooltip bulles, etc.
[...] Lire la suite
Likno Web Modal Windows SlideShow Addin

Likno Web Modal Windows SlideShow Addin

Logiciel Windows
Addin pour faire des diaporamas sans Likno Web Modal Windows Builder. [...]
[...]Créer à la fois des présentations professionnelles et des fenêtres modales jQuery pour les pages html avec un seul logiciel ! Créer des diaporamas de photos facilement avec cet Addin. Lire la suite
Likno Web Modal Windows Builder

Likno Web Modal Windows Builder

Logiciel Windows
Une interface utilisateur riche et puissante pour créer des fenêtres modales jQuery pour vos sites avec un code minimal.
[...]Support de tous les navigateurs, ouverture et fermeture avec effets, styles, diaporamas, vidéos et plus encore ! Lire la suite
Extra Drive Creator Professional

Extra Drive Creator Professional

Logiciel Windows
Extra Drive Creator Pro - suite of tools for creating Extra drives on your computer.
[...]The program includes tools for creating Encrypted drives, Virtual CD-ROMs, Virtual Drives based on files, Virtual Drives based on folders, RAM-drives... Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Fractalius plugin creates unusual, eccentric artworks in a single step. [...]
[...]The effects are based on extraction of so-called hidden fractal texture of an image. You can also simulate various types of exotic lightings and high realistic pencil sketches. Lire la suite
Art Flash Gallery

Art Flash Gallery

Logiciel Windows
Art Flash Gallery is based on Adobe Flash (cs3) technology.
[...]It will help you easily post any images on your site in a matter of minutes. The gallery will organically blend with any design thanks to multiple appearance settings. - Gallery parameters configuration via XML- Advanced appearance configuration possibilities - Multiple image transition effects - Convenient thumbnail bar [...] Lire la suite
JustAjax Table

JustAjax Table

Logiciel Windows
JustAjax Table is an Ajax/PHP grid library that allows you to create web-based data grids/tables that behave like desktop software.
[...]JustAjax Table offers in-place cell editing, live scrolling, live sorting, PHP/MySQL backend, cross-browser support. Lire la suite
Kiwi Log Viewer (Win)

Kiwi Log Viewer (Win)

Logiciel Windows
Kiwi Log Viewer for Windows is a freeware application that displays text based log files in a tabular format.
[...]Only a small section of the file is read from disk at a time which saves memory and allows you to view a file that would be too big to fit in memory. The tail option monitors the specified log file for changes and displays any new data that is added in real time. Features colorization based on sub-string or RegExp matches [...] Lire la suite
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