the command



Logiciel Windows
Eliminate the frustrations of the old Windows Command Prompt with PromptPal - a modern command line tool.
[...]It turns the antiquated console into a friendly and helpful Windows program, whilst still routing all your instructions through Microsoft's dependable command processor. PromptPal is highly configurable, and provides full Windows-style editing, command completion, command history, syntax help and much more. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
CommandBurner is a free CD/DVD burning software utility that can be executed from the command line, as well as through a simple interface, making it suitable for integration with programs, scripts and batch files.
[...] Lire la suite
NetStat Agent Portable

NetStat Agent Portable

Logiciel Windows
NetStat Agent makes diagnosing network connections and troubleshooting connection problems a snap.
[...]Combining and enhancing a number of functions provided by the command-line utilities, NetStat Agent gathers all information about the network and connection configuration in one place. You will never need to go back to using netstat, arp, ipconfig, ping, traceroute, nslookup or whois tools from the command line! Lire la suite
Net Send command

Net Send command

Logiciel Windows
Small console utility that can be used to send the messages from an command line, like Net send command in the Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server.
[...]But our utility Netsend.exe works in all Windows versions. NetSend is Winpopup and Net send command compatible. Lire la suite
tcpdump for Windows

tcpdump for Windows

Logiciel Windows
TCPDUMP for Windows is a clone of TCPDUMP for UNIX systems, the popular command-line packet capture tool. [...]
[...]Comme MicroOLAP TCPDUMP pour Windows est compilé avec le SDK Packet Sniffer, il présente les avantages suivants : il ne nécessite aucun pilote tiers préinstallé ; il fonctionne à partir d'un seul fichier .EXE de 400K ; il supporte les réseaux de 1Gbit ; il est portable, c'est-à-dire qu'il fonctionne à partir de périphériques amovibles. Lire la suite
WinAgents RouterTweak

WinAgents RouterTweak

Logiciel Windows
WinAgents RouterTweak is a specialized terminal shell making it easier to control the configuration of routers, switches and firewalls from the Cisco Systems company.
[...]Knowing the principles of working with the command line interface of Cisco devices, you can use WinAgents RouterTweak to automate the most common tasks of network device administration. This approach saves your time by allowing you to hand over routine operations to the program. Lire la suite
BenDviewClip Dview

BenDviewClip Dview

Logiciel Windows
Clipping planes for isolating parts of the model space to facilitate viewing. [...]
[...]Creating the view in model space with the clipping planes. BenDviewClip clipping planes for isolating parts of the model to facilitate viewing. BenDviewClip creating the view in model space with the clipping planes. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
The CDBFlite program allows users to work with .DBF files format from command line. [...]
[...]You can carry out various actions, which don't requires presence of the man in a batch mode.Generally speaking, the program is high-grade command line DBF viewer and editor. CDBFlite supports all existing fields types and all memo-fields types. CDBFlite program can be applied on WEB-server. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Shapes is a game which can be played using different shapes and the game ends when there are no more adjacent similar shapes on the board.
[...]To play the game, click on the shape you want to eliminate from the board and if it has similar adjacent shapes, then the whole bunch of shapes will be removed from the board. Continue the same way trying to remove all the shapes from the board. In case you succeed, a 500-points bonus will be added to your score and the game continue with a new full-of-shapes board. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
A new most handy program that helps you to solve the problem of splitting different pictures inside one tiff file.
[...]TIFF Splitter is easy-to-use and has transparent interface. TIFF Splitter has two 2 ways of handling: you may either use the command line or user interface. Select the folder where you have your tiff files and the directory you want to place output files and press the button "Split". [...] Lire la suite
Karino Audio Tools

Karino Audio Tools

Logiciel Windows
Change the speed of audio files, the time, remove the vocals from the songs, all quickly and easily, without changing the structure of the song
[...] Lire la suite
Mountain Lake 3D Screensaver

Mountain Lake 3D Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Bathe in the warm sun rays as you travel around this beautiful mountain lake. [...]
[...]Enjoy the view of the lush greenery on the banks contrasting with the quiet chill of the water and the mountains on the horizon. The reflections on the surface of the lake have a truly mesmerizing effect and the crystal clear water looks absolutely amazing. An ancient chapel perfectly fits into the atmosphere of peace and tranquility, harmony and unity with Nature. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
AdmWin is a Windows, Linux [...]
[...]Batch manage accounts, passwords and settings. Transfer accounts and passwords between different platforms. Create or manage accounts on many platforms at once. [...] Lire la suite
Free Christian Holiday Screensaver

Free Christian Holiday Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Christmas, the day when we celebrate the Birth of Christ the Savior, is a festival of the human heart.
[...]Feel the child in you that hears angels, that is hailed by the heavenly glory with this inspirational screensaver! Lire la suite
The Wheels On The Bus

The Wheels On The Bus

Logiciel Mobile
This all-in-one, "Wheels on the Bus," activity center is great for kids of all ages!
[...]Téléchargez The Wheels On The Bus :br /br /Pour commencer, informations en plus :br /ulliAvec 4275 jugements, The Wheels On The Bus est notée 3.7 sur 5 (pas besoin de faire un dessin, cela est une très bonne application!)./li The Wheels On The Bus est une application de qualité et les utilisateurs l'ont bien remarqué ainsi ils lui ont donné 3.7 sur 5 dans le Google Play. Cette application est sans aucun doute une réponse à vos attentes." Totalement gratuite, l'application The Wheels On The Bus s'intègrera facilement sur votre terminal Android." Pour conclure," n'hésitez pas à télécharger The Wheels On The Bus, vous ne devrez pas avoir de problèmes pour la télécharger." Lire la suite
Keyfinder Package

Keyfinder Package

Logiciel Windows
Four Keyfinders, one low price. [...]
[...]Retrieve your product key for Microsoft Office, Windows desktop and Server versions, .NET studio, and Exchange server. Excellent tool for network administrators, or businesses undergoing a software license compliancy. The command line version allows you to save product keys to a shared network drive, with no user interaction. [...] Lire la suite
PC Security Tweaker

PC Security Tweaker

Logiciel Windows
PC security tweaking software to tweak Windows-based computers.
[...]Tweak access to lots of Control Panel applet functions, enforce users to use separate system profile folders, disable selected Start Menu items, lock and protect disk drives in My Computer, disable the DOS and command prompt, interruption boot keys, real DOS mode, Registry editing, taskbar, task manager, and network access, hide desktop icons, and much more. Lire la suite
3D Titanic Screensaver

3D Titanic Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
She was the most luxurious liner of her time. [...]
[...]But the maiden voyage of the "ship of dreams" ended as a nightmare. Dive into the depths of the Atlantic and explore the mysterious world of the Titanic imbued with the spirit of the past. See flashbacks of this beautiful vessel sailing across the ocean. [...] Lire la suite
Around the World: Paris

Around the World: Paris

Logiciel Windows
Find yourself in the very heart of Paris, one of the most fascinating and romantic cities in the world.
[...]You will be impressed by the gorgeous view of the Eiffel Tower, a legendary symbol of elegance and innovation, especially when it sparkles at night. The setting is enhanced with the green, lush trees lining the path towards the famous French attraction. Listen to the sweet music and enjoy the exquisite beauty of this breathtaking picture. [...] Lire la suite
Color Detector

Color Detector

Logiciel Windows
Simply point the mouse cursor anywhere on the screen, and it will tell you: the RGB code, the HTML hex code, and the name of the color in plain english, of the pixel where the mouse is pointing.
[...]and want to know the RGB or the HTML hex code of that color? Color Detector allows you to find out just that! Simply point the mouse cursor anywhere on the screen, and the application will tell you: the RGB code, the HTML hex code, and the name of the color in plain english, of the pixel where the mouse is pointing. [...] Lire la suite
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