logiciel fichier prospects be to be

To Be Or Not To Be

To Be Or Not To Be

Logiciel Mobile
Hamlet de William Shakespeare a finalement été restauré à la non-linéaire son format original seconde personne ramification récit. [...]
[...]N'ayer pas peur de l'espace que va prendre To Be Or Not To Be, il est juste nécessaire de bénéficier 82M d'espace. La version téléchargeable en ce moment est la version .3356 de To Be Or Not To Be. Avec 8 jugements, To Be Or Not To Be est notée 5,0 sur 5 (pas besoin de faire un dessin, cela est une très bonne application!). [...] Lire la suite
Our Planet Screensaver

Our Planet Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
People say that our planet is not as large as it seems to be at first sight, and still it is wonderful. [...]
[...]Our Planet Screensaver will help you to be sure in this. You have to see it from outer space! Lire la suite
Acritum Femitter HTTP-FTP Server

Acritum Femitter HTTP-FTP Server

Logiciel Windows
Easy-to-use HTTP and FTP server is at your service.
[...]You don't have to be a system administrator to understand how it works, simply press a button and your friends will be able to visit your computer via the net. They will be able to read your notes, find some info that you published for them, download your files. The server may be accessible to anyone or only to those who have their login and password. [...] Lire la suite
Outlook Split Personality

Outlook Split Personality

Logiciel Windows
Have a home business email, work email, personal email? [...]
[...]Split Personality allows you to manage ALL of your emails in Outlook, but allows you to choose the FROM, REPLYTO and SIGNATURE of any email that is to be sent at the time of sending it for each email. Yes, that's right. You create 'personalities' and select which one you want the outgoing email to be sent as. [...] Lire la suite
Born to be Big

Born to be Big

Logiciel Windows
Un petit poisson est né dans les étendues immenses de l'océan. [...]
[...]Il est rempli de poissons affamés prêts à manger les créatures sous-marines. Prenez le contrôle du petit poisson, qui doit réussir à se défendre. Plus ce poisson mange, plus il devient grand et expérimenté. [...] Lire la suite
Born to be Big Multiplayer

Born to be Big Multiplayer

Logiciel Windows
Avalez votre ami ou votre collègue! [...]
[...]C"est une chance de participer à un combat virtuel et de savoir ce que cela veut dire d"être poisson assassin! C"est un jeu fantastique à plusieurs joueurs. Chaque joueur est représenté comme un petit poisson dans l"espace immense de l"océan. [...] Lire la suite
Fish Tank Screensaver

Fish Tank Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
The water depth keeps the mysteries which will be opened to you thanks to unique photos from the very deep parts of the ocean.
[...]But be careful visiting a shark's dwelling, do not become its dinner. Lire la suite


Logiciel Linux
To be connected to the world has never been so easy and safe. [...]
[...]Gate-and-Way guarantees one simple solution in the complex world of the Unified Messaging System. It's a centralized environment designed to easily manage and have full control over the server itself and its services. To add a client, to enable the services, to automate the operations, to quickly monitor whether everything is running ok, even if you are outside the company ... [...] Lire la suite
CoffeeCup Live Chat

CoffeeCup Live Chat

Logiciel Windows
This program allows visitors the opportunity to chat with you in real time.
[...]Clicking on a chat link from your site, a visitor will be prompted to enter in their name and will then be taken to a location where they will be able to chat with you. The setup is easy and there is a wizard to walk you through the whole process. Lire la suite
System Protect

System Protect

Logiciel Windows
System Protect software was designed to be an easy-to-use application that will help you keep your operating system stable and protect important programs, documents and files from deletion caused by viruses, other users on your computer.
[...]System Protect software was designed to be an easy-to-use application that will help you keep your operating system stable and protect important programs, documents and files from deletion caused by viruses, other users on your computer such as your kids, or even by your own mistake. Lire la suite
Spring Plants Screensaver

Spring Plants Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Living in the city it is usually hard to be close to nature but not when you have Spring Plants Screensaver on your desktop.
[...]You will imagine yourself in a field, laying on soft grass and gazing at the blue sky, or looking around in the beautiful morning garden amazed by the blooms and whisking the drops of dew from the leaves. With our beautiful screensaver you can feel the beauty of nature! Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
BarcodeX is an ActiveX control for generating almost any type of barcode. [...]
[...]It can be bound to a data source for use in database reports. Barcodes can be exported into bitmaps, metafiles, clipboard... Lire la suite
Forgot Administrator Password

Forgot Administrator Password

Logiciel Windows
ElcomSoft System Recovery is the perfect solution if you forgot administrator password.
[...]It is user-friendly and fast as well, offering you the greatest chance possible of recovering your password. Using advanced dictionary attack methods, it can recover the vast majority of passwords quickly. The application can also be set up to be used from a bootable USB flash drive. [...] Lire la suite
15 Classic Slide Puzzle

15 Classic Slide Puzzle

Logiciel Windows
15 slide puzzle is freeware recalling the popular game.
[...]For some it will be an exciting discovery. The puzzle consists of a box with 15 numbered tiles that can be slided around to be arranged from 1 to 15. The freeware implements a shuffling algorithm that performs scrambling by random moving; therefore the puzzle is always solvable. [...] Lire la suite
Temperature Scan

Temperature Scan

Logiciel Windows
"Temperature Scan is an affordable Temperature monitoring system that allows you to be notified of changes in temperature as they happen.
[...]This tool can be used to monitor server room and data center temperatures to prevent disaster. A plug and play solution to bring important ambient temperature monitoring where you need it. Simply find a location to place the probe, plug the other end into a USB slot on a computer and load the software." [...] Lire la suite
Better File Attributes

Better File Attributes

Logiciel Windows
Better File Attributes is Windows Explorer enhancement that allows file dates to be changed at will.
[...]It can manipulate entire file hierarchies. Lire la suite
Picture of Earth Screensaver

Picture of Earth Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
It seems to be just the third planet from the Sun but it is the inhabitation of numerous biological species, including human.
[...]The most original space shots of our Planet are on your desktop. Lire la suite
Option Pricing Calculator

Option Pricing Calculator

Logiciel Windows
This free option pricing calculator can be used to calculate: Call Price, Put Price, Gamma, Delta, Theta, Vega, Implied Volatility
[...]Calculator can use three option pricing models to caculate prices: Black-Scholes Option price, Binomial American option price and Binomial European option price Lire la suite
3D Matrix Screensaver

3D Matrix Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Do you want to see what's inside the Matrix? [...]
[...]Well, you don't need to take the red pill and you'll always be able to return. This brand new 3D Matrix Screensaver will take you there in no time. Your screen will become the gate to numerous worlds of the matrix. [...] Lire la suite
3D Matrix Screensaver

3D Matrix Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Do you want to see what's inside the Matrix? [...]
[...]Well, you don't need to take the red pill and you'll always be able to return. This brand new 3D Matrix Screensaver will take you there in no time. Your screen will become the gate to numerous worlds of the matrix. [...] Lire la suite
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