logiciel users

AD Bulk Users

AD Bulk Users

Logiciel Windows


Logiciel Windows

[...]ClipAngel est compatible avec de nombreux formats, peut lancer des programmes et aussi suivre des liens contenus dans un document. Un logiciel puissant et complexe, qui servira avant toute chose aux power users. Lire la suite
SetCPU for Root Users

SetCPU for Root Users

Logiciel Mobile
SetCPU is a tool for changing the CPU settings on a rooted Android phone or tablet.
[...]Vous pouvez télécharger SetCPU for Root Users :Avant de la télécharger, découvrez-en beaucoup plus sur SetCPU for Root Users avec les caractéristiques après : Plus de 22249 utilisateurs ont fourni leur avis à cette appli. En conséquent, elle a aujourd'hui une note de 4,6 étoile. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
EmailObserver is a unique email monitoring software and surveillance tool created for a wide range of users either for ordinary home users or businessmen, corporations etc.
[...]With its help you can know the exact contents of email messages sent by your children, spouse or employees. After installation on the monitored computer it will invisibly copy all outgoing emails. Lire la suite
Le Secret du Tombeau et du Volcan

Le Secret du Tombeau et du Volcan

Logiciel Windows
Le jeu comprend 2 niveaux: * Le Secret du Tombeau est un remake d'un jeu Amstrad paru en 1986; * Le Secret du Volcan est un nouveau niveau, plus long et plus difficile.
[...]Le but est d'explorer et de s'échapper des pyramides/tombeaux. L'explorateur (c'est-à-dire vous) peut sauter, tirer, poser des mines et actionner tout un tas de mécanismes (et de pièges!). Pour jouer, configurez les commandes (clavier ou manette), puis sélectionnez l'un des 2 jeux. [...] Lire la suite
Better File Rename

Better File Rename

Logiciel Windows
Better File Rename is a shell extension for the Windows Explorer, which allows users to quickly rename multiple files.
[...]This powerful, yet easy-to-use utility transforms the often tedious and time-consuming task of renaming multiple files into a simple matter of seconds. Better File Rename is ideally suited for webmasters, users who need to transfer files from UNIX, digital camera owners, as well as for all other users who deal with large numbers of files, such as image collections. Lire la suite
GetPDF Report Server

GetPDF Report Server

Logiciel Windows
GetPDF allows your terminal users to create PDF files from any printable document. [...]
[...]It installs a virtual printer named GetPDF, which is accessible for all terminal users. All they have to do is to click Print from their application to create PDF files. GetPDF RSE is a feature-rich PDF creator of industrial strength, which give business the means to effectively deliver existing business documents to partners, customers and employees. [...] Lire la suite
GetPDF Terminal Server

GetPDF Terminal Server

Logiciel Windows
GetPDF allows your terminal users to create PDF files from any printable document. [...]
[...]It installs a virtual printer named GetPDF, which is accessible for all terminal users. All they have to do is to click Print from their application to create PDF files. GetPDF TSE is a feature-rich PDF creator of industrial strength, which give business the means to effectively deliver existing business documents to partners, customers and employees. [...] Lire la suite
GetPDF lntranet Server

GetPDF lntranet Server

Logiciel Windows
GetPDF allows your intranet users to create PDF files from any printable document. [...]
[...]It installs a virtual printer named GetPDF, which is accessible for all intranetl users. All they have to do is to click Print from their application to create PDF files. GetPDF ISE is a feature-rich PDF creator of industrial strength, which give business the means to effectively deliver existing business documents to partners, customers and employees. [...] Lire la suite
Auto Reply Manager for Outlook

Auto Reply Manager for Outlook

Logiciel Windows
Auto Reply Manager for Outlook is an email autoresponder that allows users to quickly define Outlook reply rules and filters and to auto email replies when users are out of office, on vacation or simply when they want to auto-confirm Outlook emails.
[...]You can choose to send automated replies or to forward received emails to a pre-selected email account. If you deal with multiple email accounts, Auto Reply Manager lets them create personalised replies. Lire la suite
IPSearchLight GeoLocator for ASP Classic

IPSearchLight GeoLocator for ASP Classic

Logiciel Windows
IPSearchlight (www.ipsearchlight.com) allows you to geographic pinpoint your web users to a country, state, city or even zip code.
[...]The technology is non-invasive and undetectable. IPSearchLight is beneficial for localization, statistics and credit-card security. Lire la suite
Network Asset Tracker Pro

Network Asset Tracker Pro

Logiciel Windows
Network Asset Tracker Pro generates a network inventory without installing software on the users' PCs.
[...]Get complete information about operating systems, service packs, hotfixes, hardware, software and running processes on remote PCs fast. Create reports about hardware, software and running processes on all computers on your local network. Lire la suite
Task Actions

Task Actions

Logiciel Windows
Task Actions is a full-featured network multiuser system for managing projects and tasks. [...]
[...]The system has a built-in system for notifying users about changes applied to task parameters, such as description changes, deadline changes, new messages, etc.) Task Actions will timely notify its users about a new task and about the coming deadline for a task. For more information go to web-site www.taskactions.com Lire la suite
OpenOffice Draw Password Recovery

OpenOffice Draw Password Recovery

Logiciel Windows
Draw Password Recovery can benefit all users of OpenOffice Draw. [...]
[...]It provides a friendly interface and a carefully chosen feature set to let users recover passwords without problems. Even users who are not exposed to computer technologies can learn how to use OpenOffice Draw Password Recovery in just minutes and then instantly recover open-document passwords and remove ReadOnly protection to make the document editable again. Lire la suite
Community Video Chat

Community Video Chat

Logiciel Windows
Community Video chat provides multi-user real time audio/video communication without any additional software installation on the client side. [...]
[...]It supports text messages with all text formatting tools available in other FlashComs applications, moderator options, custom skins, message history, blacklist and more. Flexible video window positioning allows seeing all chat room users. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
LiveProject Professional is a project collaboration solution for teams using Microsoft Project. [...]
[...]Users suggest changes to shared MS project plans, and managers can easily update the plans with accepted/rejected changes. LiveProject increases visibility and accountability for your team, and is priced at a fraction of the cost of a similar Microsoft Project Server solution. Only managers need to have MS Project installed, users do not. [...] Lire la suite
A Better Finder Rename

A Better Finder Rename

Logiciel Mac
A Better Finder Rename is a contextual menu plugin for the Macintosh Finder, which allows users to quickly rename multiple files.
[...]This powerful, yet easy-to-use utility transforms the often tedious and time-consuming task of renaming multiple files into a simple matter of seconds. Lire la suite
ByteRun Website Compiler

ByteRun Website Compiler

Logiciel Windows
Compile your website into Windows application, create cd autorun. [...]
[...]Distribute copy of your website to users without internet connection. Standalone websites runs very fast and require no additional software. Easy-to-use compiler interface allows you to customize browser toolbar. [...] Lire la suite
My Fantasy Maker

My Fantasy Maker

Logiciel Windows
My Fantasy Maker is a cool, easy-to-use program, designed to allow users to realistically insert their face (or someone else's face) into any picture.
[...]In a few seconds you can recreate millions of fun situations. Lire la suite
Contact Organizer Pro

Contact Organizer Pro

Logiciel Windows
Contact Organizer Pro is a flexible contact management software for Windows users.
[...]Our contacts software solution gives you an easy way to gather and organize information about all your business contacts: main contact information, business/account information, related contacts information, history of all activities, contact notes, and more. Lire la suite
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  • Parallels Desktop 20 Parallels Desktop 20

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