last but not

But Not the Hippopotamus

But Not the Hippopotamus

Logiciel Mobile
But YES the Hippopotamus! [...]
[...]Vous pouvez télécharger But Not the Hippopotamus :Avant toutes choses, voici des informations techniques : Cette appli est une appli de type "Loisir et Famille", très simplement installable sur votre terminal . Avec 18 votes, cette appli affiche une note moyenne de 4,4 étoiles. [...] Lire la suite
Coffee Break PacMan

Coffee Break PacMan

Logiciel Windows
Modern freeware remake of popular classic game PacMan. [...]
[...]The objective of the game is simple but certainly not easy. You have to clear each level of all dots while avoiding hazardous encounters with evil the monsters. Download this great freeware game now! [...] Lire la suite
1 Click & Go

1 Click & Go

Logiciel Windows
1 Click [...]
[...]Program similar well-known Microsoft Office Panel, but not lose configuration in case of a system crash. It supports the Drag There is a multi-user mode - some user can have its own set of program. [...] Lire la suite
Zg cd extractor

Zg cd extractor

Logiciel Windows
Zg cd extractor is a free Cd to wav/mp3/ogg/ape/flac ripper.
[...]Highly customizable you can for example change the bit sample, and the sampling frequency for wav files or get stereo or mono files. For mp3 you can change aswell mp3 tags and select common options to these tags for several files. Mp3 files are encoded using lame library and it allows to use variable bitrate (VBR) as for ogg files. [...] Lire la suite
Free Calm Beaches Screensaver

Free Calm Beaches Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
You have been dreaming about a romantic vocation on a sea coast for long time. [...]
[...]But you do not have time to choose a place to go and book a tour. Then this Free Calm Beaches Screensaver is the right thing for you. Just install it on your computer and find yourself on a wonderful resort! [...] Lire la suite
Rm Sitemaps

Rm Sitemaps

Logiciel Pro
Petit cousin de Rm Tech, Rm Sitemaps est un outil d'audit de sitemap qui va délivrer un rapport ultra-complet sur le sitemap de votre site.
[...]Olivier Duffez a développé cet outil dans l'optique d'offrir aux webmasters un outil unique en son genre, afin de les rendre autonome sur ce point puisque pratiquement personne dans le métier ne propose ce service individuellement. Comme son confrère, le crawl se lance une fois l'url du sitemap renseignée. Différents paramètres s'ajustent dès le premier écran, mais le couplage avec Analytics et Search Console est proposé par la suite. [...] Lire la suite
Monopoly Galactic Imperia

Monopoly Galactic Imperia

Logiciel Windows
A monopoly in the real estate is already set long ago, but not in space!
[...]This game is a real boon for those who like to play monopoly. Monopoly in the real estate is already set long ago, but not in space! In this economic strategy You have to conquer space taking proper account of monopoly laws, starting the game with the minimum of Your capital. [...] Lire la suite
AudioDeformator Pro

AudioDeformator Pro

Logiciel Windows
Simple audioeditor for who wants to edit audio files but who does not want to waste time on studying of complex programs.
[...]It allows to produce all basics operations of the audio montage, to change parameters of the audio files and to add different sound effects as well. One more feature is function allowing to process audio records so that these could render the certain influence on a brain. Lire la suite
Spring Plants Screensaver

Spring Plants Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Living in the city it is usually hard to be close to nature but not when you have Spring Plants Screensaver on your desktop.
[...]You will imagine yourself in a field, laying on soft grass and gazing at the blue sky, or looking around in the beautiful morning garden amazed by the blooms and whisking the drops of dew from the leaves. With our beautiful screensaver you can feel the beauty of nature! Lire la suite
RationalPlan Project Viewer

RationalPlan Project Viewer

Logiciel Windows
RationalPlan Project Viewer by Stand By Soft is a free project management software viewer, the perfect solution for anyone (from project stakeholders to team workers) to view your projects in detail.
[...]Bien que les chefs de projet planifient et contrôlent les projets du début à la fin et apportent tous les changements nécessaires, il y a d'autres personnes, les parties prenantes, qui ont besoin de vérifier et d'examiner l'évolution des projets dans leurs moindres détails. RationalPlan Project Viewer est distribué gratuitement en tant que visionneur pour nos produits. En outre, il vous donne la possibilité d'importer des fichiers MSProject et de les visualiser gratuitement. [...] Lire la suite
RationalPlan Project Viewer for Mac

RationalPlan Project Viewer for Mac

Logiciel Mac
RationalPlan Project Viewer by Stand By Soft is a free project management software viewer, the perfect solution for anyone (from project stakeholders to team workers) to view your projects in detail.
[...]Although the project managers plan and control the projects from start to end and make all the necessary changes, there are some other people, the stakeholders that need to check and overview the projects evolution into their smallest detail. RationalPlan Project Viewer is freely distributed as a viewer for our products. Besides it gives you the possibility to import MSProject files and to view them also for free. [...] Lire la suite
Les derniers bugs de Windows 10 seront résolus après les fêtes

Les derniers bugs de Windows 10 seront résolus après les fêtes

Plusieurs bugs sont survenus après la mise à jour "1909" de Windows 10 en novembre dernier. Si ces derniers ne sont pas critiques, ils entachent tout de même l'utilisation de la barre de recherche et d'exploration de l'OS. Nous sommes toujours dans l'esprit des fêtes de fin d'année et Microsoft aussi. Les équipes derrière le système d'exploitation sont au courant des récents bugs de ce dernier, mais ne comptent pas intervenir pour le moment. En novembre dernier est sortie la mise à jour majeure "1909" de Windows 10. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Mobile
Joined SSN, but not a hosteller ? [...]
[...]:br /L'éditeur CodeMonks a créé de la meilleure des manières Ssnbus!, ainsi la dernière mise à jour date du le 01 juillet 2014. Disponible pour tous les utilisateurs d'un mobile fonctionnant sous Android 2.2 and up, cette appli a reçu 26 votes et a obtenu une note moyenne de 4.8 étoiles." Ne pensez plus aux autres applications de la catégorie Éducation, Ssnbus! est clairement une référence pour un grand nombre personnes qui lui ont fourni la note de 4.8 sur 5." En bref," Ssnbus! [...] Lire la suite
ePingu for iPhone

ePingu for iPhone

Logiciel Windows
Study on the South Pole failed. [...]
[...]A lots of pingus were teleported to a lone Isle. They were long for a vacation but that's not how they'd like to spend it. You've been sent after them handed with a teleport. [...] Lire la suite
Loco Christmas Edition

Loco Christmas Edition

Logiciel Windows
Save Christmas! [...]
[...]A crisis is brewing in the North Pole! Santa's workshop is running at full capacity. Elves are working overtime, but alas, production is not enough for Christmas Eve! [...] Lire la suite
Sync Last Files Professional

Sync Last Files Professional

Logiciel Windows
Sync Last Files Professional is designed for folders synchronization. [...]
[...]This application can apply these filters to files: list of file masks, file age, maximum file size. Program can create backup copies of replacing and deleting files. Also, program can mantain not only last version of backups, but previous versions, too. [...] Lire la suite
Funny Creatures

Funny Creatures

Logiciel Windows
Help Funny Creatures to solve original puzzles in the maze.
[...]In this puzzle game you should move colored creatures in the maze. To win you should follow each creature to its home. But it is not very easy to control the creatures because they can move only in a straight line and can not stop until collision with the wall or another creature. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
MetaReport allows you to build any reports: from simple data retrieval to complex professional reports.
[...]The program uses ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) and BDE (Borland Database Engine) to build reports, but does not requires having BDE installed. MetaReport can be used inside third-party applications as a built-in ActiveX object. Lire la suite
Free WMA to MP3 Converter

Free WMA to MP3 Converter

Logiciel Windows
Free WMA to MP3 Converter can convert Windows Media files to MP3 files which can be played in MP3 Players. [...]
[...]All Windows Media formats (*.wma, *.wmv, *.asf) are supported. The program is a freeware and does not contain any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors. Lire la suite
Hot or Not

Hot or Not

Logiciel Mobile
Hot or Not est le jeu original pour voir les personnes les plus cool près de toi et elles pourront te voir aussi !
[...]Parmi les points forts de Hot or Not, on peut citer sa particularité à prendre peu d'espace sur votre tablette notamment grâce à une taille de Varie selon les appareils.. Disponible dans la version Varie selon les appareils., l'application Hot or Not fait partie des cadors de la catégorie "Loisir et Famille". Alors si vous souhaitez tester directement l'application Hot or Not, cliquez sur le lien "télécharger" ! [...] Lire la suite
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