rigs of rods download

Rigs of Rods

Rigs of Rods

Logiciel Windows
Rigs of Rods est un jeu de simulation open source qui vous donne la possibilité de conduire différents moyens de transports.
[...]Ce jeu de simulation met à votre disposition plusieurs modes de transports tels que des camions, avions, bateaux, voitures pouvant réagir aux aspérités des différents terrains. Basé sur le moteur physique Ogre, il offre des graphismes de qualité, des animations plus vraies que nature et un environnement ouvert pour une liberté de jeu très appréciable. Rigs of Rods vous donne également la possibilité de conduire des véhicules plus atypiques comme des grues, tracteurs et autobus. [...] Lire la suite
Free Horse Screensaver

Free Horse Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
As the name suggests, this is a perfect free screensaver for all the horse fans. [...]
[...]It features an adorable collection of images of graceful horses and ponies of different breeds. Download it now and enjoy watching these beautiful animals! Lire la suite
Free Music Celebrities Screensaver

Free Music Celebrities Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
This screensaver gives you an excellent opportunity to visit a unique photo gallery of music celebrities.
[...]Download it now and enjoy outstanding images of Evanescence, Green Day, Shakira, Avril Lavigne, Madonna and lots of others right on your screen! Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
BearShare is the best music download software. [...]
[...]Listen to free music, download and share with your friends online! Over 15 millions free music and videos! Bearshare 9.0 has many great new features: Faster Downloads. [...] Lire la suite
Free Movie Stars Screen Saver

Free Movie Stars Screen Saver

Logiciel Windows
This glamorous screen saver is full of fascinating images of your favorite TV and movie celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Richard Gere, Bruce Willis, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp and lots of others.
[...]Download it now and invite this star party right to your desktop! Lire la suite
Miley Cyrus Pictures Screensaver

Miley Cyrus Pictures Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
All fans of Miley Cyrus and the extremely popular American series "Hannah Montana" will find this excellent screensaver a really priceless gift.
[...]It features a premium collection of high-quality photos of Miley in lots of amazing surroundings. Download this awesome screensaver free of charge and admire charming, glamorous and stylish Miley Cyrus smiling at you from your screen! Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
RoboSoft is an advanced software promotion utility for professional shareware developers. [...]
[...]Do not download it if you are an amateur software developer and all you need is to submit your product to the 10 most popular download sites. RoboSoft is a comprehensive software promotion system intended for professionals who understand the real value of massive software submissions. RoboSoft is based on a database of 600+ download site templates supported as an open project by a large community of shareware developers. [...] Lire la suite
Free Dog Screensaver

Free Dog Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Who are the best guards in the world? [...]
[...]Dogs, of course! Download this free screensaver and be sure that everything is safe and sound! Lire la suite
Alpine Fresh Screensaver

Alpine Fresh Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Do you want to get a sniff of fresh air?
[...]Download Fresh Alpine Free Screensaver and break fresh ground in youre life. Lire la suite
The Family Tree of Family

The Family Tree of Family

Logiciel Windows
The program is intended for the preservation of a history and construction of a genealogical tree of families.
[...]Create a detailed list of family members, add biographies, photos and video materials. The program is easy-to-use and features a clear and beautiful interface. Lire la suite
MAPILab Explorer for SharePoint

MAPILab Explorer for SharePoint

Logiciel Windows
Browser of SharePoint object model with support of C# context scripts. [...]
[...]Research of real object structure (.NET Reflection), change of object properties from browser window, prompt testing of code segments of your product, usage of any properties and object fields (including hidden), support of any type libraries (for example, Windows Forms). For Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and SharePoint Portal Server 2007. Freeware. [...] Lire la suite
Free Da Vinci Code Screensaver

Free Da Vinci Code Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Mysteries of centuries!Mysteries of centuries!Mysteries of centuries!Mysteries of centuries!Mysteries of centuries!
[...]One of the most interesting interpretation of messages for the descendants left by Leonardo cannot leave us indifferent. Lire la suite
Call of Duty: Heroes

Call of Duty: Heroes

Logiciel Windows
La version Windows 8 de Call of Duty: Heroes, un mélange subtil de Clash of Clans et Call of Duty...Mais plutôt Clash of Clans.
[...]Rien de bien original à l'horizon, mais toujours de bons moments en perspective si vous aimez les deux licences, leur univers et leur richesse. Lire la suite
DWG to PDF Converter

DWG to PDF Converter

Logiciel Windows
DWG to PDF Converter is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG to PDF, DXF to PDF without the need of AutoCAD.
[...]Download URL: http://anydwg.com/download/dwgpdf.exe Screenshot: http://anydwg.com/images/dwgpdf.gif Product details: http://anydwg.com/dwg2pdf/ Lire la suite
DWG to DWF Converter

DWG to DWF Converter

Logiciel Windows
DWG to DWF Converter is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG to DWF, DXF to DWF without the need of AutoCAD.
[...]Download URL: http://anydwg.com/download/dwgdwf.exe Screenshot: http://anydwg.com/images/dwgdwf.gif Product details: http://anydwg.com/dwg2dwf/ Lire la suite
Atomic Mail Verifier

Atomic Mail Verifier

Logiciel Windows
Successful e-business managers know that current customers database and mailing list maintenance task is one of the toughest yet the most rewarding.
[...]People tend to use several e-mail addresses at once as well as they tend to give up those addresses overwhelmed by spam. This unique software offers three levels of mailing list verification. It is intended for lightning-fast automatic check of e-mail databases of all sizes! [...] Lire la suite
Order of War: Challenge

Order of War: Challenge

Logiciel Windows
ORDER OF WAR: CHALLENGE is a multiplayer stand-alone game in the world of ORDER OF WAR(TM), published by Wargaming.net.
[...]With 6 extended modes, 12 unique maps, and hundreds of units under player control ORDER OF WAR: CHALLENGE gives players a battlefield experience of epic scale. Lire la suite
Land of Runes

Land of Runes

Logiciel Windows
Remove stacks of colored blocks from ancient memorials located at the base of a fiery volcano.
[...]Bursting with strategy and suspense, Land of Runes can be played for hours on end or for just a few minutes between real life tasks. Lire la suite
Champions of League of Legends

Champions of League of Legends

Logiciel Mobile
[...]Installable depuis la partie "Loisir et Famille", il est nécessaire d'avoir la version 2.3 ou version ultérieure d'Android pour tourner de la meilleure des manières. Si elle fait partie du peloton de queue, avec pas plus de 5 installations, cette application pourrait devenir un incontournable demain. Si on veut installer une application de qualité, Champions of League of Legends est certainement l'application adaptée à votre demande! [...] Lire la suite
South of france screensaver

South of france screensaver

Logiciel Windows
A free screensaver with pictures from south of france, by and for lovers of the area.
[...]Includes beautiful and original pictures of Montpellier, Carcassonne, the Cevennes mountains, Nimes and Sete Lire la suite
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