les olap

HierCube OLAP library for VCL

HierCube OLAP library for VCL

Logiciel Windows
HierCube Library is a set of Delphi components designed to create fast, handy, and powerful OLAP-applications in different IDE. [...]
[...]The library has its own OLAP-engine made using MOLAP-principle, which provides your applications with incredible OLAP-functionality. The high performance of HCL is provided by unique calculation algorithm and this allows you to get OLAP reports really feast and easy. Don't waste time, take advantage of the prof. [...] Lire la suite
SharpShooter OLAP

SharpShooter OLAP

Logiciel Windows
Un package destiné à la création de systèmes d'aide à la décision.
[...]Le produit inclut des composants OLAP pour l'analyse des données multidimensionnelles et la création de graphiques avancés. Lire la suite
RadarCube Windows Forms Desktop OLAP

RadarCube Windows Forms Desktop OLAP

Logiciel Windows
RadarCube for NET Windows Forms is a Desktop OLAP component entirely authored in C# 2.0. [...]
[...]Having an excellent performance it allows to work with databases with millions records. Except for standard OLAP operations like drilling and pivoting, RadarCube provides grouping and lots of filter types. Several related tables can be used as a data source. [...] Lire la suite
RadarCube OLAP Chart Windows Forms

RadarCube OLAP Chart Windows Forms

Logiciel Windows
.NET Windows Forms OLAP control to add Visual Analysis to your applications. [...]
[...]Displays business data in charts and graphs rather than in numbers. Works with a relational database or MS Analysis Services. 100% managed code authored entirely in C# 2.0. [...] Lire la suite
RadarCube OLAP ASP.NET Direct

RadarCube OLAP ASP.NET Direct

Logiciel Windows
Fastest and prowerful AJAX OLAP library for ASP.NET 2.0+. [...]
[...]The main featues are: 100% managed C# 2.0, AJAX, medium trust compliance, powerful programming, visual and export abilities. No ActiveX code required. It connects to any database and requires no OLAP server to work. [...] Lire la suite
RadarCube ASP.NET OLAP control for MS Analysis

RadarCube ASP.NET OLAP control for MS Analysis

Logiciel Windows
RadarCube is a powerful ASP.NET OLAP control providing you with a unique chance of supplying the web site with the MS Analysis 2000 or 2005 client abilities.
[...]It's fully authored in C# 2.0 and can be an excellent substitute for OWC PivotTable. It's a 100% AJAX, doesn't contain the ActiveX-code, supports IE 5.5+, Firefox 1.1+, Opera 9+ as client browsers. Supports drag-n-drop, fixed grid rows and columns, an arbitrary rendering in the cells, etc. [...] Lire la suite
Business Analysis Tool Desktop

Business Analysis Tool Desktop

Logiciel Windows
Logiciel de Business Intelligence pour la visualisation des données et le reporting OLAP.
[...]Vous pouvez analyser les données en faisant des tableaux croisés dynamiques, graphiques, arborescences et diagrammes dynamique. Lire la suite
EMS SQL Manager for Oracle

EMS SQL Manager for Oracle

Logiciel Windows
EMS SQL Manager for Oracle - est un outil à hautes performances de développement et d'administration de bases de données Oracle.
[...]SQL Manager for Oracle fonctionne avec toutes les versions d'Oracle à partir de la 8.1.7 et supporte toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités de serveur Oracle ainsi que les types de données, y compris les tables compressées, les tables OLAP, les tables en lecture seule et lecture/écriture; les index invisibles, etc. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
FastCube vous permet d'analyser des données et de construire des tables récapitulatives aussi bien que de créer divers rapports et graphiques facilement et instantanément.
[...]Il supporte Delphi 5, Delphi 6, Delphi 7, Delphi 2005, Delphi 2006/Turbo Delphi, Delphi 2007, Delphi 2009, C Builder 6, C Builder 2007, C Builder 2009, CodeGear RAD Studio 2009, Lazarus. # Vous pouvez construire des composants FastCube dans l'interface des applications crées. Lire la suite
ScimoreDB Distributed Server

ScimoreDB Distributed Server

Logiciel Windows
The ScimoreDB Parallel Server is a low cost shared-nothing clustered database system .
[...]The Database server have been designed to take advantage of parallelization over multiple servers, achieving a near linear scalability for OLAP applications. Supporting up to 512 PC's in a single database cluster, ScimoreDB offers value in terms of speed, functionality and cost. Lire la suite
SharpShooter Collection

SharpShooter Collection

Logiciel Windows
SharpShooter Collection is a package of .NET components for data processing, analysis and visualization.
[...]The package includes OLAP and reporting tools, the use-proven BI components intended for intelligent data handling and presentation; gauges component, a tool for digital dashboards and KPI creation; and chart component, a component for charts and graphs design. All components are written in C# and contain managed code. Lire la suite
DTM DB Stress

DTM DB Stress

Logiciel Windows
DTM DB Stress is a utility for stress testing the server parts of information systems and database applications, as well as DBMSs and servers themselves.
[...]This tool allows you to create and configure a continuous set of requests to the server of the OLAP (query execution) and OLTP (adding, modifying and deleting data) types. The program is useful for any information system developer or any QA department employee. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Plan and report your time in the Outlook Calendar. [...]
[...]No extra application needed. Complete Outlook-based time reporting for workgroups. Work in your calendar as you normally would, but select one, two or three extra properties from dropdown to each appointment and send the appointment information directly into an MS Access or SQL database. [...] Lire la suite
TimeCard Single

TimeCard Single

Logiciel Windows
Report Time and Expenses in the Outlook Calendar. [...]
[...]No extra application needed. Complete Outlook-based time reporting. Work in your calendar as you normally would, but select one, two or three extra properties from dropdowns to each appointment. [...] Lire la suite
Sepia Studio Basic Edition

Sepia Studio Basic Edition

Logiciel Windows
Idéal pour le suivi d'indicateurs et la prise de décision grâce aux vues multi dimensionnelles. [...]
[...]Le fournisseur OLE DB permettra d'établir la connexion à vos différentes sources de données telles ODBC, Jet, MySQL, SQL Server ou encore Oracle. .L'assistant de métadonnées vous guidera pour construire la connexion à un ou plusieurs schémas de données. .Construisez vos requêtes de façon visuelle ou en utilisant l'éditeur de texte intégré. [...] Lire la suite
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