lizard safeguard pdf security software

Lizard Safeguard PDF Security

Lizard Safeguard PDF Security

Logiciel Windows
PDF document security software with DRM controls. [...]
[...]Control who can view your PDF documents and how they are used. Prevent copying, sharing, modifying, and screen grabbing. Control the number of views and prints or disallow printing altogether. [...] Lire la suite
Safeguard Enterprise PDF Security

Safeguard Enterprise PDF Security

Logiciel Windows
Sécurité DRM pour documents PDF d'entreprise. [...]
[...]Sécurise l'utilisation non autorisée, permet de contrôler les droits des utilisateurs, le temps d'utilisation. Arrêter la copie, le partage, l'impression, l'interdire ou limiter l'impression. Lire la suite
Security Software Icons

Security Software Icons

Logiciel Windows
Collection d'icônes pour de la barre d'outils et menu dans le domaine de la sécurité des logiciels.
[...]Les icônes ont une palette de couleurs brillantes, lisses et bien arrondis. Lire la suite
Corporate Network Security

Corporate Network Security

Logiciel Windows
Corporate Network Security is a network-based security software used for protecting PC workstations over a corporate network.
[...]Impose access restrictions to network PC workstations, execute patches remotely, and schedule reboots, shutdowns, and Windows Explorer restarts. The software supports over 600 different security restrictions and tweaks that let you restrict access to almost every corner of Windows. Lire la suite
Astaro Security Gateway Software Appliance

Astaro Security Gateway Software Appliance

Logiciel Linux
Since the operating system and all featured applications are bundled within a single software image, ASG software appliances are much easier and faster to install than software applications that require a separate, pre-installed operating system.
[...]The Astaro Unified Threat Management appliance is the most easy-to-use and cost-effective "all-in-one" solution available, working to effectively shield businesses from internet based threats everyday. Lire la suite
PC Security Tweaker

PC Security Tweaker

Logiciel Windows
PC security tweaking software to tweak Windows-based computers.
[...]Tweak access to lots of Control Panel applet functions, enforce users to use separate system profile folders, disable selected Start Menu items, lock and protect disk drives in My Computer, disable the DOS and command prompt, interruption boot keys, real DOS mode, Registry editing, taskbar, task manager, and network access, hide desktop icons, and much more. Lire la suite
CyberDefender AntiSpyware

CyberDefender AntiSpyware

Logiciel Windows
CyberDefender AntiSpyware protects against viruses, trojans, spyware, adware, popups, and phishing. [...]
[...]If your system is crashing, incredibly slow, filled with spam email, or covered with pop-up ads, you probably have spyware. CyberDefender will catch what other security software companies miss! We will remove your viruses and let you know if you are infected with spyware for FREE! [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
WinLock is a comprehensive security software for personal or publicly accessible computers.
[...]It is a program that ensures that only authorized people can access sensitive information on your computer. With WinLock you can control how long others can use your computer, disable Windows hot keys (such as Alt-Ctrl-Del, Alt-Tab, Ctrl-Esc, etc.), lock Windows desktop, hide the Start button, lock files and folders, filter Internet content and much more. Lire la suite
RegRun Security Suite Platinum

RegRun Security Suite Platinum

Logiciel Windows
RegRun Platinum includes 24 system utilities for computer protection against Rootkits/Trojans/Adware/Spyware components.
[...]RegRun Platinum includes 24 system utilities for computer protection against Rootkits/Trojans/Adware/Spyware components. It increases the speed of Windows boot-up process, making the computer management easier. RegRun Suite is compatible with all known antiviral software and may be used to improve computer security. [...] Lire la suite
USB Flash Security 4.1.13

USB Flash Security 4.1.13

Logiciel Windows
'USB Flash Security' is security software that protects data in a USB Flash Drive by a password.
[...]Data will be encrypted automatically by writing in USB Flash Drive, and it will be decrypted automatically by reading from USB Flash Drive.There are five editions in 'USB Flash Security' for personal user.USB Flash Security Free,Up to 4GB,ONE USB drive.USB Flash Security+ Product,Up to 4GB,ONE USB drive.USB Flash Security++ Product,Up to 8GB,TWO USB drives.USB Flash Security# Product,Up to 16GB,TWO USB drives. USB Flash Security## Product,Up to 2000GB,THREE USB drivesUSB Flash Security [+/++/#/##] is one man one license.Information leakage becomes a social problem.Information leakage may be given a huge damage to a company or individual.So we need security software to protect our information (data,file). There are much security software for PC, but little security software for mobile device.USB Flash Security is security software for mobile device.It can help you to protect you mobile devices by encryption(AES256bit).AES encryption which is recognized by speedy and cipher strength of encryption algorithm has been adopted. [...] Lire la suite
Watch N Catch  Surveillance Software

Watch N Catch Surveillance Software

Logiciel Windows
Enjoy surveillance on your mobile. [...]
[...]We provide industry's best solutions for all your security requirements.Experience the world's most advanced and reliable security system on affordable price. Solutions by Category Home Security Office Security Parking Security Retail Security Banking Security Industrial Security Lire la suite
Security Administrator

Security Administrator

Logiciel Windows
Security Administrator - Protégez votre ordinateur et restreignez l'accès à Internet grâce à Security Administrator.
[...]Cet utilitaire de sécurité avec protection par mot de passe vous permet d'imposer une variété de restrictions d'accès pour protéger votre ordinateur et empêcher les autres utilisateurs de trifouiller votre PC. Vous pouvez refuser l'accès à chaque composant du Panneau de Configuration, y compris l'Affichage, Réseau, Imprimantes... Lire la suite
Advanced Security Administrator

Advanced Security Administrator

Logiciel Windows
Advanced Security Administrator - Protégez votre ordinateur et restreignez l'accès à Internet grâce à Security Administrator.
[...]Cet utilitaire de sécurité avec protection par mot de passe vous permet d'imposer une variété de restrictions d'accès pour protéger votre ordinateur et empêcher les autres utilisateurs de trifouiller votre PC. Vous pouvez refuser l'accès à chaque composant du Panneau de Configuration, y compris l'Affichage, Réseau, Imp... Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
The software INSTALLATEUR made by Jose MANICON can install softwares on remote PC.
[...]It can be launched on any network computer provided that the PC is on Windows XP or Windows 2000. In fact, even if you have no access to the domain server, you can install your security patches or others without through the server. Lire la suite
QPack - Application Lifecycle Management

QPack - Application Lifecycle Management

Logiciel Windows
QPack by Orcanos - the leading solution for Application Lifecycle Management - ALM 2.0 - Requirements Software Solution - for software developement and for medical devices development, medical software testing, medical device software validation.
[...]Complete and structured solution or a software project, from requirements definition, through design and specs to customer delivery - the complete Application Lifecycle Management solution. Lire la suite
iMagic Survey Pro Software

iMagic Survey Pro Software

Logiciel Windows
Introducing the easiest to use survey software available! [...]
[...]Quickly discover your customer's needs and wants with a survey. Our survey software will handle hundreds of questions and thousands of responses. Our production team has been developing software for 18 years, we build solid highly dependable software. [...] Lire la suite
Stop Software Installation Tool

Stop Software Installation Tool

Logiciel Windows
The Stop Software Installation Tool allows you to prevent users of your computer from installing unwanted software with password protection.
[...]Children download programs, play games, and tinker with computers. The Stop Software Installation Tool allows you to prevent users of your computer from installing unwanted software with password protection. You can specify rules according files masks to block software installers execution. [...] Lire la suite
Norton Security bêta

Norton Security bêta

Logiciel Windows
L'éditeur Norton propose dès maintenant de tester la bêta de son futur logiciel Norton Security.
[...]Cette version bêta permet aux personnes qui le souhaitent de découvrir en avant-première les nouveautés préparées par Norton. Norton Security bêta propose une protection proactive encore plus efficace capable de détecter des menaces plus rapidement qu'auparavant. Le module de nettoyage prend maintenant en charge les navigateurs dans leur version 64 bits. [...] Lire la suite
Avast Security pour Mac

Avast Security pour Mac

Logiciel Mac
Avast Security pour Mac est un logiciel antivirus pensé pour les utilisateurs Mac.
[...]Si vous cherchez un programme efficace, nous vous conseillons de tester Avast Security pour Mac. Ce logiciel est très simple d'utilisation et surtout il se concentre sur les outils indispensables. En plus d'un moteur de détection couplé à une analyse en temps réel, Avast Security pour Mac intègre plusieurs boucliers dont un pour le web et un autre pour les mails. [...] Lire la suite
AlertMobile Pro

AlertMobile Pro

Logiciel Windows
AlertMobile is a special software for computer security incidents response.
[...]It monitors all attempts of unauthorized computer activity, sends SMS alerts to mobile device, receives and handles response commands. AlertMobile can be used by security administrators for control of the corporate security policy, by parents for monitoring of their children computer activity, or by anyone else. Lire la suite
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