user agent database download

DTM Schema Inspector

DTM Schema Inspector

Logiciel Windows
DTM Schema Inspector is a database schema browsing and management too that let the user work with database schemas more effectively.
[...]The program lets the users work simultaneously with any number of database schemas (metadata) and displays information in a convenient tree-view format, as well as offers current views of database contents and properties. Lire la suite
Brilliant Database SDK

Brilliant Database SDK

Logiciel Windows
Brilliant Database SDK is an all-in-one tool for creating end-user executable database applications.
[...]Design all aspects of your database (Forms, Reports, HTML/Text Export, Queries, Formulas, Scripts and Toolbar) quickly and easily using several powerful editors. Created databases have tree-like/relational structure, allow you to store all kinds of attached files, to use relational structure, to work with data using forms, tables or lists... Lire la suite
Database Architect

Database Architect

Logiciel Windows
Define database tables, fields, references, and generate the database.
[...]When working with Database Architect, software developer defines database structure, drawing it directly in the program's window and generates the DB directly from the program Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Database design, modeling & deployment tool for Oracle, SQLServer, MySQL, Access, SQLAnywhere and Sybase.
[...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
RoboSoft is an advanced software promotion utility for professional shareware developers. [...]
[...]Do not download it if you are an amateur software developer and all you need is to submit your product to the 10 most popular download sites. RoboSoft is a comprehensive software promotion system intended for professionals who understand the real value of massive software submissions. RoboSoft is based on a database of 600+ download site templates supported as an open project by a large community of shareware developers. [...] Lire la suite
Database Designer for PostgreSQL

Database Designer for PostgreSQL

Logiciel Windows
An easy and powerful visual development system intended for database design, modeling, creation, modification and reverse engineering. [...]
[...]It not only accelerates and makes the process of database creation clear but also simplifies database maintenance. MicroOLAP Database Designer for PostgreSQL is developed especially for the popular PostgreSQL database and takes into account its features. Lire la suite
MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL

MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL

Logiciel Windows
Visual development system intended for database design, modeling, creation, modification and reverse engineering in an easy and powerful way.
[...]It not only accelerates and makes the process of database creation clear but also simplifies database maintenance. MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL is specially developed for popular MySQL database and takes into account its features. Lire la suite
ScimoreDB Embedded Database

ScimoreDB Embedded Database

Logiciel Windows
ScimoreDB Embedded database is in-process running SQL database with over 20.000 deployments that has a small memory footprint, easy-to-use interface and yet a full set of standard client/server database features.
[...]Developers use ScimoreDB to simplify software development for any sized database applications for Windows. Lire la suite
Download Ninja

Download Ninja

Logiciel Windows
Optimisez vos téléchargements grâce à Download Ninja.
[...]Il augmente non seulement la vitesse de téléchargement, mais vous permet aussi de redémarrer des téléchargements arrêtés ou cassés. Le principe de Download Ninja est qu'il divise vos fichiers à télécharger en différents morceaux à télécharger depuis plusieurs connexions simultanées au serveur. Cela permet ainsi d'avoir un résultat plus fiable et nettement plus rapide. [...] Lire la suite
DTM DB Event

DTM DB Event

Logiciel Windows
DTM DB Event is a database monitoring and management tool for database administrators. [...]
[...]This utility allows the user to define a few situations (events). For each event the user can define what the program should do if the event is occur. The program helps the database administrator to perform continuously database status monitoring. [...] Lire la suite
Recovery for Works Database

Recovery for Works Database

Logiciel Windows
Recovery for Works Database repairs corrupted Works databases (.wdb). [...]
[...]Supported Works versions: 9.0, 8.5, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x. The recovered data is saved into a new Works database. Recovery for Works Database recovers text and text properties, formulas, forms and reports. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Motrix est un gestionnaire de téléchargements très léger et concis, qui gère non seulement le http, mais aussi le ftp, les liens magnet...Un outil tout en simplicité, qui fait de l'ombre aux vieux classiques qui sont encore de la partie.
[...]Voici les infos sur les fonctionnalités de Motrix récupérées depuis le site officiel: Interface utilisateur simple et claireSupport BitTorrent MagnetPrise en charge du téléchargement du disque Baidu Net DiskJusqu'à 10 tâches à télécharger simultanémentTâche unique support maximum 64 threads à téléchargerMock User-Agent (agent utilisateur de remplacement)Prêt pour la barre tactile (Mac uniquement)Supprimer les fichiers liés lors de la suppression de tâches (facultatif)Actuellement disponible en chinois simplifié et anglais simplifié Comme personne n'utilise Baidu Net Disk en occident et que la plupart des téléchargements s'effectuent maintenant en un thread, difficile de voir si ce logiciel va remplacer avantageusement celui que vous utilisez actuellement. [...] Lire la suite
Advanced Database Recovery

Advanced Database Recovery

Logiciel Windows
Advanced Database Recovery is a powerful database recovery suite.
[...]It includes recovery tools Advanced Access Repair (AAR) and Advanced DBF Repair (ADR). AAR can repair corrupt Access databases. MS Access 95, 97, 2000, XP and 2003 are supported. [...] Lire la suite
Database Icon Set

Database Icon Set

Logiciel Windows
Database Icon Set is a collection of appealing hand-made icons for use in various database products, including software applications, information web sites and presentations.
[...]The icons have a bright color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges. They are delivered in a variety of formats and sizes. This royalty-free icon set includes database related icons: edit record, add record, delete record, login, user, administrator, card file etc. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Whether you are a beginner or an expert database modeler, ModelRight 3 is your answer when you need a database modeling tool that surpasses the "least common denominator" approach taken by others.
[...]ModelRight 3 can reverse engineer your existing database to get a graphical view of it, generate all the SQL statements to create the database, or synchronize your database model with the database to keep your design up to date. Lire la suite
ModelRight Community

ModelRight Community

Logiciel Windows
Whether you are a beginner or an expert database modeler, ModelRight 3 is your answer when you need a database modeling tool that surpasses the "least common denominator" approach taken by others.
[...]ModelRight 3 can reverse engineer your existing database to get a graphical view of it, generate all the SQL statements to create the database, or synchronize your database model with the database to keep your design up to date. Lire la suite
Perfect Database Icons

Perfect Database Icons

Logiciel Windows
Perfect Database Icons is a collection of wonderful hand-made icons for use in various database products, including software applications, information web sites and presentations.
[...]The icons have a bright color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges. They are delivered in a variety of formats and sizes. This icon set includes database related icons: edit record, add record, delete record, login, user, administrator, card file and others. [...] Lire la suite
Agent: messages

Agent: messages

Logiciel Mobile
Le nouveau Agent mobile pour Android - une application pour communiquer très facile à utiliser.
[...]Pour réussir faire marcher cette application votre mobile doit avoir la version Android Varie selon les appareils.. Ce logiciel a été mis à jour le 20 janvier 2015. Agent: messages est une application de type "Internet", très simplement installable sur votre terminal . [...] Lire la suite
Database Toolbar Icons

Database Toolbar Icons

Logiciel Windows
Database applications don't have to be boring! [...]
[...]Enhance the appearance of your database with slick, modern icons. Database Toolbar Icons is a set of over two hundred stock images that represent various database concepts, symbols and actions. Records and Databases, Adding and Removing, Data and Documents, Reporting and Filtering are just a few icons to name. [...] Lire la suite
Web Security Guard

Web Security Guard

Logiciel Windows
Free for home and office, Web Security Guard alerts prevent entering potentially dangerous websites that may cause adware, viruses, spyware or spam infections.
[...]Free for home and office use, it uses a growing database of website ratings. Comes with Crawler Toolbar to keep it up to date and offers a unique combination of search results from Google, Yahoo! and MSN. [...] Lire la suite
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