gif jpg file

PDF/DOC/HTML/PPT/GIF/JPG files converter

PDF/DOC/HTML/PPT/GIF/JPG files converter

Logiciel Windows
Vous voulez convertir un fichier d'un format à l'autre ?
[...]Avec ce logiciel, un document PDF peut être converti en un ficher Word sans perte ni altération du format ni des données. Les options de formatage telles que les colonnes et les rangées, les tableaux et les images sont préservées intégralement durant la conversion. Ce logiciel peut aussi créer des documents PDF à partir de fichiers word et txt. [...] Lire la suite
Advanced PDF to JPG converter

Advanced PDF to JPG converter

Logiciel Windows
Advanced PDF to IMAGE converter converts PDF files to images in JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF formats. [...]
[...]The PDF to IMAGE converter is a perfect tool for implementing PDF documents data archives. Original document layout is fully preserved. Original PDF formatting and interrelation of text and graphical elements on each page. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Converts image files like JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF and others to a PDF document. [...]
[...]Supports almost all known image file formats. Easy-to-use drag'n'drop interface. Use this handy tool to create pdf documents from images. [...] Lire la suite
ReaCompressor - Picture Optimization

ReaCompressor - Picture Optimization

Logiciel Windows
Powerful graphic solution to work on images with care: prepare images for the web, e-mailing, storing, faxing, etc. [...]
[...]It supports 340+ image files formats. You can optimize it with your own JPG, GIF, PNG and TIF settings and see changes in a real time. The new release features JPG region specific compression that allows you to produce JPG files some areas of which are compressed more or less than others. [...] Lire la suite
Acritum Sophisticated Rename

Acritum Sophisticated Rename

Logiciel Windows
Sophisticated Rename is a powerful program for batch file renaming and other kinds of processing.
[...]The program is optimized for working with photos and music files and offers a convenient EXIF editor for JPG/TIF files and an ID3 editor for MP3 files. You can rename files right on FTP servers without even having to download them. You can also change file attributes, date, time, the case of the filename, and more... [...] Lire la suite
Haizon File Renamer

Haizon File Renamer

Logiciel Windows
Haizon File Renamer - is industrial-level File Sorter, File Organizer, File Renamer, that will sort, organize, rename all files, fast and easy. [...]
[...]User-friendly interface, high working speed, AI-based content analyzing and ultimately flexible settings - made it industry leader among file organizing systems. HaizonRenamer rename Audio, Video, Images, Texts, Programs, even if they are archived. Support MP3,AVI,DIVX,OGG,MPEG,JPG,ZIP,RAR and HUNDREDS of other file formats. [...] Lire la suite
DWG to Image Converter

DWG to Image Converter

Logiciel Windows
DWG to Image Converter is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG and DXF files to TIF (TIFF), JPG (JPEG), BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, PCX, WMF and EMF without the need of AutoCAD.
[...]Download URL: Screenshot: Product details: Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Ce petit utilitaire en ligne de commande (16 & 32 bits), vous aide à classer vos photos numériques - (version du 21 IX 2004 - 0.3a)
[...]Pour les classer, par exemple afin de les faire developper, vous devez les copier et les renommer eventuellement, "a la main" Essayez : cdscf -s g:\images\ -d g:\labo\ Vous obtenez : g:\labo\dscf1.jpg g:\labo\dscf2.jpg g:\labo\dscf3.jpg g:\labo\dscf4.jpg .../... Pour conserver les zeros : cdscf -s g:\images\ -d g:\labo\ -z Vous obtenez : g:\labo\dscf0001.jpg g:\labo\dscf0002.jpg g:\labo\dscf0003.jpg g:\labo\dscf0004.jpg .../... Pour changer le nom : cdscf -s g:\images\ -p img -d g:\labo\ -z Vous obtenez : g:\labo\img0001.jpg g:\labo\img0002.jpg g:\labo\img0003.jpg g:\labo\img0004.jpg .../... [...] Lire la suite
Cool PDF Reader

Cool PDF Reader

Logiciel Windows
Cool PDF Reader is the world's smallest PDF viewer/reader to view and print PDF files, and convert PDF's to TXT, BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, WMF, EMF, EPS.
[...]It is only 655KB to download and doesn't need lengthy installation, just download, unzip, and run. Features View and Print PDF Convert PDF to BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, WMF, EMF, EPS Extract PDF to TXT Support PDF's of all versions Zoom in/out Rotate page displays Slide show PDF document Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
PDFZilla is a desktop application that quickly and accurately convert PDF files into editable MS Word Documents, Rich Text Documents, Plain Text Files, Images, HTML Files, and Shockwave Flash SWF Files.
[...]PDFZilla supports most of popular formats: DOC, RTF, TXT, BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF, HTML, SWF formats.PDFZilla also support batch convert mode and Page Selection. Lire la suite
Fast File Encryptor

Fast File Encryptor

Logiciel Windows
Fast File Encryptor is designed for fast processing of extremely large files. [...]
[...]It can encrypt or decrypt files, contents of folders and contains a lot of additional tools. The Fast File Encryptor presents a flexible user interface with detailed messages about all operations. The Fast File Encryptor features the following tools: Encrypt File, Encrypt Folder, Often Used Files, File Shredder, Folder Drive. [...] Lire la suite
OX PDF en JPG Convertisseur

OX PDF en JPG Convertisseur

Logiciel Windows
PDF en JPG Convertisseur est un logiciel professionnel de PDF en JPG convertisseur qui supporte de convertir PDF en JPG et le téléchargement gratuit.
[...]Avec ce logiciel de PDF en JPG Convertisseur, PDF simple ou par lots sont permis. Si vous pouvez convertir un fichier PDF de plusieurs pages, une page pour une image JPG. Caracteristiques importants 1. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
JPG To PDF est un utilitaire Windows pour convertir les fichiers JPG au format PDF.
[...]En plus de convertir tous les JPG en fichiers PDF il dispose d'une option pour convertir plusieurs fichiers JPG en un seul fichier PDF. Cela signifie que vous pouvez faire votre propre album photo PDF ou eBook PDF. JPG To PDF a un moteur de conversion autonome, qui fonctionne sans Acrobat PDF ou autres logiciels PDF. [...] Lire la suite
Sync Last Files Professional

Sync Last Files Professional

Logiciel Windows
Sync Last Files Professional is designed for folders synchronization. [...]
[...]This application can apply these filters to files: list of file masks, file age, maximum file size. Program can create backup copies of replacing and deleting files. Also, program can mantain not only last version of backups, but previous versions, too. [...] Lire la suite
File Joiner

File Joiner

Logiciel Windows
File Joiner is a tool that combines unlimited files (no matter their type) into a single standalone executable (a Container).
[...]The Container (the final bound file) is a compiled program that, when opened, will automatically launch the included files. File Joiner can run any type of file from the bound file (the container) without affecting its direct functionality. For instance, if you bind an executable, a text file and an image file, when the Container file is run, the executable will be run too while the other files will be opened with the default image file viewer (IrfanView, Paint etc.) and text file viewer (Notepad, Wordpad etc.). [...] Lire la suite
File renamor

File renamor

Logiciel Windows
Permet de faire des "chercher/remplacer" dans des NOMS de fichiers. [...]
[...]Si, par exemple, vous avez 100 fichiers qui s'appelent Image001.jpg...Image100.jpg, ce logiciel vous permet de renommer les fichiers en Bébé001.jpj...Bébé100.jpg. Ce logiciel ne fonctionne que sous Windows 32 bits. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Crypt4Free (freeware) is files encryption software with ability to encrypt files and text messages. [...]
[...]Support for ZIP files and ability to secure delete sensitive files. Skinnable user friendly interface. Lire la suite
File Undelete

File Undelete

Logiciel Windows
File Undelete is a professional-grade file recovery tool priced just right.
[...]Combining sophisticated data recovery algorithms with carefully thought user interface, File Undelete is just the right tool for the home user to recover files that were deleted or lost due to a disk corruption. File Undelete recovers erased files of all types, and undeletes documents, archives and digital pictures with full previews. Lire la suite
AidAim Single File System

AidAim Single File System

Logiciel Windows
Stores files/folders in one OS file. [...]
[...]Flexible on-the-fly compression. Transparent strong Rijndael encryption. Huge files support: more than 4 GB even on FAT-32. [...] Lire la suite
Ideal File Sorter

Ideal File Sorter

Logiciel Windows
Ideal File Sorter - is a powerful file sorter, file organizer, file renamer, that will sort, organize, rename all your files, fast and easy. [...]
[...]User-friendly interface, high working speed, floating neural-based content analyzing and ultimately flexible settings - made it industry leader among file organizing systems. Ideal File Sorter will organize your Audio, Video, Images, Texts, Programs, even if they are archived. Support MP3,AVI,DIVX,OGG,MPEG,JPG,ZIP,RAR and HUNDREDS of other file formats. [...] Lire la suite
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