solution jeux romance of rome

Romance Of Rome

Romance Of Rome

Logiciel Windows
Embarquez pour une aventure à couper le souffle.
[...]Voyagez aux quatre coins de la Rome antique, recueillez des points cachés, gagner de l'argent, obtenez des trophées originaux et gagnez l'amour et le culte des citoyens romains. Lire la suite
Romance Of Rome for Mac OS X

Romance Of Rome for Mac OS X

Logiciel Mac
Embarquez pour une aventure à couper le souffle.
[...]Voyagez aux quatre coins de la Rome antique, recueillez des points cachés, gagner de l'argent, obtenez des trophées originaux et gagnez l'amour et le culte des citoyens romains. Lire la suite
Cradle of Rome for Mac OS X

Cradle of Rome for Mac OS X

Logiciel Mac
Welcome to Cradle of Rome! [...]
[...]And even more to build Rome by himself? Awem studio gives you that great chance! Don't lose a unique opportunity to see all the beauty of ancient Rome in our new game Cradle Of Rome! [...] Lire la suite
Gods of Rome iOS

Gods of Rome iOS

Logiciel Mobile
Un jeu aux graphismes incroyables qui nous fait plonger dans l’univers antique des dieux et des créatures mythologiques.
[...]L'éditeur nous propose quelques jours avant Nol, Gods Of Rome, un jeu de combat original dans lequel s'affrontent dieux, gladiateurs et créatures mythologiques. Vous pourrez incarnez Hadès, Vulcain, Spartacus, le Minotaure, Zeus et plein d'autres combattants surpuissants. Gods of Rome intègre une plateforme en ligne qui permet d'affronter d'autres combattants dans des défis PvP de haute volée. [...] Lire la suite
Gods of Rome Android

Gods of Rome Android

Logiciel Mobile
Vous avez le choix entre Zeus, le Minotaure et de nombreux autres combattants pour des affrontements mythologiques d’anthologie sur votre smartphone ou votre tablette Android.
[...]Vous entrerez dans un univers o règnent terreur et goût du sang. Dans ce péplum vidéo-ludique, vous affronterez les créatures et les dieux de l'antiquité greco-romaine. Bien que le jeu s'appelle Gods of Rome, vous aurez la possibilité de vous affronter dans plusieurs arènes comme celle du mont Olympe et pas seulement dans l'enceinte du Colisée ou dans les ruines de Pompéi. [...] Lire la suite
Around the World: Rome

Around the World: Rome

Logiciel Windows
Travel back in time and marvel at the glory and splendor of Ancient Rome by day and night.
[...]Take a glimpse of the magnificent Colosseum, the greatest amphitheater of antiquity. You'll be charmed by the peace and serenity of the Eternal City as the night descends on its seven hills and the bright silent moon illuminates its graceful statues. Enjoy the beauty of Rome with its picturesque landscapes and architectural masterpieces. [...] Lire la suite
Registrar Registry Manager

Registrar Registry Manager

Logiciel Windows
Registrar Registry Manager is a complete registry management solution with a wealth of powerful features.
[...]It is intended as a complete and safe solution for administrators and power users for maintaining the registry on both the desktop as well as remote computers on the network and has great features for cleaning your registry. Lire la suite
Atomic Mailbox Password Recovery

Atomic Mailbox Password Recovery

Logiciel Windows
Atomic Mailbox Password Recovery is a software solution capable of recovering lost or forgotten mailbox passwords for any e-mail programs
[...]The program is universal and is independent of the e-mail client work design. Current version has a user-friendly Wizard interface that helps you to recover a password from the most popular e-mail programs like Outlook, Outlook Express or any other. Lire la suite
Firefox Password Recovery Master

Firefox Password Recovery Master

Logiciel Windows
Firefox Password Recovery Master is a competent solution capable of recovering any type of cached passwords for popular Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla browser.
[...]Just run the program and it will automatically execute a search and provide you with the list of passwords for password protected websites in a blink of an eye, regardless of their length, complexity and language. Lire la suite
InterGate Policy Manager for Mac OS X

InterGate Policy Manager for Mac OS X

Logiciel Mac
InterGate Policy Manager for Mac OS X - A comprehensive Internet access management solution, providing control of web content access, usage of P2P, IM and Skype, logging and reporting of user activity, as well a core IP router and firewall
[...] Lire la suite
InterGate Policy Manager for Windows

InterGate Policy Manager for Windows

Logiciel Windows
InterGate Policy Manager for Windows - A comprehensive Internet access management solution, providing control of web content access, usage of P2P, IM and Skype, logging and reporting of user activity, as well a core IP router and firewall
[...] Lire la suite
6 jeux à tester pendant le week-end de Noël

6 jeux à tester pendant le week-end de Noël

Noël et sa féérie, les bons repas en famille, les cadeaux à gogo et les rues qui se parent de leur manteau neigeux, y'a pas plus cool. Bon, ok cette année, pour la neige c'est plutôt râpé. N'empêche que beaucoup d'entre nous n'attendent que le 25 Décembre pour tester les smartphones et tablettes emballés au pied du sapin. Pour vous éviter de télécharger tout et n'importe quoi, nous vous avons concocté une « Special List » de 6 jeux super fun à tester sur vos nouveaux joujoux ! Gods of rome [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
FlashCrypt provides easy-to-use, but safe and secure folder encryption solution. [...]
[...]With just a couple of mouse clicks your folder will be converted into a secure container, encrypted with AES-256 algorithm. Decryption procedure is as easy as encryption - double click on the protected folder and type your password. Download FlashCrypt and protect your files with password right now - it's FREE. [...] Lire la suite
The Family Tree of Family

The Family Tree of Family

Logiciel Windows
The program is intended for the preservation of a history and construction of a genealogical tree of families.
[...]Create a detailed list of family members, add biographies, photos and video materials. The program is easy-to-use and features a clear and beautiful interface. Lire la suite
MAPILab Explorer for SharePoint

MAPILab Explorer for SharePoint

Logiciel Windows
Browser of SharePoint object model with support of C# context scripts. [...]
[...]Research of real object structure (.NET Reflection), change of object properties from browser window, prompt testing of code segments of your product, usage of any properties and object fields (including hidden), support of any type libraries (for example, Windows Forms). For Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and SharePoint Portal Server 2007. Freeware. [...] Lire la suite
Abacre Backup

Abacre Backup

Logiciel Windows
Abacre Backup represents complete solution for protection of important data and documents from any computer disaster: hard drive corruptions, operating system failure, programs dysfunctions.
[...]You may backup selected groups of files and folders into single compressed zip archive or using the same directory structure on any storage media: hard disk, remote FTP site on Internet, memory stick, tape, jazz, zip devise, floppy disk, network drive, CD-R, CD-RW and DVD. Then automate the process by scheduling backups on hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis. After that program stays as an icon in system tray and makes backups of files in background without disturbing you. [...] Lire la suite
Micro Solution

Micro Solution

Logiciel Windows
Logiciel dédié pour les gamins. [...]
[...]Créez vos propres labyrinthes persos avec traçage de solution possible d'un point A à B. Sauvegarde de solution possible ceci évitant les calculs inutile de quoi déterminer une solution. Graphisme petit, labyrinthe limité à 256x256. [...] Lire la suite
Free Da Vinci Code Screensaver

Free Da Vinci Code Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Mysteries of centuries!Mysteries of centuries!Mysteries of centuries!Mysteries of centuries!Mysteries of centuries!
[...]One of the most interesting interpretation of messages for the descendants left by Leonardo cannot leave us indifferent. Lire la suite
Free Sailing Screensaver

Free Sailing Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
A sailing regatta on your desktop. [...]
[...]White sails, seas, oceans and favorable wind ... Free Sailing Screensaver will show you romance of the sea voyages under sail. Lire la suite
Call of Duty: Heroes

Call of Duty: Heroes

Logiciel Windows
La version Windows 8 de Call of Duty: Heroes, un mélange subtil de Clash of Clans et Call of Duty...Mais plutôt Clash of Clans.
[...]Rien de bien original à l'horizon, mais toujours de bons moments en perspective si vous aimez les deux licences, leur univers et leur richesse. Lire la suite
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