epson ticket printer virtual serial port

Virtual Serial Port ActiveX

Virtual Serial Port ActiveX

Logiciel Windows
Create virtual serial port directly from your application and work with it. [...]
[...]Created virtual port looks like real serial port for other Windows applications. From your application you can control data sent to virtual com port by other applications and respond to them by sending your own data to virtual port, which will be received by other applications like from a real one. Lire la suite
Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control

Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control

Logiciel Windows
Create virtual serial port directly from your application and work with it. [...]
[...]You can view parameters information of a virtual serial port, set by other application. From your application you can view and control data sent to virtual serial port by other applications and respond to them by sending your own serial data to virtual COM port, which will be received by all Windows applications like from real port. Features: Flexible set of control functions, Virtual serial port can have any name, Full software serial port emulation, Control lines support (DTR, RTS), High speed data exchange from/to virtual serial port, Virtual serial port could be created and deleted dynamically during runtime, Sample applications for Borland C++ Builder and Delphi and Microsoft Visual C++ and Visual Basic. [...] Lire la suite
Virtual Serial Port Kit

Virtual Serial Port Kit

Logiciel Windows
Virtual Serial Port Kit creates pairs of virtual serial ports in your system which are virtually connected to each other. [...]
[...]Physical null modem cables are not required. You can connect any number of virtual port pairs. Virtual serial port pairs will look and work exactly like real hardware serial ports connected via null modem cables.Virtual Serial Port Kit is designed for software developer to speed up development process during software debugging [...] Lire la suite
Eltima Virtual Serial Port AX Control

Eltima Virtual Serial Port AX Control

Logiciel Windows
Crée port série virtuel directement depuis votre application et utilise ce port. [...]
[...]Pour d'autres applications de Windows le port série virtuel créé sera un port série réel. Depuis votre application vous pouvez commander les données envoyées vers port série virtuel par d'autres applications, envoyer en réponse vos propres données. Lire la suite
Virtual Serial Port Driver 9x

Virtual Serial Port Driver 9x

Logiciel Windows
Virtual Serial Ports Driver (VSPD) is a Windows device driver. [...]
[...]Using it you can create two virtual serial COM ports in your system which will be virtually connected to each other. For example, after installing VSPD, you will have Virtual Serial Port COM5 and Virtual Serial Port COM6 added to your system. These ports will behave like real common serial ports to other Windows applications. [...] Lire la suite
Virtual Serial Port Driver XP4.5

Virtual Serial Port Driver XP4.5

Logiciel Windows
Créé 2 ports série sur votre système qui sont virtuellement connectés entre eux.
[...]Pour toutes les applications windows, ces ports virtuels vont être considérés comme s'il s'agissait de ports véritables connectés par un cable null-modem. Vous pouvez choisir n'importe quels numéros de port. Il sera lors possible de transférer des fichiers, d'échanger des données ou de faire ce que vous voulez comme si c'était des vrais ports ! [...] Lire la suite
Virtual Serial Port Control

Virtual Serial Port Control

Logiciel Windows
Créer des ports COM virtuels directement à partir de vos propres programmes et contrôlez les entièrement.
[...]Fournit une interaction entre les applications de communication série et votre programme ! La licence OEM vous permet de distribuer ce contrôle ActiveX comme une partie de votre logiciel. Lire la suite
RS232 Data Logger

RS232 Data Logger

Logiciel Windows
RS232 Data Logger redirects data from any available real or virtual serial port and saves it into a text file that can be analyzed later.
[...]RS232 Data Logger redirects data from any available real or virtual serial port and fully works under Virtual Machine (VMWare). This freeware utility performs data gather from multiple serial ports simultaneously. Lire la suite
Eltima Virtual Serial Port Driver

Eltima Virtual Serial Port Driver

Logiciel Windows
Virtual Serial Port Driver d'Eltima crée le nombre illimité de ports série virtuels dans votre système et les connecte dans paires via un câble virtuel null-modem.
[...]Ou si vous n'avez pas du tout de ports série matériels. Les paires de ports série virtuels créées sont pareilles aux ports matériels. Les applications ne remarqueront jamais de différence en travaillant avec les ports série. [...] Lire la suite
Eltima Serial Port ActiveX Control

Eltima Serial Port ActiveX Control

Logiciel Windows
Serial Port AX Control d'Eltima est un composant ActiveX puissant qui peut faciliter la communication avec les dispositifs à la connexion rs232.
[...]Il rend la communication avec les dispositifs externes à la connexion rs232 rapide et fiable. Serial Port AX Control permet de commander par port séri tels dispositifs que modems, lecteurs de code barre, dispositifs de navigation et d'autres. Exemples pour Microsoft VC++ et Microsoft Visual Basic inclus. [...] Lire la suite
Serial Port ActiveX Control

Serial Port ActiveX Control

Logiciel Windows
Use Serial Port component to easily communicate with external devices on RS232 connection - as modems, bar code readers, PBX etc.
[...]Use Serial Port component to easily communicate with external devices on RS232 connection, such as modems, bar code readers, PBX and so on. Serial Port introduces several extremely useful properties for detailed setting of serial port, numerous methods to write and read from port and events to control serial port state changes. This professional Serial Port component is compatible with Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000 [...] Lire la suite
Eltima Virtual Serial Ports Driver XP

Eltima Virtual Serial Ports Driver XP

Logiciel Windows
Eltima Virtual Serial Ports Driver XP creates any number of virtual serial ports in your system and connects them into pairs via virtual null modem cable.
[...]Virtual Serial Ports appear to operating system or any Windows application as "standard" hardware serial ports. This is helpful for serial software and GPS software developers, telecommunication and data transmission specialists. Lire la suite
Serail Port Monitor ActiveX

Serail Port Monitor ActiveX

Logiciel Windows
Serial Port Monitor ActiveX Control is the component that allows your application to monitor any serial port in your system.
[...]Stability and speed of ActiveX component was greatly improved in this version, new methods and properties were added. This component can be easily extended with your own functionality, delivering new creative opportunities to serial port application development. Lire la suite
Serial Port Splitter

Serial Port Splitter

Logiciel Windows
Serial Port Splitter allows to share dataflow of one COM port between several applications or vice versa to join dataflow of several COM port devices to one application.
[...]Such program universality is achieved by means of virtual serial ports technologies. Moreover Serial Port Splitter allows to setup READ/WRITE or READ ONLY mode for splitted ports and READ/WRITE or WRITE ONLY mode for joined serial ports. Lire la suite
Network Serial Port Kit

Network Serial Port Kit

Logiciel Windows
Network Serial Port Kit allows you to connect any serial port devices over TCP/IP network or Internet. [...]
[...]Program creates up to 254 virtual serial ports at a time. Physical COM ports located on remote computer can be connected to host computer over the network as well. Lire la suite
Serial Port Monitoring Control

Serial Port Monitoring Control

Logiciel Windows
Serial Port Monitoring Control ActiveX Component (SPMC) - RS232 Data Acquisition and Com Port Control Component Library, Modem Access Component.
[...]Connection Sniffer and Port Test Software Library. The library lets you enumerate all installed serial devices, including, but not limited to serial ports and modems. All kind of PnP serial devices as well as virtual devices are also supported. [...] Lire la suite
Serial Port Mapper

Serial Port Mapper

Logiciel Windows
It allows you to map any serial ports to any other ports. [...]
[...]For example you install additional serial port expansion card to computer as COM7 serial port but your favorite software can work with COM1...COM4 ports only. To resolve this problem you can use Serial Port Mapper to map new COM7 port either to COM1 or to COM2...COM4. Now your software can open COM1 port (or COM2...COM4) but actually work with new COM7 port. [...] Lire la suite
Virtual Serial Ports Driver XP

Virtual Serial Ports Driver XP

Logiciel Windows
Using Virtual Serial Ports Driver XP you can create any number of virtual serial ports in your system which will be connected to each other via virtual null-modem cable.
[...]Virtual Serial Ports appear to operating system or any Windows application as "standard" hardware serial ports. You can transfer files, other data or do whatever you want as they were real serial ports. This solution can be used, for example, for GPS simulation programs. [...] Lire la suite
Free Serial Port Monitor

Free Serial Port Monitor

Logiciel Windows
Free software serial port monitor, Com Rs232 sniffer with communication packet data analyzer.
[...]Cet utilitaire de surveillance peut espionner, capturer, visualiser, analyser, tester l'activité des ports com en effectuant une connexion de port com et une analyse du trafic avec acquisition et contrôle des données. Vous pouvez utiliser ce système comme outil de test d'interface de dispositif, visualiseur de transfert de données de modem et ainsi de suite. Lire la suite
Serial Splitter

Serial Splitter

Logiciel Windows
Use Serial Splitter to split serial ports at one side into multiple virtual and real serial ports at the other one, as well as join multiple serial ports into one.
[...]It allows you to share real serial port between several applications in a way that all applications will receive same data from one serial port simultaneously. It is achieved by creating virtual serial ports, which are same copies of real ones. Each application will think that it is working with serial port in exclusive mode. [...] Lire la suite
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