securitygateway revalidation failed



Logiciel Windows
SecurityGateway est une passerelle de protection pour serveurs Exchange/SMTP contre toutes les menaces véhiculées par e-mail : virus, spams, phishings, spoofing (usurpation d'adresse), etc.
[...]Ce logiciel ne nécessite donc aucune installation au niveau des clients. Il s'administre via une interface web, et fournit des rapports graphiques intuitifs sur le trafic de la messagerie, ainsi que de nombreuses options de personnalisation Lire la suite
Planet Mars 3D Screensaver

Planet Mars 3D Screensaver

Logiciel Windows
Mars has always fascinated people. [...]
[...]Its red, fiery appearance is mysterious and intriguing. Many sci-fi stories talked about the ancient race of Martians. In fact with new data coming from space probes, a growing number of scientists now believe that life on Mars is quite likely. [...] Lire la suite
ePingu for iPhone

ePingu for iPhone

Logiciel Windows
Study on the South Pole failed. [...]
[...]A lots of pingus were teleported to a lone Isle. They were long for a vacation but that's not how they'd like to spend it. You've been sent after them handed with a teleport. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Quand vos machines plantent, vos revenus s'écroulent. [...]
[...]Mettez-y un terme avec "AlertPing"! Alert Ping vérifie l'accessibilité de vos machines! Etablissez la liste de vos périphériques TCP/IP (ordinateurs, imprimantes et autres) pour vérifier leur connexion au réseau. [...] Lire la suite
Compact Flash Card Recovery

Compact Flash Card Recovery

Logiciel Windows
Compact Flash Card Recovery is a reliable digital media recovery tool that specializes in recover photos, images, video and audio from CF Card used in digital cameras, and other storage devices.
[...]It can recover all types of image files, including RAW formats from Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fuji, Olympus, Pentax, Sigma, Foveon, Kodak, Minolta, asio, and so on. Compact Flash Card Recovery is suitable for a wide range of disaster scenarios such as accidentally formatted drives, Card CF errors and general memory card corruption issues. It also works with Memory Sticks, SmartMedia, SD, MMC, SIM Cards, XD Cards and most other external storage devices. [...] Lire la suite


Logiciel Windows
Netoscope is a simple and effective tool to monitor Internet services such as web, ftp, or mail servers.
[...]The ability to be notified when such services fail is just as important to avoid bad surprises. Well, you don't need to stay glued to your monitor, or get a call from an angry boss or customer. You just need Netoscope. [...] Lire la suite
Compact Flash Card Recovery v3.0.5

Compact Flash Card Recovery v3.0.5

Logiciel Windows
Compact Flash Card Recovery is a reliable digital media recovery tool that specializes in recover photos, images, video and audio from CF Card used in digital cameras, and other storage devices.
[...]It can recover all types of image files, including RAW formats from Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fuji, Sigma, and so on. Compact Flash Card Recovery is suitable for a wide range of disaster scenarios such as accidentally formatted drives, Card CF errors and general memory card corruption issues Compact Flash Card Recovery is a reliable digital media recovery tool that specializes in recovering photos, images, video and audio from CF Card used in digital cameras, PDA's and other storage devices. [...] Lire la suite
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