msg to eml

Export Outlook Messages to EML Format

Export Outlook Messages to EML Format

Logiciel Windows
Pour exporter les messages des dossiers spécifiés d'Outlook au format EML.
[...]Il est possible de conserver la structure du dossier d'origine. Cet utilitaire peut également être utilisé pour exporter les messages vers Windows Live Mail, Mozilla Thunderbird et autres clients de messagerie qui prennent en charge le format EML. Lire la suite
Convert Messages from EML to MSG Format

Convert Messages from EML to MSG Format

Logiciel Windows
Moyen simple et gratuit pour convertir les fichiers message de EML au format MSG utilisée dans Microsoft Outlook. [...]
[...]Il est possible de conserver la structure du dossier original. Support des anciens formats ANSI et moderne MSG Unicode. Le produit contient à la fois application autonome et un add-in Outlook. [...] Lire la suite
Import Messages from EML Format

Import Messages from EML Format

Logiciel Windows
Un moyen simple et gratuit pour importer des messages à partir de fichiers format EML dans un dossier Outlook spécifique.
[...]Il est possible de conserver la structure du dossier original. Le produit contient add-in Outlook et application autonome. Cet utilitaire peut également être utilisé pour importer des messages de Windows Live Mail, Mozilla Thunderbird et autres clients de messagerie. [...] Lire la suite
Outlook Import Wizard

Outlook Import Wizard

Logiciel Windows
Outlook Importing Tool is an application the perfect and quickest and easiest way to transfer eml and msg emails into MS Outlook.
[...]The software allows importing messages as well as attached files, preserving original folder structure while importing e-mails which is particularly convenient for converting backups of and other supported e-mail clients. Lire la suite
Free MBOX to EML Converter

Free MBOX to EML Converter

Logiciel Windows
Convertisseur pour extraire rapidement vos e-mails stockés dans les dossiers MBOX en fichiers séparés qui peuvent ensuite être importés dans Outlook Express ou de tout autre client de messagerie.
[...] Lire la suite
Outlook Essentials

Outlook Essentials

Logiciel Windows
Un ensemble d'outils utile et simples à utiliser pour tous les utilisateurs de Microsoft Outlook : importation, exportation et conversion des messages aux formats EML, MSG et PST; suppression des doublons, gestion des pièces jointes extraire les adresse..
[...] Lire la suite
ReliefJet Essentials for Outlook

ReliefJet Essentials for Outlook

Logiciel Windows
Un vaste ensemble d'outils utiles et faciles à utiliser pour tous les utilisateurs de Microsoft Outlook : importation, exportation et conversion des messages au format EML, MSG et PST.
[...] Lire la suite
Total Mail Converter Pro

Total Mail Converter Pro

Logiciel Windows
Total Mail Converter Pro convertit les fichiers MSG et EML en HTM, TXT, PDF, DOC, JPEG. [...]
[...]La version Pro convertit aussi les pièces jointes. C'est la meilleure façon de sauvegarder vos e-mails dans des formats populaires. Lire la suite
1st Mac Mailer

1st Mac Mailer

Logiciel Mac
This is mass-mailing software to deliver personalized email messages to customers.
[...]The main features are: high speed; unlimited number of customers and customer data fields; support of plain-text, rich text and HTML message formats; message templates and macro definitions for message personalization; Import and Export features for customer database sharing with spreadsheet or database management syste Lire la suite
1st Mac Mailer for Leopard

1st Mac Mailer for Leopard

Logiciel Mac
This is mass-mailing software to deliver personalized email messages to customers.
[...]Features: high speed; unlimited number of customers and customer data fields; support of plain-text, rich text and HTML message formats; message templates and macro definitions for message personalization; Import and Export features for customer database sharing with spreadsheet or database management systems Lire la suite
1st Mac Mailer for Tiger

1st Mac Mailer for Tiger

Logiciel Mac
This is mass-mailing software to deliver personalized email messages to customers.
[...]Features: high speed; unlimited number of customers and customer data fields; support of plain-text, rich text and HTML message formats; message templates and macro definitions for message personalization; Import and Export features for customer database sharing with spreadsheet or database management systems Lire la suite
1st Mac Mailer for Panther

1st Mac Mailer for Panther

Logiciel Mac
This is mass-mailing software to deliver personalized email messages to customers.
[...]Features: high speed; unlimited number of customers and customer data fields; support of plain-text, rich text and HTML message formats; message templates and macro definitions for message personalization; Import and Export features for customer database sharing with spreadsheet or database management systems Lire la suite
Attachments Processor for Outlook

Attachments Processor for Outlook

Logiciel Windows
The program can automatically extract attachments from incoming messages to save them to disk (they are replaced with a link to the file or with a text description), unpack archived attachments, and pack attachments in the outgoing messages.
[...]The program can automatically extract attachments from incoming messages to save them to hard disk - they are replaced in a message with a link to the file, or a text description, pack attachments in the outgoing messages and unzip archived attachments in the incoming ones. Lire la suite
Outlook Transfer

Outlook Transfer

Logiciel Windows
Outlook Transfer is a simple to use utility which allows to import the high amount of .eml and .msg files into Microsodt Outlook.
[...]Outlook Transfer Converter can move separate EML and MSG files to the Outlook Personal Folder, converter provides an easy way to browse and choose files to be moved to Outlook Personal Folder (PST). If you have Outlook installed and wish to import a bunch of emails saved by another email software, then it is just what you need. Lire la suite
Flash to Video Encoder PRO

Flash to Video Encoder PRO

Logiciel Windows
Convert Flash (*.SWF) Movies to Video AVI WMV MPEG files or DVD. [...]
[...]Flash To Video Encoder allows you to convert any Macromedia Flash SWF files to video movie AVI or MP4 or ASF/WMV file. Burn directly to DVD. Add watermarks, logos and copyright messages to video file. [...] Lire la suite
Save Message Action for InboxRULES

Save Message Action for InboxRULES

Logiciel Windows
Save Message can automatically save message body and attachments to a disk folder when message arrives to MS Outlook account or MS Exchange Server mailbox.
[...]Message body can be saves in Plain, RTF, HTML or Native format. There is a possibility to customize message header in the save file and to include attachments info to the saved file. Save Message can work with attachments which were included or embedded to the message or which were included to the message as OLE object. [...] Lire la suite
AD MailBox Manager

AD MailBox Manager

Logiciel Windows
AD MailBox Manager allows you to browse your mailbox and view subject, sender, receiver and size of incoming messages prior to downloading them. [...]
[...]Also, you can delete messages direct on server. It can be started with Windows automatically and places an icon in your Taskbar's tray to allow you to edit its properties and perform check command. Program support a multiple accounts and notification about new incoming letters. [...] Lire la suite
IMS Telephone On-Hold Player

IMS Telephone On-Hold Player

Logiciel Windows
Telephone on hold messages and music player software for Windows. [...]
[...]Features ~ Real time mixing of messages and music to create an endless presentation ~ Message scheduling to commence and expire on certain dates and to play only on certain days of the week or times of day ~ Automatic Online Internet Updates. Lire la suite
Kiwi Syslog Generator

Kiwi Syslog Generator

Logiciel Windows
A Free Windows Syslog message generator which sends Unix type Syslog messages to any PC or Unix Syslog Daemon. [...]
[...]Excellent for testing your Kiwi Syslog Daemon or other Syslog Daemon setup and diagnose communication problems. Supports TCP syslog messages for emulating PIX firewall messages. Lire la suite
Kastor Free Audio Converter

Kastor Free Audio Converter

Logiciel Windows
Logiciel gratuit pour convertir tous vos fichiers audio.
[...]Rippez vos CD audio en MP3, WMA, OGG, FLAC, WAV, AAC. Permet d'extraire la bande son de vos videos ! Très rapide, puissant et simple d'utilisation !! [...] Lire la suite
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