track your timer

Advanced Time Reports Timer

Advanced Time Reports Timer

Logiciel Windows
ATR Timer helps you to track your projects and time spent with a single click .
[...]ATR Timer s'exécute dans la barre d'état système de Windows et suit vos projets en un seul clic - vous pouvez démarrer, mettre en pause ou arrêter votre projet en cliquant simplement sur l'icône d'ATR Timer. Il peut allouer votre temps à un projet spécifique prédéfini ou vous donner la possibilité de choisir vous-même un client et un projet, avec une description du projet. Lire la suite
Asset Manager Enterprise Edition

Asset Manager Enterprise Edition

Logiciel Windows
Never lose track of your assets again - with Asset Manager 2008, you can print barcode labels for your assets and check them in/out to employees.
[...]Print barcode labels for your assets and check them in/out to employees, or track your assets by their existing barcodes. Attach Owner's Manuals, service logs, and more to maintain a complete history for each of your assets. Asset Manager 2008 is easy to use and you can get started quickly. [...] Lire la suite
Personal Timeclock

Personal Timeclock

Logiciel Windows
Personal Timeclock: Tracks and reports your computer usage by project and category.
[...]Personal Timeclock (TM) can help you with client billing, and can also save you money at tax time by reporting how much of your computer use was for business purposes. It is inexpensive, easy to use, and provides the written documentation the IRS wants to justify your business deduction for depreciation of your computer. Lire la suite
Advanced Contact Manager Personal

Advanced Contact Manager Personal

Logiciel Windows
Advanced Contact Manager is a simple contact management solution for your sales and technical support teams to keep track of your customers, open issues and call and contact history.
[...]Advanced Contact Manager can help your team handle all incoming and outgoing calls, track the history of client contacts and monitor performance of everyone in the team. Lire la suite
Advanced Contact Manager Professional

Advanced Contact Manager Professional

Logiciel Windows
Advanced Contact Manager is a simple contact management solution for your sales and technical support teams to keep track of your customers, open issues and call and contact history.
[...]Advanced Contact Manager can help your team handle all incoming and outgoing calls, track the history of client contacts and monitor performance of everyone in the team. Lire la suite
Advanced Contact Manager Enterprise

Advanced Contact Manager Enterprise

Logiciel Windows
Advanced Contact Manager is a simple contact management solution for your sales and technical support teams to keep track of your customers, open issues and call, email and contact history.
[...]Advanced Contact Manager can help your team handle all incoming and outgoing calls, track the history of client contacts and monitor performance of everyone in the team. Lire la suite
NBMonitor Network Bandwidth Monitor

NBMonitor Network Bandwidth Monitor

Logiciel Windows
NBMonitor tracks your Internet bandwidth (upload and downloads) usage, monitors all your Internet, it shows all the active connections you have to the Internet at any given moment and also the volume of traffic flowing through them.
[...]NBMonitor displays real-time details about your network connections and network adapter's bandwidth usage. Lire la suite
Lady's Calendar

Lady's Calendar

Logiciel Windows
Lady's Calendar - simple tool which includes ovulation and menstrual calendar, that allows you to track your menstruation cycles, fertility periods, plan or avoid pregnancy, create your personal statistic for doctor's appointments, ect.
[...]In connection with importance of woman's part, it happens many hormonal and other phisiological processes in her body. That's why sometimes it is dificult to woman to understand herself. Lady's Calendar - simple tool that helps you track your menstruation cycles, fertility periods, plan or avoid pregnancy, create your personal statistic for doctor's appointments. [...] Lire la suite
LinkAssistant SEO Software

LinkAssistant SEO Software

Logiciel Windows
Link Assistant Professional is effective SEO software that speeds up the process of creating effective backlinks, organizes them into a link directory and keeps track of all your link partners to achieve excellent search positions for your website.
[...]It finds backlink partners of great value with all the necessary contact information and SEO important data, generates a link directory and sends out piles of personal link requests using build-in email client. Moreover Link Assistant keeps track of your link building progress and controls your backlinks growth. Lire la suite
Computerize Your Assets

Computerize Your Assets

Logiciel Windows
All-In-One Home Inventory and Asset Management. [...]
[...]What if you lost everything? Could you remember every item in your home? Would you have your important phone numbers and documents available? [...] Lire la suite
WinFlash Educator

WinFlash Educator

Logiciel Windows
Award-winning Flashcard Study and Testing System - Memorize study material fast! [...]
[...]Create flashcard files, print flashcards, study and track your progress with this leading-edge learning tool! Unicode foreign language support and font effects. Powerful multimedia support. [...] Lire la suite
HUD Speedometer

HUD Speedometer

Logiciel Mobile
Displays your current speed on a digital speedometer, keeps track of your top speed and total distance.
[...]Peu d'applications arrivent à plus de 2147483647 téléchargements, HUD Speedometer a réussi son pari de se faire connaître sur la plateforme Android." Le créateur de ce programme peut être content de sa création car elle remporte la jolie moyenne de 4.2 sur 5 par les personnes l'ayant téléchargée. Avec cette belle moyenne, HUD Speedometer se positionne aux côtés des meilleures applications de la catégorie Loisir et Famille." Finalement," très simple et sans contenu sexuel, l'application HUD Speedometer est téléchargeable par tous. elle n'a pas besoin de précaution, ni de connaissances importantes." [...] Lire la suite
AlphaWipe Tracks Cleaner 2006

AlphaWipe Tracks Cleaner 2006

Logiciel Windows
Within a click the AlphaWipe Tracks Cleaner securely erases your internet tracks, application tracks, computer activities and programs history information stored in many files and places that aren't obvious on your computer.
[...]Complete solution to protect your privacy, enhance your computer's performance and managing your computer's settings, like the autorun programs, installed browser modules and so on. Within a click the AlphaWipe Tracks Cleaner securely erases your internet tracks, application tracks, computer activities and programs history information stored in many files and places that aren't obvious on your computer. Lire la suite
Sales Orders Organizer Pro

Sales Orders Organizer Pro

Logiciel Windows
Sales Orders Organizer Pro is a simple sales orders processing system for small businesses.
[...]A simple sale orders processing system for small businesses. Our sales orders management solution will help you with following activities in your business: Easily manage and track your customer data. Organize your product inventories. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
InventoryBuilder is a powerful, easy-to-use inventory manager designed to help you organize your valuables and important documents.
[...]In case your house is damaged or burglarized you can print reports to your insurance company for documentation of your items. You can also use it just to keep track off your TV's, cameras, computer hardware, DVD collection, artwork and every other valuable object in your home or office. Lire la suite
Fuelio: Fuel log

Fuelio: Fuel log

Logiciel Mobile
Fuel log, mileage, fuel consumption, costs tracking app for Android. [...]
[...]2147483647. Tel est le nombre de d'utilisateurs utilisant cette applicationou l'ayant utilisée. Un nombre qui propulse directement cette application parmi les meilleures applications de sa catégorie." Contrairement à Find My Car - GPS Navigation, cette application a ainsi su plaire aux utilisateurs Android jusqu'à enregistrer une moyenne de 4.6." Enfin," le petit bonhomme android est un vrai gourmand ! [...] Lire la suite
Rank Tracker SEO software

Rank Tracker SEO software

Logiciel Windows
Rank Tracker Professional is a highly effective SEO tool that tracks your website rankings, gives dozens of valuable keywords from more than 700 Search Engines organizing all the data in vivid Search Engine Rankings Reports.
[...]It pulls the data from more than 700 Search Engines to check your website positions and those of your main competitors, generating brilliant Search Engine Rankings Reports. Choose Rank Tracker right now and be ready to boost your productivity and hit Google tops at ease. Lire la suite
Interval Timer

Interval Timer

Logiciel Mobile
An interval timer for HIIT Training and Workouts!
[...]Interval Timer nécessite la version Android 2.2 ou version ultérieure pour fonctionner correctement. Appxy est l'éditeur de cette application. Interval Timer est une appli de type "Loisir et Famille", accessible pour tous. [...] Lire la suite
TrackPack - Mail Tracking

TrackPack - Mail Tracking

Logiciel Mobile
Easily track trace your packages and parcels right from your smartphone or tablet.
[...]Faites attention à ce que vous avez le bon âge avant de l'installer. TrackPack - Mail Tracking pèse 3,3M mais il est possible qu'elle télécharge du contenu supplémentaire. Pour vérifier l'espace libre de votre smartphone, allez dans « Paramètres » puis « Stockage ». [...] Lire la suite
The Wright Money Manager

The Wright Money Manager

Logiciel Windows
Easiest way there is to balance a checkbook (or any other type of account)! [...]
[...]But it is more than just a checkbook program! Manages all personal accounts in one place. Track all your Checking, Savings, Credit Cards, Loans, etc. [...] Lire la suite
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