repair corrupt registry windows 10

Registry Cleaner Pro

Registry Cleaner Pro

Logiciel Windows
Optimize system performance, repair registry and fix common errors today and tomorrow!
[...]Registry Cleaner Pro knows about issues already discovered and learns how to fix emerging problems by updating its database periodically. With Registry Cleaner Pro, you can optimize system performance, repair registry and fix common errors today and tomorrow! Lire la suite
Registry Defender Platinum

Registry Defender Platinum

Logiciel Windows
Find and repair registry errors, cleanup unneeded files, defragment your drive, backup system files, and more!
[...]Registry Defender Platinum is a powerful system diagnostic utility that helps you optimize system performance. Registry Defender Platinum will help make your system fast, error free, optimized and in your control. Lire la suite
Advanced RAR Repair

Advanced RAR Repair

Logiciel Windows
Advanced RAR Repair(ARAR) is a powerful tool to repair corrupt or damaged RAR and SFX archives.
[...]It scans the corrupt or damaged archives and recover your files in them as much as possible, so to minimize the loss in file corruption. Currently ARAR supports to recover all versions of RAR and SFX archives. Lire la suite
Advanced DBF Repair

Advanced DBF Repair

Logiciel Windows
Advanced DBF Repair is a powerful tool to repair corrupt DBF files.
[...]It can scan the corrupt DBF files and recover your data in them as much as possible, so to minimize the loss in file corruption. Currently ADR supports to fix dBASE, FoxBase, FoxPro and Visual FoxPro database. Moreover, it has integrated with Windows shell, supported drag [...] Lire la suite
Advanced CAB Repair

Advanced CAB Repair

Logiciel Windows
Advanced CAB Repair(ACR) is a powerful tool to repair corrupt CAB files.
[...]It can scan the damaged CAB archives and recover your data in them as much as possible, so to minimize the loss in file corruption. Currently ACR can fix all versions of Microsoft cabinet files. Moreover, it has integrated with Windows shell, supported drag [...] Lire la suite
Advanced Registry Fix

Advanced Registry Fix

Logiciel Windows
"Advanced Registry Fix is an awarding winning, extremely easy to use tool designed to safely scan and repair Windows Registry problems with a few simple mouse clicks!
[...]Advanced Registry Fix checks and fixes all errors found in your Computer Registry that slow down and even crash your computer. It will even automatically repair invalid entries at Windows start-up. Use Advanced Registry Fix to automatically scan, fix and optimise your computer registry." [...] Lire la suite
Advanced BKF Repair

Advanced BKF Repair

Logiciel Windows
Advanced BKF Repair(ABR) is a powerful tool to repair corrupt or damaged Microsoft backup(BKF) files.
[...]It scans the corrupt or damaged Microsoft backup files and recover your archived files in them as much as possible. Currently ABR supports to recover Microsoft Backup(BKF) files created with Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP/2003 backup utilities, as well as BKF files created with Backup Exec by VERITAS Software, under NT, Netware, OS/2 or Macintosh. Lire la suite
Advanced Excel Repair

Advanced Excel Repair

Logiciel Windows
Advanced Excel Repair(AER) is a powerful tool to repair corrupt Excel xls [...]
[...]It can scan the corrupt files and recover your data in them as much as possible,so to minimize the loss in file corruption. AER supports to recover files in Excel v 2.1,3,4,5,95,97,2000,XP,2003 formats. Moreover,it has integrated with Windows shell,supported drag [...] Lire la suite
Registry Repair Pro

Registry Repair Pro

Logiciel Windows
Registry Repair Pro scans the Windows registry for invalid or obsolete information in the registry.
[...]When you fix this information it will make your PC run faster and will make your PC error free. By using a registry cleaner regularly and fixing your registry, your computer will become more stable and help Windows and your software run faster. Lire la suite
Advanced TAR Repair

Advanced TAR Repair

Logiciel Windows
Advanced TAR Repair(ATR) is a powerful tool to repair corrupt TAR files. [...]
[...]It can scan the TAR archives and recover your data in them as much as possible, so to minimize the loss in file corruption. Main features: 1.Support to fix standard Unix TAR files. 2.Support to repair TAR files on corrupted medias, such as floppy disks, Zip disks, CDROMs, etc. [...] Lire la suite
Your Free Registry Cleaner

Your Free Registry Cleaner

Logiciel Windows
The older your PC is, the more junked-up its Registry becomes. [...]
[...]It achieves this by cleaning and fixing the registry. Registry is a database where Windows and programs store their data. Badly written programs don't bother to clean the Registry when you uninstall them, and sometimes add unnecessary junk to the Registry. [...] Lire la suite
Actual Rar Repair

Actual Rar Repair

Logiciel Windows
Actual Rar Repair is a tool to repair RAR archives.
[...]Actual Rar Repair boasts a clear intuitive user interface and handles rar repair in the automatic mode, relieving the user of the technical side of the process. In batch mode you can recover a group of rar files with a single strike. With Actual Rar Repair you also can easily recover rar files of any size and of any number of volumes. [...] Lire la suite
Glarysoft Registry Repair

Glarysoft Registry Repair

Logiciel Windows
Glarysoft Registry Repair est un logiciel gratuit qui vous permet de réparer le registre d'un ordinateur.
[...]Vous pouvez essayer Glarysoft Registry Repair, un logiciel totalement gratuit. Comme son nom l'indique, le logiciel est spécialisé dans la réparation des bases de registre. Il faut dire qu'à force d'installer des programmes sur votre ordinateur, le registre est modifié et des erreurs peuvent apparaître. [...] Lire la suite
AVS Registry Cleaner

AVS Registry Cleaner

Logiciel Windows
Scan, clean and fix Windows registry and PC entries with AVS Registry Cleaner. [...]
[...]Check and fix shared DLL's, COM/ActiveX, etc. Delete temporary Internet files Schedule registry scanner and make backup for maximum safety. [...] Lire la suite
Advanced Database Recovery

Advanced Database Recovery

Logiciel Windows
Advanced Database Recovery is a powerful database recovery suite.
[...]It includes recovery tools Advanced Access Repair (AAR) and Advanced DBF Repair (ADR). AAR can repair corrupt Access databases. MS Access 95, 97, 2000, XP and 2003 are supported. [...] Lire la suite
Recovery for Windows Registry

Recovery for Windows Registry

Logiciel Windows
Recovery for Windows Registry is a comprehensive recovery software for damaged Microsoft Windows registry files. [...]
[...]Console application: makes it easy to use Recovery for Windows Registry with a rescue diskette on an operating system that cannot start due to registry errors. Is able to restore separate registry files. Supports Windows 2000 and XP. [...] Lire la suite
RegCOPA Registry Editor

RegCOPA Registry Editor

Logiciel Windows
RegCOPA Registry Editor makes the necessary task of editing your windows registry easier and more convenient.
[...]RegCOPA is ideal for people who need to modify registry values regularly. With RegCOPA's shortcuts to registry entries you'll never have to waste time running up and down the registry tree again. Add bookmarks, windows shortcuts and comments to make editing registry entries quick and easy. [...] Lire la suite
Refresh Windows 10

Refresh Windows 10

Logiciel Windows
Refresh Windows 10 est un outil mis à disposition par Microsoft pour installer une version propre de Windows 10.
[...]L'application va en effet supprimer les applications préinstallées ou installées manuellement par l'utilisateur de la machine. Lorsque vous démarrez l'utilitaire portable Refresh Windows, deux choix s'offrent à vous : supprimer toutes vos données ou conserver vos fichiers tout en supprimant les paramètres et applications installées. L'utilitaire se chargera de nettoyer le système et d'installer la toute dernière version de Windows 10. [...] Lire la suite
Registrar Registry Manager

Registrar Registry Manager

Logiciel Windows
Registrar Registry Manager is a complete registry management solution with a wealth of powerful features.
[...]It is intended as a complete and safe solution for administrators and power users for maintaining the registry on both the desktop as well as remote computers on the network and has great features for cleaning your registry. Lire la suite
Glary Registry Repair

Glary Registry Repair

Logiciel Windows

[...]Pour ceux qui l'ignorent, le registre de Windows 7, 8 ou 10 correspond à une base de données du système d'exploitation et des logiciels installés. A chaque fois que vous installez un nouveau programme, de nouvelles informations sont ajoutées dans le registre Windows. Le problème, c'est que ce dernier n'est pas systématiquement nettoyé lorsque vous supprimez un logiciel ce qui peut occasionner des erreurs. [...] Lire la suite
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