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PUBG Lite : une version de PUBG mobile destinée aux smartphones moins puissants

PUBG Lite : une version de PUBG mobile destinée aux smartphones moins puissants

Avec tout le battage médiatique autour de Fortnite Android, on en oublierait presque PUBG. Il est vrai que le pionnier des jeux Battle Royale a faire face à une concurrence très rude sur mobile avec notamment Creative Destruction (clone de Fortnite) ou encore Knives Out. Ces jeux sont pour la plupart très exigeants en termes de ressources, ils possèdent également des graphismes riches. Mais Tencent, l'éditeur chargé du développement de PUBG sur mobile semble avoir trouvé la parade. Un PUBG plus léger et moins gourmand [...] Lire la suite
PUBG Mobile Lite Android

PUBG Mobile Lite Android

Logiciel Mobile
Tencent présente PUBG Mobile Lite, il s'agit d'une version allégée et moins gourmande en ressource sdu jeu Battle Royale, sur mobile.
[...]Pour booster sa croissance et le taux d'adoption du jeu sur mobile, Tencent qui est chargé du développement de la branche mobile de PUBG, a décidé de proposé une version dite Lite. PUBG Mobile Lite prote bien son nom. Il s'agit en effet, d'une version plus légère et moins gourmande du jeu. [...] Lire la suite
Sortie de PUBG mobile en France : toutes les infos

Sortie de PUBG mobile en France : toutes les infos

PUBG aka PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds a été sans aucun doute l'un des meilleurs jeux de l'année 2017. Le jeu a redonné ses lettres de noblesse au genre Battle Royale et a fait des émules. La preuve avec Fortnite, un titre battle royale développé par Epic Games qui a raflé quelques milliers de joueurs à PUBG. Mais PUBG n'a pas dit son dernier mot, annoncé il y a plusieurs semaines sur mobiles, il est en passe de s'offrir un bain de jouvence avec l'arrivée d'une nouvelle vague de joueurs sur Android et iOS. MàJ du 20 Mars à 16:58 : PUBG est officiellement disponible en France sur iOS et Android [...] Lire la suite
Alchemy Network Inventory

Alchemy Network Inventory

Logiciel Windows
Alchemy Network Inventory is the most effective way of cataloguing all the hardware and software on your network.
[...]Making the task of keeping track of these details far easier, Alchemy Network Inventory is a must have for a number of reasons, especially if you need to carefully plan the upgrading of your network. Lire la suite
Alchemy Network Tools

Alchemy Network Tools

Logiciel Windows
Alchemy Network Tools is the set of the must-have network utilities, used by the Network Administrators to maintain and support their networks: PING, TRACE, WHOIS, LOOKUP, SNMP, ROUTING TABLE, TCP/IP/ICMP/UDP stats tables, etc.
[...] Lire la suite
GS1 DataBar Barcode Font

GS1 DataBar Barcode Font

Logiciel Windows
The GS1 DataBar Barcode Font by allows easy generation of DataBar barcodes from a TrueType, PostScript, OpenType or PCL font within Windows, MAC, Linux and Unix systems.
[...]The download is available at and includes encoders in VB, Java, C++ and .NET for Windows, MAC, Linux and Unix. The Windows installation includes examples for Excel, Word, Access, and Crystal Reports. Lire la suite
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG Mobile) Android

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG Mobile) Android

Logiciel Mobile
PUBG est un jeu vidéo multijoueurs où, parachuté d'un avion militaire, vous devez affronter les 99 autres joueurs jusqu'à être le dernier.
[...]Vous voilà parachuté d'un avion-cargo militaire sans équipement, sur un terrain carré de 8 km, avec nul autre que 99 autres joueurs. A vous de vous armer et de vous protéger pour rester le seul survivant. Battle royale par excellence [...] Lire la suite
PingCOPA Network Monitoring Software

PingCOPA Network Monitoring Software

Logiciel Windows
PingCOPA Network Monitoring Software is an aid for network engineers when monitoring and diagnosing IP network problems.
[...]Speech output is provided to enable you to work on cables and hardware without looking at the computer monitor when testing IP network problems. Continuously monitor network computers, HTTP Web Servers, FTP Servers, POP3 Servers and SMTP Servers and be notified of problems by speech or email. Lire la suite
Free Xmas Tree Screensaver

Free Xmas Tree Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
And you feel that your heart fills up with special warmth because Christmas Holiday is coming soon!
[...]And you feel that your heart fills up with special warmth because Christmas Holiday is coming soon! Watch the Holiday approaching together with the enchanting pictures! Lire la suite
Member Organizer

Member Organizer

Logiciel Windows
Tool to track an organisation's membership. [...]
[...]Contact your members by e-mail and produce letters easily. The regular demo is not available online. The full regular version does not include the Invoicing tool of v i4.6. [...] Lire la suite
Member Organizer

Member Organizer

Logiciel Windows
Tool to track an organisation's membership. [...]
[...]Contact your members by e-mail and produce letters easily. The regular demo is not available online. The full regular version does not include the Invoicing tool of v i4.6. [...] Lire la suite
Network Info Requester

Network Info Requester

Logiciel Windows
Network Information Requester is simple utility.
[...]You need to launch it and all information will be collected automaticly, without any attention. It takes about a second to collect the information about network settings for the each installed network adapter. Also you able the save this information to the HTML file. [...] Lire la suite
Perfect Network Icons

Perfect Network Icons

Logiciel Windows
Perfect Network Icons is a collection of network-related icons. [...]
[...]The collection is delivered in the BMP, PNG, GIF and ICO formats with each icon present in the 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48 sizes. There are 256-color icons (for old Windows versions) and full-color transparent icons (for Windows XP and Windows 7). Lire la suite
Digital Guitar Tuner

Digital Guitar Tuner

Logiciel Windows
Digital Guitar Tuner is a free Windows software, which let's you accurately tune your guitar using direct input, microphone or MIDI tones. [...]
[...]Now a new version 2.3 is available for downloading. Now it features 27 tuning types! Lire la suite
Delphi ZIP Component ZipForge

Delphi ZIP Component ZipForge

Logiciel Windows
ZipForge is an advanced Delphi ZIP component, written completely in Delphi. [...]
[...]ZipForge features include SFX archives support, repair, strong encryption, unicode filenames support, Zip64, splitting and multi-spanning support. Full source code is available. No external depenancies. [...] Lire la suite
Network Eagle Monitor Pro

Network Eagle Monitor Pro

Logiciel Windows
Network Eagle is a powerful network monitor. [...]
[...]Create categorized task lists on a "set and forget" basis. Network Eagle can ping server, monitor TCP port, check HTTP URL (with HTTP auth.), test FTP link, check disk space usage, execute external command check, check databases via ODBC, monitor MS SQL server via native interface and more. Write your own script checks using JS and VBS. [...] Lire la suite
Network Eagle Monitor

Network Eagle Monitor

Logiciel Windows
Network Eagle is a powerful network monitor. [...]
[...]Create categorized task lists on a "set and forget" basis. Network Eagle can ping server, monitor TCP port, check HTTP URL (with HTTP auth.), test FTP link, check disk space usage, execute external command check, check databases via ODBC, monitor MS SQL server via native interface and more. Write your own script checks using JS and VBS. [...] Lire la suite
Small Network Icons

Small Network Icons

Logiciel Windows
Small Network Iocns is a collection of network-related stock icons. [...]
[...]The collection is delivered in the BMP, PNG, GIF and ICO formats with each icon presented in the 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48 sizes. There are 256-color icons (for old Windows versions) and full-color transparent icons (for Windows XP and Vista). Each icon is also presented in two variants: with and without shadows. [...] Lire la suite
Network Icon Library

Network Icon Library

Logiciel Windows
Vista Network Icon Library is a collection of network-related windows icons. [...]
[...]The collection is delivered in the BMP, PNG, GIF and ICO formats with each icon presented in the 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256 pixel sizes. There are 256-color icons (for old Windows versions) and full-color transparent windows icons (for Windows XP and later). Also, each icon is included in two variants: with and without shadows. [...] Lire la suite
IsItUp Network Monitor

IsItUp Network Monitor

Logiciel Windows
IsItUp Network Monitor is a server, website, port, and email system monitor. [...]
[...]It continuously monitors multiple IP devices, websites, servers graphs. Website content check; runs as a service; maintains performance statistics for each device it monitors - up time, maximum response time, minimum response time, standard deviation IsItUp tracks the last successful and last Traceroute. [...] Lire la suite
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