playing pubg mobile of windows with ios

PUBG Lite : une version de PUBG mobile destinée aux smartphones moins puissants

PUBG Lite : une version de PUBG mobile destinée aux smartphones moins puissants

Avec tout le battage médiatique autour de Fortnite Android, on en oublierait presque PUBG. Il est vrai que le pionnier des jeux Battle Royale a faire face à une concurrence très rude sur mobile avec notamment Creative Destruction (clone de Fortnite) ou encore Knives Out. Ces jeux sont pour la plupart très exigeants en termes de ressources, ils possèdent également des graphismes riches. Mais Tencent, l'éditeur chargé du développement de PUBG sur mobile semble avoir trouvé la parade. Un PUBG plus léger et moins gourmand [...] Lire la suite
PUBG Mobile Lite Android

PUBG Mobile Lite Android

Logiciel Mobile
Tencent présente PUBG Mobile Lite, il s'agit d'une version allégée et moins gourmande en ressource sdu jeu Battle Royale, sur mobile.
[...]Pour booster sa croissance et le taux d'adoption du jeu sur mobile, Tencent qui est chargé du développement de la branche mobile de PUBG, a décidé de proposé une version dite Lite. PUBG Mobile Lite prote bien son nom. Il s'agit en effet, d'une version plus légère et moins gourmande du jeu. [...] Lire la suite
Sortie de PUBG mobile en France : toutes les infos

Sortie de PUBG mobile en France : toutes les infos

PUBG aka PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds a été sans aucun doute l'un des meilleurs jeux de l'année 2017. Le jeu a redonné ses lettres de noblesse au genre Battle Royale et a fait des émules. La preuve avec Fortnite, un titre battle royale développé par Epic Games qui a raflé quelques milliers de joueurs à PUBG. Mais PUBG n'a pas dit son dernier mot, annoncé il y a plusieurs semaines sur mobiles, il est en passe de s'offrir un bain de jouvence avec l'arrivée d'une nouvelle vague de joueurs sur Android et iOS. MàJ du 20 Mars à 16:58 : PUBG est officiellement disponible en France sur iOS et Android [...] Lire la suite
Oasis-Poker Pro

Oasis-Poker Pro

Logiciel Windows
Powerfull tool for professional play poker against casino. [...]
[...]Computation of mathematical expectation of game with specified rules. Winning strategy development. Player training in real game simulation mode. [...] Lire la suite
3D Camomile Field Screensaver

3D Camomile Field Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
3D Camomile Field Screensaver is a beautiful scene of a camomile field with flying bumblebees and butterflyes.
[...]If your computer supports OpenGL hardware acceleration, this screensaver will fill up your screen with real 3D animation. Lire la suite
Free Harry Potter Screensaver

Free Harry Potter Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Dive into the world of magic with Harry Potter himself.
[...]Pay a visit to Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and meet your favorite characters! Lire la suite
Coloring Book

Coloring Book

Logiciel Windows
Children will have hours of fun with this electronic coloring book.
[...]Large buttons for color selection make it easy to use even for young children. No more broken or lost crayons with this computer version and the pages can be colored over and over again with the dozens of available colors. Lire la suite
Free Betty Boop Screensaver

Free Betty Boop Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Betty Boop is a real cartoon queen who has won over millions of hearts worldwide with her unique mixture of wide-eyed innocence and powerful sensuality.
[...]With this outstanding free screensaver she will definitely fascinate you at first sight! Lire la suite
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG Mobile) Android

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG Mobile) Android

Logiciel Mobile
PUBG est un jeu vidéo multijoueurs où, parachuté d'un avion militaire, vous devez affronter les 99 autres joueurs jusqu'à être le dernier.
[...]Vous voilà parachuté d'un avion-cargo militaire sans équipement, sur un terrain carré de 8 km, avec nul autre que 99 autres joueurs. A vous de vous armer et de vous protéger pour rester le seul survivant. Battle royale par excellence [...] Lire la suite
Jigsaw Winner

Jigsaw Winner

Logiciel Windows
Enjoy hours of fun with this jigsaw puzzle challenge. [...]
[...]Over 30 puzzles to challenge your mind! Advanced rotating puzzles will thrill puzzle addicts! Try to solve them all! [...] Lire la suite
Synchronizer for Outlook Express

Synchronizer for Outlook Express

Logiciel Windows
Synchronize messages between different installations of Outlook Express with Synchronizer for Outlook Express.
[...]Keep mail on your laptop and desktop computers synchronized without duplicates or missing emails. Synchronizer for Outlook Express compares Outlook Express mail folders on two computers message by message, ensuring that everything is in perfect sync. Lire la suite
Free Dolphin Screensaver

Free Dolphin Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Who didn't dream of swimming together with dolphins! [...]
[...]These friendly creatures are notable for their joyful temper, high intellect and love for communication. These warm images of Free Dolphin Picture Screensaver will give you truly unforgettable impression, the same for children and adults. Lire la suite
DocPoint - Document Management Software

DocPoint - Document Management Software

Logiciel Windows
DocPoint is a document management and imaging management solution that provides organizations of any size with a powerful and affordable paperless office solution.
[...]DocPoint delivers high-volume information capture, instant document and record retrieval, and seamless information distribution across the organization. Lire la suite
Free Ladybug Screensaver

Free Ladybug Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Ladybugs are known to be useful bugs as they are an essential part of biological chain. [...]
[...]Also we associate these beautiful bugs of Asian origin with something pure, simple and they awaken bright emotions in us. This screensaver is a unique collection of representatives of most beautiful bugs. Lire la suite
Metacafe Video Downloader

Metacafe Video Downloader

Logiciel Windows
Download and save Metacafe videos ( ) to your PC, Ipod, Iphone, PSP, Mobile Phone with one-click.
[...]No need to use scripts for web browsers. You don't need any players to play flash video just play it on the default media player classic. No extra codecs or players needed. [...] Lire la suite
QuData Calculator

QuData Calculator

Logiciel Windows
QuData Calculator combines ease of use with a lot of powerful features, memory, history, statistical functions. [...]
[...]It has a flexible interface that can be easily adjusted to your taste. You type the data either from keyboard or from calculator keyboard. It operates on various types of calculations, allows conversion of units of measure, has a history panel and a panel for statistical calculations. [...] Lire la suite
Tiny Dialer

Tiny Dialer

Logiciel Windows
Tiny dialer is handy tool that replaces regular dial-up service of Windows. [...]
[...]Among with all standard DUN features of Windows, it has many unique options that will make your web-surfing a piece of cake. Small status window will never hide the application you are currently working with. And convenient system tray icon will allow you to access all program features with a mouse click. [...] Lire la suite
3D Valentine's Day Screensaver

3D Valentine's Day Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
A beautiful scene of a camomile field with flying bumblebees and with a lot of hearts rising up from dense grass and disappearing into the air.
[...]You can add a photo of your valentine and it will be displayed on a big heart in the center of the screen. If your computer supports OpenGL hardware acceleration, this screensaver will fill up your screen with real 3D animation. Lire la suite
SV Bookmark

SV Bookmark

Logiciel Windows
SV Bookmark is a visual bookmark manager that allows you to associate screenshots of a web site with each entry.
[...]Hovering your mouse over an entry displays a small popup screenshot of the site, making it easy to remember the content. The program provides advanced features such as thumbnails and full-size screenshots, searching, duplicate checking, URL validation, password protection and more. Lire la suite
Hulu Video Downloader

Hulu Video Downloader

Logiciel Windows
Download and convert Hulu episodes ( ) to your PC, Ipod, PSP, Iphone, Mobile, Zune with one-click.
[...]No extra codecs or players needed. No need to use scripts for web browsers. You don't need any players to play flash video just play it on the default media player classic. [...] Lire la suite
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