reset windows 7 services to default settings



Logiciel Windows
AlwaysUp exécute votre application 24/7, en tant que service Windows, il contrôle en permanence pour en assurer 100% de disponibilité.
[...]Il redémarre automatiquement votre logiciel si il se bloque, ou utilise trop de mémoire, et envoie un email pour vous informer de l'événement. Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
With our PDF-Printer you're able to convert files to pdf online and have it send to you via email, offer this service to your customers on your own website, Download a free PDR-printer that runs with any application with a print mode and more
[...] Lire la suite
Service Protector

Service Protector

Logiciel Windows
Surveille les services critiques de Windows et les fait fonctionner 24 / 7.
[...]Service Protector va redémarrer automatiquement votre service en cas de panne, ou blocage, problème CPU, de mémoire, ou autre problème. Lire la suite
PanelDaemon GPL

PanelDaemon GPL

Logiciel Windows
PanelDaemon is a free web based Microsoft Windows Service Applications manager. [...]
[...]It is designed to run under IIS. It can be used in conjunction with FireDaemon. PanelDaemon allows you to view, start, stop and edit Windows services via your browser or mobile phone. [...] Lire la suite
Kastor Free Audio Converter

Kastor Free Audio Converter

Logiciel Windows
Logiciel gratuit pour convertir tous vos fichiers audio.
[...]Rippez vos CD audio en MP3, WMA, OGG, FLAC, WAV, AAC. Permet d'extraire la bande son de vos videos ! Très rapide, puissant et simple d'utilisation !! [...] Lire la suite
The Classified Connection

The Classified Connection

Logiciel Windows
The Classified Connection is website promotion and submission software for submitting your business, product, or services ads to classified sites on the Internet.
[...]Post thousands of ads in fewer than 10 minutes using the 95-port submission system. In addition, within the full system, you can add your own sites, update existing sites, or remove a classified site from the submission database. Fully automated and powerful! [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Linux
To be connected to the world has never been so easy and safe. [...]
[...]Gate-and-Way guarantees one simple solution in the complex world of the Unified Messaging System. It's a centralized environment designed to easily manage and have full control over the server itself and its services. To add a client, to enable the services, to automate the operations, to quickly monitor whether everything is running ok, even if you are outside the company ... [...] Lire la suite
Google Chrome continuera de recevoir des mises à jour sous Windows 7

Google Chrome continuera de recevoir des mises à jour sous Windows 7

D'ici quelques jours, Microsoft mettra fin au support de Windows 7, privant ainsi l'OS de mises à jour de sécurité. Plusieurs programmes vont cependant continuer de tenir à jour leur solution, notamment Google Chrome. Malgré la fin du support de Windows 7 dans 4 jours, plusieurs programmes ont déjà exprimé leur souhait de continuer à fonctionner sur l'OS de Microsoft. Ce sera notamment le cas de Google Chrome. Dans un post publié sur le blog de Google Cloud, la firme exprime son intention de "continuer à alimenter Windows 7 pour un minimum de 18 mois - jusqu'au 15 juillet 2021 au minimum." [...] Lire la suite
MagicScore MIDI to WAV

MagicScore MIDI to WAV

Logiciel Windows
MagicScore MIDI to WAV is easy to use MIDI to WAV and MusicXML to WAV converter with compresion option and userfriendly interface.
[...]Score to WAV; MIDI to WAV converter; MusicXML to WAV converter; Karaoke to WAV converter; MagicScore to WAV converter; Compression supported. Lire la suite
Exe To Service

Exe To Service

Logiciel Windows
By converting a program to a service, you receive full control over its execution, you do not allow a logged user to interact with this program and you can run it in any security context regardless of the permissions granted to the current user.
[...]Windows services are background processes that do not interfere with the logged user's environment. By converting a program to a service, you receive full control over its execution, you do not allow a logged user to interact with this program and you can run it in any security context regardless of the permissions granted to the currently logged user. Lire la suite
Need4 DVD Ripper

Need4 DVD Ripper

Logiciel Windows
Need4 DVD Ripper is a powerful DVD converter and DVD ripper to rip DVD to AVI, DVD to DivX, DVD to MPEG, DVD to WMV, DVD to AVI, and DVD to MP3.
[...]Select subtitles and extract audio to MP3, WAV, and WMV. Enjoy the highest conversion speed ever and modern conversion technologies. Lire la suite
Reboot Service

Reboot Service

Logiciel Windows
It is steady to stresses service for computer reboot. [...]
[...]This service can be configurated entirely. It can monitor quantity of free memory and is able to reboot a computer automatically in case of free memory shortage. It allows to reserve certain amount of virtual memory and free it before computer reboot. [...] Lire la suite
Calendar Browser

Calendar Browser

Logiciel Windows
Adds lots of features to any Outlook Calendar. [...]
[...]Book resources and supplies with Outlook and Exchange server. Mark an appointment with a mandatory project name or add booking of services (coffe, notepads etc) to the booking. All features highly customizable. [...] Lire la suite
Zilla PDF to TXT Converter

Zilla PDF to TXT Converter

Logiciel Windows
Zilla PDF to TXT Converter is a freeware to convert pdf files to plain text format files in batch mode.
[...]Zilla PDF to TXT Converter also support convert specific pages range to txt files. Lire la suite
Tasks To Do Free, To-Do List

Tasks To Do Free, To-Do List

Logiciel Mobile
Tasks To Do est un liste de tâches facile à utiliser, riche en fonctionnalités.
[...]Achim Leubner vous propose la version 2.5.7 de Tasks To Do Free, To-Do List. téléchargeable depuis la partie "Bureautique", elle nécessite la version 4.0.3 ou version ultérieure d'Android pour marcher convenablement. Nombreuses sont les applications qui arrivent à avoir une moyenne au-dessus de la moyenne. [...] Lire la suite
Network Info Requester

Network Info Requester

Logiciel Windows
Network Information Requester is simple utility.
[...]You need to launch it and all information will be collected automaticly, without any attention. It takes about a second to collect the information about network settings for the each installed network adapter. Also you able the save this information to the HTML file. [...] Lire la suite
Alldj PSP Video Converter

Alldj PSP Video Converter

Logiciel Windows
Alldj PSP Video Converter converts movies to your PSP video formats.
[...]It helps you play your movies on PSP anywhere and anytime. avi to psp, rm rmvb to psp, divx to psp, wmv to psp, mov to psp, mpeg to psp, vob to psp, mpeg1/2 to psp Lire la suite
MDB (Access) to DBF

MDB (Access) to DBF

Logiciel Windows
MDB (Access) to DBF allows you to convert your MDB files to DBF format. [...]
[...]It is very simple to use. You can select tables for export and set necessary options. The program supports dBase III, dBase IV, FoxPro, VFP and dBase Level 7 formats. [...] Lire la suite
Vista Smoker Pro

Vista Smoker Pro

Logiciel Windows
Step on the gas...and stay in control. [...]
[...]Our service manager allows you to use service presets to stop and disable services without needing any knowledge. Vista Smoker Pro includes a One Button Autotuner that will tune your system to perfection based on the configuration of your system. Simple for beginners. [...] Lire la suite
BackRex Outlook Backup

BackRex Outlook Backup

Logiciel Windows
Backup Outlook mail folders, contacts, tasks, calendar, notes, message rules, signatures, stationery, custom preferences.
[...]Also saves all Internet Explorer custom settings, including favorites and history. BackRex Outlook Backup can help you to migrate settings and Outlook data from one computer to another, even with different versions of Windows and/or Outlook. Lire la suite
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